Monday, November 1, 2010

One of the best wedding videos made.

Okay, just let me side track for a moment.

I'm super looking forward to the 22nd January 2011 because I'm gonna be attending a wedding!~ *wedding bells ringing*

Gee, I'm so excited just talking about it!:P

Well, I personally haven't attended many weddings in my life. From my paternal side, my dad's the youngest; and the only one who is married== So no cousins; no wedding:( From my maternal side, where I've got 20+ cousins; of which none is married yet (I'm still waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. for someone.. anyone.. to get married.. seriously.) Oh, just let me side track further for another moment. The one and only cousin that I know is engaged (recently) at the moment is this couple.

Celia & Stuart ♥

And look at her gorgeous engagement ring! *envious*


Celia & Celia (me, lols) are the only ones who coincidentally share the same name amongst all other cousins (and possibly family members). She's from the US, and I honestly have no idea how old she is:S At the moment, it seems like the wedding will be held in April 2012, which I would love to attend because it would be my first official cousin's wedding. Except, flying to the States is a bit of a problem - financially and/or others.. Sigh:(


Okay, now back track a lil, speaking of weddings..

I have attended maybe 2 or 3 weddings when I was younger. Those grandparent's siblings' kids' nephews' weddings - super complicated relationship I don't bother asking when I was young. It's all about the sharkfin that matters. LOLS. But hey, I don't like sharkfin because it's expensive or whatever; I like it because it's soupy and I like drinking soup:)

Anyways, the wedding on the 22nd January 2011 I was talking about previously is of an ex-colleague of mine:)

♥ Ben & Bee Cheng ♥

Their pre-wedding photos are gorgeous to the max! *envious again*

Can't wait to attend the wedding!:)


Okay, so now back track a lil more.

I shared a video on Facebook not too long ago but somehow the video disappeared:S In fact, I didn't know the video had disappear until Bee Cheng asked me where it went cause she wanted to show it to Ben== So there I was, hunting down the video for Bee Cheng, and I've found it!:)

So here it is.. what I had wanted to share on this very post:)

I have a really deep impression of this video because of these few things:
- The bride is really really pretty (not even kidding), and she really didn't look China-Chinese to me. In fact, I thought she resembled a lil bit like Hebe from SHE.
- The groom is, not one of the most good looking guys in the World, but still managed to find such a gorgeous wife (which kinda support what I said here)
- The above two points therefore lead people to saying:「男以(財)為貌,女以貌為(財)」- quoted from one of the comments
- Putting their looks aside, the video is nicely made. The sceneries (Bali apparently) are breath-taking, aren't they?
- The songs: "Garry Schyman - Praan" & "Secrets in Stereo - Happy" are both really nice songs:) In fact, I'm quite certain the former song was featured in a video of some Army Force men visiting home/kid's school during Christmas or something after a long period of time of being away. It was a tear-jerking video when those kids were shocked and started crying and hugging their dads:'(
- The groom's name - Early, caught to my attention. Funny that, I have a friend called Chase. How do the parents/they themselves decide the names though? I know my mum got my name off Yellow Pages== GG.


And that, my friends, is all I want to, and have time to share today. Spent like 2 hours typing this up, time to go study AFM:'(

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