Friday, September 10, 2010


Recently I've been seeing many tweets from friends that the new Circle Line is open to public, and apparently they play a song as the train is arriving. So I've tried googling it and all, and finally today, I found it.

Let me present you with the uber embarrassing song that sent shivers down my spine as I listen to it.

NOTE: Footage isn't that great, but it's the song that I want you to listen to.

I am definitely proud embarrassed to be a Singaporean.

I don't know if it's just me, but the song sounds really childish. I feel for people living around those areas, having to hear this everyday== I mean, it sounds cool.. Afterall, how many countries does this right? But like, the tone, is so girly. It sounds like someone who does recordings for nursery rhymes. But I don't know if there's a male version of this though.. And like, if there's other languages?

Also, this song totally reflects on Singaporeans - Singlish. I mean, who says train is COMING?! 2 options: either you're really young, or you're Singaporean. It's ARRIVING man!

If you really want to inform people about the train coming arriving, maybe you could try the Perth's way, somewhere along the lines of: "Clarkson passengers, your train is arriving in XX minutes." I know this may sound like you're stealing someone else's idea, but still, you can always modify it right? It's much better than this current song alright? But then of course, we are UNIQUELY SINGAPORE, aren't we? Very unique, indeed.

I don't know who came up with this idea, and I certainly wouldn't know if this is even making the passengers queue up for the train.

0 voices: