Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Good friend"


I happened to come across a Facebook chat today which obviously I was not supposed to see. Basically, I was on Kenneth's Facebook doing something which I will be explaining later, and a chat popped up to say HI! and it continued on, so of course I would reply back (because I know the person; I don't talk to anybody who says HI!). As the convo goes on, as I was pretending to be Kenneth (further explained later), it got to a point where Kenneth's "good friend" asked Kenneth (me) to follow her on Twitter, thus I did so on behalf of him. At the same time, I followed her too since I know her; we're friends (are we?); and I tweet daily anyways, so why not? As she protected her tweets, when I requested to follow her tweets, she got a notification, and the below convo occurred.

Clarification 1: Why did I pretend to be Kenneth?

Well, I should ask, why not? If she is just a friend, I honestly don't see the problem with it. Is there anything that my bf knows, his "good friend" knows, but the gf doesn't shouldn't know? My birthday just passed not long ago, so there's shouldn't be some surprise party coming up. Unless it's about his birthday surprise that they're planning.

There's not many times I actually pretend to be Kenneth because I never have to. There's never any occasions where I have to pretend to be him at all. If your message didn't pop up, you really think I'm that free to initiate a talk with you to see what's going on between you and my bf?

Maybe you should just admit that you eye on him getting on Facebook and initiates a talk with him all the time. You're prolly the one who is talking to him whenever he is/isn't talking to me. It was also clear when you kept telling him (me) to get on MSN to chat with you. You even suggested Skype, and it was repeated for more than 5 times (when I constantly ignored you because I didn't want to let the talk get any further). I can understand friends skype with each other and there's nothing wrong with that. But there is something wrong when you expect him to do that a few times a week, and he barely even webcam with me once a month; don't even talk about Skype.

I honestly don't see the need for you to make long distance calls to him a couple of times a week, no matter how good a friend he is to you. And I know that because you call him even when he's visiting me in Perth, so I've witnessed all these. I never confronted you about it, so don't let it go overboard.

I agree with the fact that people shouldn't have to give up on their friends totally once they've gotten themselves in a relationship, but I reckon the friends, especially the opposite sex, should have a limit, knowing that the friend is attached now, so certain things would not be appropriate to do anymore. Go ahead and argue that the friendship wouldn't be the same anymore, but it's just the way it works.

Conclusion: If you two have got nothing to hide, I don't see what's wrong with what I did. I have also tried to minimise the amount we have chat, so I'm not being someone I'm not. But if you pester on with the chat, then don't blame me.


Clarification 2: I DO NOT CONTROL Kenneth's Facebook account.

Like what you said, I have his password. Yup, that's right. But he willingly gave it to me. If it makes you any happier, he has my password too. So as to say, he controls my account too.

From what I know, it is normal and common to know each other's password in a relationship, because it goes to show you have got nothing to hide. Even friends may know their BFF's password too.

I have Kenneth's password does not mean I'm controlling him. If he feels that I'm controlling him in any way, then he can feel free to change it. The fact that he's not worrying about it, why should you? He gives me his password because he trusts me, so the only reason I can think of why you're worrying is because you write to him on Facebook (could be Facebook chat in this case), and you don't want me to see it, which unfortunately I have seen it. Bad luck, girl.


A couple of times when we have our usual quarrels, I may have threatened to change his password (well, you say anything when you're really mad), and he has in fact, changed his password when I threatened so. Even then, I still don't see why it's your problem here. And after that, he would offer to tell me his password. And guess what I said?

"If you change it, then you don't trust me", to which he replies, "It's because you threatened me, and I don't like being threatened".

And if we ever come to a compromise regarding that, I would tell him,

"Don't tell me your new password. Change it back to the old one that I know, if you really want to let me know your password."

And he does exactly that.


Sometimes we quarrel, and it's all because of you, "good friend". So don't go putting words in my mouth when you don't even know the whole situation. And Kenneth may have only told you part of the story; you assumed the other part.

Conclusion: If there is nothing going on between you two, then why are you so afraid of me seeing whatever you write to him on Facebook, and Twitter? Why are you so afraid of me following you on Twitter?

FYI, Kenneth doesn't even post Twitter updates. He checks it sometimes because I update it often. So quit thinking Twitter is a better place for you to post whatever lovey dovey stuff to him.


Clarification 3: Why did I go on Kenneth's Facebook, and happened to see what I was not supposed to see?

Well, for all who don't know, I play Facebook games. Depending on what you play, but the ones I play require you to go in a couple of hours in between and put in new shifts for the workers to work for you etc. And with Facebook games, the more friends you have on Facebook, you get more benefits (eg. mostly freebies in money or gifts form). I log in to Kenneth's account so I could play for him, and I benefit in my own way in the game as we keep up with each other's levels. He, most of the time, goes into my account too, often when I'm busy studying and he's free-er than me. The difference is, I stay offline on my account, and I don't normally do Facebook chats anyways. With Kenneth's account, it's always online, and there's always a "good friend" there waiting for him.

Conclusion: I can choose what to see and what not to see, but if I'm on my bf's account on one of those rare chances, and the Facebook chat pops up right in front of my eyes, then it's not a matter of why I chose to see it anymore.


This is the second time the chat has coincidentally popped up, so I really think I was fated to see it. I won't talk about the first one, because that would require me to write another 100 pages long and I'm not willing to.

Don't bitch about me behind my back, for you will never know, I may be the one you're bitching to, right now.

*And I have just wasted 3 hours of my life typing this up when I have got 1 mid sem and 1 quiz next week. FML.

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