Saturday, April 16, 2011

A pinky post

Went window shopping one day in the city when I came across this store that sells watches. I’m not a big fan of watches and all, but what really caught to my attention was this PINK range of watches. They’re so damn pretty la.. So this was prolly 2 weeks ago.

Been thinking about it every now and then and regretting not asking for the prices, so I decided to pop by the store again and ask this time. The salesperson then proceeded asking me which watch I was interested in. Fear of telling him “oh you know that WHOLE PINK range out there”, I picked my favourite three.

Coincidentally, my favourite watch happens to be the cheapest one (out of that three). The salesperson - asian, further spoke in a low tone voice “I can give you 20% off that price”. That would make it $156 after discount. Great, now I’m even more tempted to get it because of that.

I know $156 is still quite costly - for a watch, given when I’m not even a watch person, and I never really buy branded expensive stuff because I don’t see the point. But I didn’t like it because it’s branded. It’s PINK, and that’s how it caught to my attention to start with. And I’ve looked around for a bit; can’t find any other brands that sells PINK watches.

It’s not that I can’t afford it myself, but this is obviously a want, not a need. So I’m having trouble thinking if I’ll not like it (as much) anymore after I buy it. And because it’s costly, I don’t want to buy it and dump it in one corner after that.

Should I buy? Maybe as a 21st birthday cum early graduation gift to myself? Watches can keep for life right? That would make it a memorable gift for life.


Been hearing from lotsa sources that Harbour Town has been having great sales. Finally succumbed to going with Wendy after so long of resistance. Maybe because I’ve been eyeing on a couple of rather expensive things recently, I didn’t really buy anything even though there’s so much sale going on.

Tried on a couple of things though..


A very low cut black elegant maxi dress from Forever New.


I really liked this dress for some reason, it’s just so pretty, but this was size 6 and the last piece, and it’s tight as hell. The material’s stretched to the max, and worst of all, I was barely breathing.


I also kinda really liked this dress from Chic-a-booti. The PINK’s not too bright, but it’s a love-hate relationship when it comes to the bottom part. It’s a unique dress with these daggling patterns pieces off the overall length, but I couldn’t decide how long my love for it will last.


Back in February right after I came back from Singapore, I made a trip to Harbour Town and fell in love with the Kate Hill stam bags. I’ve always been wanting a PINK bag but was never able to find one that looks nice enough. But I kinda like the beige-white too, though the chance of staining it is just so great.

I was so tempted to get it at that point, but after seeing the price, I thought I’ll wait for the price to decrease in a couple more months before buying.

So 2 months on I went into the shop to find that the price has not dropped a single cent!! Disappointed smile WHY?!?!

Should I spend my 1.5 weeks pay on it? Now that I’ve said it, $70 really isn’t a lot. But for a bag? Really?

Someone pretty please buy it for me for my 21st. The watch and bag shall go into my wish list for now. Sigh..


Okay 3 reasonably long-ish blog posts typed in 3 hours compensated for the lack of updates recently.

Week 7 of Uni just ended. I’m so close to the finishing line now I feel like pausing the quickness of how everything is coming to an end. Before the end there’s still so much to be done. At the end I don’t know what else would start. I hate how everything is so unpredictable at the moment.. I don't know smile

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