Monday, October 26, 2009

Telepathy or what?

Well it all started when I had this really weird dream that my house's internet quota was used up again, and it gets so annoying with crappy internet at home... I woke up thinking oh wth, our quota just got reset, how could it possibly be overused at all... And at night when my brother came home, he asked me how come we've used like 2GB of internet when no one was like home using it, and I was like WHATTTTTTTTTTT??? I wasn't the one using it==

Then another day, Kenneth and I was talking on the phone, talking about how I wanted to get a new phone cause my Sony phone is almost 2 years old, and the battery sucks to the max, so well we were talking about the new models in the market when I saw this ad online that one girl was selling a brand new phone at a sorta cheap price given it is new and still quite popular in the market... So somehow Kenneth mumbled something like, "oh is it a samsung f480 phone?", and I was like holy crap, YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! So I asked him how did he know, and he gives the usual "uh-uh" expression, and no, we weren't looking at the same ad==

Then, this other other other day, I had this dream, and I dreamt that Kenneth left me for another woman, yea I know wth== I told Kenneth about it the next morning, and he just laughs and laughs again, then assured me he would never do such a thing... Still, it felt real ok!!! So it was that afternoon when I was at home doing whatever I do except studying, my mum strikes up a chat again (yes she loves to do that when I'm seriously trying to study!), and you know, how mums, or maybe it's just my mum, who sorta tries to talk to you about certain things, but in an indirect manner, beating around the bush etc... So she starts off by saying things like oh how's Kenneth doing etc... Then she again, for the thousandth time, says oh relationships right now don't last, don't put too much feelings into it, otherwise the one getting hurt in the end will be just you yourself... Then she got to the main point of her striking the convo that day, which was warning me about Kenneth leaving me one day if I constantly keep this bad temper of mine:(

Seriously MUM!!! Who is your daughter here??? And who are you siding with now???:(

I think my Mum likes Kenneth more than me:(

Friday, October 2, 2009

The only ever reason... why I don't and can't drive...

I know this sounds like wtf, but I would rather die in an accident when I'm travelling with public transport, than dying because I was the driver driving... It's not because I would rather many other people dying with me, it's just... I can't take it... The thought of it, just sends shivers down my spine...

*If anyone is wondering, no, I have not been in a car accident before.

P.S. I've watched this video a couple of times to get the story, cause obviously there's bits of pieces everywhere, and I never really know if they are still talking about the same story or it's a new one... Plus, the video I have got here isn't exactly clear, but I downloaded it off some post from Facebook... But it's good when it's not totally clear cause then I don't get freaked out with those "bloody" faces== Yes I know it's fake blood, I'm just saying==

For the man that was checking out girls and driving at a seemingly fast speed, seriously, I guess it's really a bad day for that woman and kid...

For the man who banged into the front car on purpose at a junction, trying to get a sum of compensation, but then realising he had caused the car in front to knock down the lil kid's mum, seriously, wtf?

For the family with the dad driving at 120km/hour, I guess if you were ever gonna change lanes, you don't drive at such a high speed== And for that guy whose car blocked the lane, if your car had broken down, I guess there's nothing to say... But if you stopped your car there, then you should bloody know that you don't stop a car pretty much right after the corner turn==

For the school girl and boy that was texting across the street of each other, they looked so sweet together!!! Totally reminds me of my first boyfriend now, wth?! And yes I know it's his fault for not looking out for cars before crossing, that's not reckless driving I admit, but still, the effect in the clip was so... dramatic... with the girl crying so hard at the funeral...

For the teenage girl who was sitting on the concrete wall thing with the boyfriend in front of her, omg, I thought they were so sweet together also ok!!! But of course, in this clip I guess you can't expect to see happy endings really... So well, it's like split seconds between when they were so happy together, and the next moment you see these white car overturning, and the red and blue cars crashed together, then the white car flying towards the couple... The guy's spine is pretty much dead, and omg, imagine if you were in that situation, seriously, your boyfriend is pretty much dead, but stuck in front of you, you can't get out in any way, and all you can do is cry in agony, even when the firemen have arrived, they still can't do much, and isn't it just painful to see your loved one in front of you dead, especially in such a position as well???

Then you see the guy's parents grieving over his death, and pretty much the other parents crying as the girl is in a coma or whatever, then you see the girl appearing at the court, with the accused; the guy who was taken away from the crash scene, and then you see the actual story that started the whole accident which was with the white car overtaking the red car, when a dog starts running across the road, which caused the accused to turn then overturn, and pretty much you know the ending...

I'm not sure about the following scene where it was about the car that crashed into the tree, and showing the soul of the driver leaving the body but the soul of the passenger couldn't leave because of the seatbelt?!?!?! That's abit um, extreme, even though we get your point, and we know you're trying to say that wearing seatbelts could possibly save your life, but well...

And about that last part, the thing with the pinkie thing that I don't get, is it a driver's thing? A pedestrian's thing? A people's thing? I don't get it:S Someone enlighten me?

To sum it up, I don't feel like learning to drive, period.

I know my mum wants me to badly, but but, wait til I overcome this fear first...

*In the meantime, Kenneth should get me a chauffeur:P BWAHAHAHAHA:P