Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy happy day=)

Hello hello:)

I'm back!:)

I know I know, I promised to blog more often, but due to my superb procrastination skills, as much as I often wished to blog, the wish just never materialised. I'm sorry:(

For those who follow my blog, which I doubt there's any, this is probably gonna be those one-off post, and I'll never come back to blogging again, say till, *c'mon, think of a satisfactory answer* Ok I got it, after exams:P

So there goes the question. What prompted me to blog today? For those who follow my tweets, here I am, honouring what I said a couple of hours ago:) For those who don't follow my tweets, that's alright, I understand, my tweets are mostly personal and mostly boring for most of the time.. But but, I'm blogging today cause I'm happy:) Yellow signifies happiness yea? You know those smiley faces? They're yellow.

Um maybe except for this top that I had, it's pink.

Ok, so what made this day so special to make me grinning from head to toe, smiling at every single thing I do? I don't know. That's why the reason of me being so happy!:) Bwahaha!:P

Ok, let's start from a couple of days ago. Business Econometrics (BE) results were out. I was scared. I mean, I was always scared. But BE was hard, given that 20 MCQs were worth 30% of your final mark, how can you not be scared of any choice from A-E that you make? I didn't wanna look at it when Sabrina asked, but I gave in after. The average was 10.9/20, I got 11. Now this sounds bad; I just passed. But hey, I'm above average. The former said by me; latter by Kenneth. The usual pessimistic me and optimistic him.

Then yesterday at the micro tute, Benson drew a bell curve of the scores of the mid sem. Apparently out of the 350 ish people who are doing this unit, barely 100 passed. I'm sure where I stand. I knew it the moment I stepped into the mid sem not knowing what topic 3 4 5 was about. I glanced through the lecture notes in 30 minutes. I mean, what do you expect from having double mid sems anyways? Nevertheless, the failure rate of 70% still amuses me. It reminds me of MATH1010, on our first lecture, the lecturer gave us a caution reminder: 'only 1 in 3 of you here are gonna pass the unit'. Oh and another thing tha
t's weird, given we took the test at 2pm on Friday, they had apparently already finished marking it by Saturday afternoon. Efficiency? So micro-style.

Then last night. Nothing much happened last night actually.. Final exam timetables were out, and finally this sem I've got the most spread-out timetable ever! Starting on the first day of the exam 5th June - last day of the exam 18th June. You can think of it the bad way, but at least I haven't got doubles and 4 exams in 3 consecutive days anymore! *wipes off sweat* And I'm flying off to Singapore that night! 12am flight I assumed, so around 10.30pm gotta reach the airport. Exam should end by 4.20pm, get home hopefully by 5.30pm, so say about 4 hours for me to pack?:O But aiya, it's only a trip back for 1 month, and Katrina's gonna be home anyways, so prolly no need to pack much:) Hehe:P

Ok then today. As usual, I slept with my latop and lights on again, *yes yes global warming I know I know I didn't do it intentionally*, but it was because I was too tired. I was actually waiting for Kenneth to finish showering before chatting on the phone, but I fell asleep whilst waiting. 2 hours later I woke up and remembered I was supposed to call him, so we chatted for I don't know how long before either I dozed off to sleep again (another story, elaborate more next time) or the battery went out of batt. I had no recollection of what happened, so I presumed the phone died on me, then I fell asleep. Ahahaha:P

This morning, I woke up at a surprising 6.40am. You know when you've got school on weekdays and countless alarms never wake you up, but on the weekends when you wanna sleep in, you never can. That theory, always, applies to me. So there I was staring out my windows not knowing what to do, and suddenly I had a strong urge to read. Yeap, you've heard me right, read. And it was not any ordinary book, it was Low Kay Hwa's books. Ok now it sounds like I'm advertising for the author, but that's not true. I only wanted to read his books cause I started reading one of his books I Believe You, and well, it was corny but it was good. I spent 3 hours reading that whole story. It was one that I just seemed to read on and on without noticing how much I've read *completely different to studying when you constantly check how many more pages you've got left to read==* And now I'm wanting to read all his other books, so well, I read parts of it on the website, but to complete reading the stories, I've got to buy the book!:( Noooo...:( So yea, spent my whole morning and bit of afternoon reading half the story of each of his 6 other books. Now I'm left hanging in between, wanting to know the endings of every book of his!:( Damn it.

Around half past 3, I went to the shops. Being the usual me, I had to run to the train station again! But strangely this time whilst running, I felt happy. The sun shone brightly on me, and I felt a tinge of happiness. Weird right? Then I went to Big W, and I came across this thing that I saw with Katrina that day, but didn't take a picture of.

It was the cupcakes maker!

*feels like in the cupcake-mood now:P

Then I went to a bra shop to shop for bras for my lovely housemate Katrina, who is currently back in her little hometown Exmouth to celebrate her best friend's birthday:) I know it's weird, that I'm shopping bras for her. It's just that a couple of days ago we had this convo which strangely led to the topic of bra sizes. And she was complaining how her boobs are too big bigger than average, so the bras she has to buy are mainly custom-made for people with boobs like her, and they're usually expensive and not found everywhere. Also, it usually cost her like $60-80 per bra, so apparently she only owns two bras== So, I was out on a mission to hunt for discounted bras (apparently I always manage to find good bargains!:P) So there I was in Joondalup, went into this store, and they had this rack of discounted bras, and guess what? Yes, I found one, that was her size, I even confirmed it by calling her and asking her about it== It was like $30, which I guess was cheap for her size already, but was expensive for me cause mine are like $5-10, seriously wth== Asians are such cheapos==

So I continued on with my shopping, and I was at Coles when I saw this.

Choco-scopes!:O Sounds so fanciful some more, but not sure if it taste good or not:S I was attracted to the colours straight away! So niceeeeeee!

And then I came across this that was funnier!

Having problems with your marriage? Don't fret!
Get the Marital Bliss Bar!:)
One-third of the bar (50% HIS) and two-thirds of the bar (50% HERS):)

And are you ready for the last one that totally made my day? One that made me giggle like a 3-year-old in the supermarket, with everyone staring at me whilst I kept on giggling.

Proudly presenting the girthControl chocolate!:) I think it's rather self-explanatory. So yea, read it:)

Just a final picture of me to end my happy day=)

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