Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Changes In Life"

Came across something inspirational as I was browsing through a primary school friend's Facebook notes.

"A person may be ugly at young but as time goes by he/she may just turn out to be someone you never imagine would be that good looking. Never deem someone as he/she is for the rest of your days. Cheers!:)

One may be poor for now but that doesn't mean he will be poor for the rest of his life. As long as you believe that you can do it, have faith and confidence and nothing will stand in your way. Determination Conquers All! Winks!;)

If your love life doesn't work out too well now, think and do something. Find out the cause of what's not getting you the love you want. There are definitely good and bad points in everyone. Improve and change and you never know what's coming up for you, good luck!:)

Decide who or what you want to be. The future is in your own hands. What we are today is the result of our past actions. Nobody can decide your life or make decisions for you. Know what you want in life. Failure is not the worst thing, it is regret instead. As for me, I will never bow down to fate!:)

People may mark you as a failure or loser. But what matters most is you disagree and prove that you are not one. Why agree or give up when you have not even try? Prove to others what capabilities you have and your name might just be a living legend.:)

High tide waits for no man. Fight for what you think you deserve. The world will not stop to understand you and give way for its every man for himself. Excel or lose out?:)

When nobody understands you, you know you are on your own. If you are being wronged but nobody cares for your explanation, it doesn't matter as long as you have a clear conscience. Just be true to yourself. Also learn to be independent and stop depending on others so much. You have no direction of your own and you will not know where you are being leaded to.=/

If you think your life sucks real hard now, think of the world. Others' plight might be way worse off than yours. So stop whining away, get on your feet and do something! You may suffer now. But your wife and children must not undergo what you've been through. Your parents are the real ones that has been suffering, so spare a thought for them if not for yourself!:)

Money may not seem as everything. But without money, everything is fake, haha.:)

Suffer now, enjoy later or Enjoy now, suffer later till the day you go.

You decide?:O

When death has caught up with you when you are old, expect people to weep as you go or laugh as you go for you this burden to all is finally out of the way. Think hard fellow people!:)

I know what i want in life. People may put me down for now, but i will prove them wrong. I believe strongly in myself! What about you my friend?:)"

To a certain extent, don't you think it sounds professional? Some sort of deep profound language used there. And what's surprising is that a guy actually wrote this himself! How many guys out there would bother writing this? And how many of them can actually produce something like this piece of writing?

What's even more surprising is that "Changes In Life" was written by a Normal Technical student. In Singapore, the smartest people would be studying Express; average and a bit below would be studying Normal Academic; whilst the dumbest not-so-smart ones would be studying Normal Technical. I've got nothing against Normal Technical students; my younger brother was once in that position. It's just that who would have thought the not-so-bright students could write out something like this?

Thanks Nicholas for sharing this!:)

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