Monday, March 22, 2010

Perth's severe hailstorm

Kenneth was sick for the past 2 days, and strangely, I had actually hoped inside me that he will get well soon, and in return for that, I was willing to be the sick one. Believe it or not, I became sick straight after. I had a serious sore throat yesterday, and had already taken a quarter bottle of Pi Pa Gao. Then today, I awoke with a serious flu, and pretty much I tried to sleep it off but it's not working. Kenneth is totally well today, though I'm down with a serious headache and flu plus really sore red eyes, he's not even thankful for that==

Anyways, today was a special day. Weather in Perth has been especially terrible for the past couple of months, Summer this year was extremely hot. Every day, thousands of people are complaining about the weather despite it being Autumn now. So today was the day, the day the sky decided to give us an extreme downpour. To destroy in and out of my house.

It was around 3.45pm when the skies turned real dark and it started pouring. Minutes after, my house has had a makeover.

The bottom half of the flower pot immersed in rain water.

Flooded backyard.

Flooded car porch.

Damaged fly screen due to downpour of golf ball sized hailstones (according to the news, 6cm in diameter hailstones were spotted).

The hailstones in my backyard. (also seen at the back of the video below)


The pictures above were all taken indoor, so they're not as clear, and it's all due to the coldness outside that blurred the glass windows.

Just to emphasise on how many hailstones were dropped from the sky outside one part of my house.

I wonder how does the sky produces hailstones of these sizes? Are they like.. edible? I mean, can you um, put them inside your soda drink, and.. drink it all off without any harmful effects? Of course you wash off the sand first!

I took a video of the hailstorm whilst staying indoor, of course! Why did I take a video? Well cause it was this that disturbed my sleep (thus I'm still sick), and also the fact that I was absolutely awestruck by the amount of hailstones dropping at such a rapid rate! Honestly through my 5 years in Perth, I've seen hailstones only once or twice, and it was more like I hear them thumping on the roof but couldn't see it cause it was very late at night in pure darkness. So that explains why I'm taken aback that such weather could actually happen, especially during Autumn! *pats myself on the head* Anyways, since the video was taken from behind a flyscreen, so it's not very clear:(

Basically really, the little white thingy flying and dropping everywhere are the hailstones. (that's if you can see it==) Or otherwise if you listen to it closely, you hear the hailstones thumping on the rooftop, though they really just sound like you hitting against a glass with a chopstick. Towards the end of the video, I guess you can see the hailstones landing on the ground in a bunch.

Also also, because my house is so damn old seriously, cracks on the walls has caused serious leaking throughout the house, including the kitchen and both sliding doors and MY ROOM!!! Bloody carpets are wet because of that==

If not convinced at how severe the hailstorm was today, then take a look at the following pictures that were taken from the WA News.

Dark clouds forming.

Does it look like a hailstorm is heading our way?

The side of the road are all filled with hailstones.

A guy wearing his cricket cap standing on his full-of-hailstones-frontyard preventing himself from getting hurt. (Don't ask me why he is not staying indoors judging from this scenario.)

Some resident's house filled with a ground of hailstones.

Big enough? Large enough? Gigantic enough? Enormous enough? GINORMOUS YEA?

Finally, presenting you with the last picture of the day...


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