Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is what I am right now.

One word. Demoralised.

That's what I am feeling right now. I am demoralised. Never once have I felt this bad before. My heart sank in the exam hall. I studied all of it last night. I swear to god I did. My mind went blank as I flipped through the pages. I know I got it before, so why can't I remember it anymore? I wrote down every single word the lecturer said. I made sure I understood what he said before moving on. I've never felt so helpless in the exam hall before. Don't come shoot me in the head by telling me the paper was so easy for you. That's not what I want to hear right now.

I need a space of my own. I need to go somewhere far far away to clear my thoughts.
Would someone like to take me away?

"Won't you take me by the hand? Take me somewhere new, I don't know who you are, But I'm with you."

It has been a long day for me. A grueling day in fact. Nothing went right from the beginning. I'm getting really sick and tired of the current things that's been happening in my life. Every semester gets harder for me, but this semester is taking its toll on me. I'm actually surprised I've come this far. Everyday I feel like some over blown-up balloon that's gonna burst anytime.

I do my best in catching up with ilects and all, but it's just never-ending. I'm not a very good listener when it comes to studying, thus an ilect can easily take up to 3 hours to complete. I feel like I need more than 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, not because of leisure, but because I feel that the amount of work piling up is never ending.

I need a new life. I need to wake up feeling like I've become a brand new person. I really do..


Oh and by the way, out of all days, just when I least expected it, my slippers decided to break halfway through the exam, almost causing a mid-exam heart attack for me.== So yea, I had to call for help== Thank goodness Eugene was able to help me:) He even lent me his oversized slippers, except I had to walk barefooted back to his hostel to get it. LOL.

Me with Eugene's oversized slippers;)

I was so not used to wearing guys' oversized slippers that I kept tripping on things as we went for dinner at Northbridge.

But basically the highlight of my day was Eugene lending me his oversized slippers & bringing me out for dinner:) Not to forget the long ride home at 11+ pm, which would have caused him to get back to hostel after midnight:S

At least, I'm feeling a little better now. Except, I think I'm hungry again.:S

I think I need a hug and a guy's shoulder to lean on to let me cry all I want.
Sometimes holding in all the tears just ain't making things any better for me.

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