Friday, May 15, 2009


Guess this is for whoever who gets bored with studying for their finals and is procrastinating reading blogs, or they're just my fans who's reading this for the sake of reading it:P So anyways, this is just to say I'M REALLY SORRY, but unfortunately I reckon I've got the worst exam timetable so far, reminds me abit of Shan Min last year, but yea...

For info tech, this whole sem practically Wendy and I have been dying over it since there's so many bloody tests and assignments due just because there's no finals for it, at first we were pretty happy about that, still thankful for that, but also because of that, adding up to other stuff due for other units, it just meant that the whole sem is so hectic for me-.- So anyways, thought that
since there will only be 3 units for the finals, the exam timetable shouldn't be that bad, and in fact I don't mind it being all the way at the end because intro to finance is really killing me when I haven't touched it since mid sem, and I desperately have to pass it to do the follow-up next sem... Otherwise majors here and there wouldn't exactly fit in nicely due to us enrolling in the middle of the year... So when the exam timetable is finally out, I asked Kenneth to help me see if it's sorta alright since the stupid god damn net is down at home, and it turned out worse than I would ever hope for...

Last sem I thought my exam timetable was pretty crappy because I had 3 consecutive exams in 2 days, and with 3 units this sem, what's the possibility of getting double exams in a day when the whole exam period is spread out in 2 whole weeks??? And this is how my exam timetable looks like:

8th June 2009
2pm FINA2221 Introduction to Finance (42.5%)

12th June 2009
9am MATH1010 Linear Algebra & Calculus (70%)
2pm ECON1102 Macroeconomics, Money and Finance (40%)

Obviously God can't be any fairer to me at all-.- Grr I hate Uni, for real-.- Firstly, intro to finance first?!?!?! When I have so much to catch up, like the myfinancelab as well, that has to be completed right before the commencement of the finals... Secondly, double exams 3 days later??? 70% MATH1010??? And seriously just so god damn lucky??? Argh... Total isolation from now on, though it's not like I haven't been trying to isolate myself this sem, but this is ridiculous-.- The only good part I know so far, is Kenneth coming in 3 weeks' time=) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

God I miss blogging, shall resume my position after my finals, stay tuned for more updates=)

* still doing my part for the info tech major assignment... don't have to worry about sleeping tonight-.-

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