Sunday, October 17, 2010


...a place where you get fined $30 for eating a lolly on the MRT.

Honestly I find this unacceptable. I mean, it's a freaking lolly. If it was a burger, or perhaps a can of soft drink, ok fine. But it's a tiny bit of lolly, how is that gonna harm anyone at all? I'm sure even elderly aren't gonna slip on that tiny piece of wrapper alright? And honestly, plain water shouldn't kill too. What's gonna happen? Is somebody gonna go crazy and splash water everywhere? It's not like anyone could be bothered with such a childish act. If you go on STOMP, you realise there's so many other people out there that's been snapped eating and drinking stuff that are strictly prohibited. Why not catch them?

I can understand his "everyone would follow suit" theory. But then so what if everyone was eating a lolly? Surely you can differentiate the difference between a lolly and a burger right? If caught, how is it at all possible that they can convince you they were eating a lolly when they were eating a burger? Why ban lollies and water? With such humid weather conditions in Singapore, it's not any one's fault to feel the thirst, even on trains. So what if there's air condition? Air condition may cool the body down, but it doesn't quench the thirst. People like me who often run to get on public transport, I would definitely have a sip of water once I get on the train.

Also, how many people does the SMRT staff even catch eating a lolly or drinking water on the train? Out of all those people caught, have they caused inconvenience to other passengers in any way? Why are they even fined for such a small matter? Why can't the SMRT staff devote more time to make sure that passengers are considerate and giving way and priority seats are being used in an efficient manner, instead of thinking that this new nonsensical idea is gonna work.


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