Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The rooster story

Many who were constantly stalking me through my MSN personal message would have seen this at one point in time: scary rooster inches beside me, stared at me, dug up sand in my backyard, ate my lovely strawberry, then shit on the ground-.-

Thus, I hereby introduce the protagonist: The rooster.

Yes, this was unfortunately taken when he was, inches beside me...

Anyways, the story all started when I was sitting inside the house, at the study corner beside the sliding door doing my ever-unfinished puzzle, when the protagonist appeared out of nowhere and was literally beside me, only separated by the fly screen==

I know a normal person would be taken aback by such a situation, but if they knew their neighbours always had chickens, then they shouldn't have such a big reaction... But for my case, it is different because I had a freaky experience with roosters when I was really young...

When I was Primary 1 at the age of 7, my older brother and I would need walk to school early in the morning everyday... We lived in Toa Payoh, and to walk to school, we needed to pass a Chinese Temple first... One day, as I remembered walking across the temple, a rooster started chasing after me... They probably think that you're trying to hurt them, or hurt the mother hen, or steal their chicklings, or whatsoever, but that day it pretty much chased after me, and tried to attack me:( So since then, I'm scarred by that memory:(

*Though one funny thing was that my mum taught us to fold the newspapers into like a long stick, and whenever the rooster chases after us, we'll use that to whack it:P Can't remember if it worked, and it might agitate them ever more:S

Anyways, back to my story, I've got no idea how and why, the rooster just decided to fly over to my house and walked around in my backyard as you can see...

Then I don't know why, but he started digging up sand in my backyard... Kinda look like when a dog is digging up something from underground as well...

And I don't know what to do, so then I decided to knock on my neighbour's door after hesitation... Why hesitation? Well, cause our neighbour next door is crazy... And by crazy, I mean maniac type crazy... I'll leave this crazy stuff to another time, because there will many crazy moments to list out...

So there I was, knocking on my crazy neighbour's door... Haven't actually met them for the first time, so was pretty nervous... Plus, I wouldn't know if they would kill me (YES they are maniacs) when I try talk to them about the rooster== So the woman answered the door, she looked like a pretty average mum, and she said she'll get her son to take it back... So I was like hmmn, maybe they aren't that crazy...

So i waited and waited outside my house, cause of course I'm not gonna let them go get the rooster through walking into my house== I was gonna let them through the wooden door at the side, and theoretically, they should come at the instant I tell them the whole situation, but NO! It took them like 15 minutes to come get the rooster, so pretty much for the whole time I was standing OUTSIDE my house staring at the rooster INSIDE my house, seriously wtf man== This is so pathetic!==

Anyways, I was watching the rooster whilst waiting, and as
he walked around more... Just then, I saw him pooping on my ground ok! I was so freaking mad!!! Worse still, he pooped TWICE!!! It was so GROSS!!! So when the woman and boy came over, I told the woman la... And she acted as though I said nothing, and so she didn't do anything and just took the rooster back...== So I was left to clean this shit!== And cause it's still fresh, it was so soft and gluey== So when I tried to get it off, some parts of it was already stained on the ground!!! WHAT THE FREAKKKKKKKKKK?!?!?! It was so eeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ok!!!

So then I thought nothing could get any worse than picking up the shit already, I walked out to the garden and found that the strawberry plant that we grew, had bore a fruit, and it was freaking half eaten off== So freaking MADDDDDDDDDDDDD because it was the biggest and reddest strawberry we've grown so far ok!!! Seriously, WTF ok!


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