Friday, August 13, 2010

Vampires Suck

*edited 14/08 1am* My brother has just downloaded the movie for me! Wee!~ Am so excited to watch it, after I get my truckload of stuff done first!:(

For those Twilight fans out there, given that the movie series is a big hit, it's no surprise that a comedy parody is made out of it (I'm a neutral fan of Twilight).

So here it is...
Proudly presenting you with...


...Vampires Suck

Hilarious quotes:

Becca Crane: [from trailer] Jacob, why did you just take off your shirt?
Jacob: [Holds up employment contract] My contract says I have to every ten minutes of screen time.


Becca Crane: [from trailer] Jacob, run!
[Jacob jumps above Becca and lands in his chihuahua form. Becca disbelievingly]
Becca Crane: A chihuahua?


Becca Crane: [from trailer] Edward!
Team Edward: Edward? Where?
[sees Edward glittering in the sun]
Team Edward: Edward, we love you. You're the best.
Team Jacob: No, Jacob's the best!
[smacks Team Edward's face with a shovel]


I wanna watch it now, it's so damn hilarious...

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