Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Out with Chen Yi and Shan Min

4 of us went for Dim Sum today, because both Chen Yi & Shan Min were craving for it== Can't remember the place we went to, but guess both Kenneth and I did fill our stomach to some extent after both girls had enough of their share way too fast:P

♥ Egg Tarts
♥ Deep Fried Meat Dumpling
♥ Tentacles

Ever heard of that sailor boat story of the lil boy, which then in turn ends up with a shirt?

Randomness on the train ride home...


Sunday, December 20, 2009

斗牛, 要不要

The taiwanese drama that I had just finished, and it's awesomely sweet and nice, and I'm in love with this song!

SHE - 最近还好吗

地址写的是心底 你能不能收到它
天有点冷 风有点大 城市宁静而喧哗


你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你说会记得我 还记得吗
忙碌吗累吗 心还会痛吗

昨天远了 明天还长 回忆模糊但巨大


你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你说会记得我 还记得吗
忙碌吗累吗 心还会痛吗

你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你说会记得我 还记得吗
忙碌吗累吗 心还会痛吗

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ryan's gift

Well, let's just clarify this...

Ryan is my Secondary School friend, my ex-classmate, my ex-boyfriend, and now he tells me that he is gonna buy my cousin Debra a bigger present when I have known him for god damn however many years since 2002!!!

I'm jealous:( Kenneth, buy me a big big pressie please?:P

P.S. To Ryan if you are ever reading this, the pressie you said you had sent in like 2005 with a necklace and earrings for Debra and me never ever got to us:( We're still waiting for it:P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The rooster story

Many who were constantly stalking me through my MSN personal message would have seen this at one point in time: scary rooster inches beside me, stared at me, dug up sand in my backyard, ate my lovely strawberry, then shit on the ground-.-

Thus, I hereby introduce the protagonist: The rooster.

Yes, this was unfortunately taken when he was, inches beside me...

Anyways, the story all started when I was sitting inside the house, at the study corner beside the sliding door doing my ever-unfinished puzzle, when the protagonist appeared out of nowhere and was literally beside me, only separated by the fly screen==

I know a normal person would be taken aback by such a situation, but if they knew their neighbours always had chickens, then they shouldn't have such a big reaction... But for my case, it is different because I had a freaky experience with roosters when I was really young...

When I was Primary 1 at the age of 7, my older brother and I would need walk to school early in the morning everyday... We lived in Toa Payoh, and to walk to school, we needed to pass a Chinese Temple first... One day, as I remembered walking across the temple, a rooster started chasing after me... They probably think that you're trying to hurt them, or hurt the mother hen, or steal their chicklings, or whatsoever, but that day it pretty much chased after me, and tried to attack me:( So since then, I'm scarred by that memory:(

*Though one funny thing was that my mum taught us to fold the newspapers into like a long stick, and whenever the rooster chases after us, we'll use that to whack it:P Can't remember if it worked, and it might agitate them ever more:S

Anyways, back to my story, I've got no idea how and why, the rooster just decided to fly over to my house and walked around in my backyard as you can see...

Then I don't know why, but he started digging up sand in my backyard... Kinda look like when a dog is digging up something from underground as well...

And I don't know what to do, so then I decided to knock on my neighbour's door after hesitation... Why hesitation? Well, cause our neighbour next door is crazy... And by crazy, I mean maniac type crazy... I'll leave this crazy stuff to another time, because there will many crazy moments to list out...

So there I was, knocking on my crazy neighbour's door... Haven't actually met them for the first time, so was pretty nervous... Plus, I wouldn't know if they would kill me (YES they are maniacs) when I try talk to them about the rooster== So the woman answered the door, she looked like a pretty average mum, and she said she'll get her son to take it back... So I was like hmmn, maybe they aren't that crazy...

So i waited and waited outside my house, cause of course I'm not gonna let them go get the rooster through walking into my house== I was gonna let them through the wooden door at the side, and theoretically, they should come at the instant I tell them the whole situation, but NO! It took them like 15 minutes to come get the rooster, so pretty much for the whole time I was standing OUTSIDE my house staring at the rooster INSIDE my house, seriously wtf man== This is so pathetic!==

Anyways, I was watching the rooster whilst waiting, and as
he walked around more... Just then, I saw him pooping on my ground ok! I was so freaking mad!!! Worse still, he pooped TWICE!!! It was so GROSS!!! So when the woman and boy came over, I told the woman la... And she acted as though I said nothing, and so she didn't do anything and just took the rooster back...== So I was left to clean this shit!== And cause it's still fresh, it was so soft and gluey== So when I tried to get it off, some parts of it was already stained on the ground!!! WHAT THE FREAKKKKKKKKKK?!?!?! It was so eeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ok!!!

So then I thought nothing could get any worse than picking up the shit already, I walked out to the garden and found that the strawberry plant that we grew, had bore a fruit, and it was freaking half eaten off== So freaking MADDDDDDDDDDDDD because it was the biggest and reddest strawberry we've grown so far ok!!! Seriously, WTF ok!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Extravagant celebrity homes


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hair dye all gone wrong.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Telepathy or what?

Well it all started when I had this really weird dream that my house's internet quota was used up again, and it gets so annoying with crappy internet at home... I woke up thinking oh wth, our quota just got reset, how could it possibly be overused at all... And at night when my brother came home, he asked me how come we've used like 2GB of internet when no one was like home using it, and I was like WHATTTTTTTTTTT??? I wasn't the one using it==

Then another day, Kenneth and I was talking on the phone, talking about how I wanted to get a new phone cause my Sony phone is almost 2 years old, and the battery sucks to the max, so well we were talking about the new models in the market when I saw this ad online that one girl was selling a brand new phone at a sorta cheap price given it is new and still quite popular in the market... So somehow Kenneth mumbled something like, "oh is it a samsung f480 phone?", and I was like holy crap, YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! So I asked him how did he know, and he gives the usual "uh-uh" expression, and no, we weren't looking at the same ad==

Then, this other other other day, I had this dream, and I dreamt that Kenneth left me for another woman, yea I know wth== I told Kenneth about it the next morning, and he just laughs and laughs again, then assured me he would never do such a thing... Still, it felt real ok!!! So it was that afternoon when I was at home doing whatever I do except studying, my mum strikes up a chat again (yes she loves to do that when I'm seriously trying to study!), and you know, how mums, or maybe it's just my mum, who sorta tries to talk to you about certain things, but in an indirect manner, beating around the bush etc... So she starts off by saying things like oh how's Kenneth doing etc... Then she again, for the thousandth time, says oh relationships right now don't last, don't put too much feelings into it, otherwise the one getting hurt in the end will be just you yourself... Then she got to the main point of her striking the convo that day, which was warning me about Kenneth leaving me one day if I constantly keep this bad temper of mine:(

Seriously MUM!!! Who is your daughter here??? And who are you siding with now???:(

I think my Mum likes Kenneth more than me:(

Friday, October 2, 2009

The only ever reason... why I don't and can't drive...

I know this sounds like wtf, but I would rather die in an accident when I'm travelling with public transport, than dying because I was the driver driving... It's not because I would rather many other people dying with me, it's just... I can't take it... The thought of it, just sends shivers down my spine...

*If anyone is wondering, no, I have not been in a car accident before.

P.S. I've watched this video a couple of times to get the story, cause obviously there's bits of pieces everywhere, and I never really know if they are still talking about the same story or it's a new one... Plus, the video I have got here isn't exactly clear, but I downloaded it off some post from Facebook... But it's good when it's not totally clear cause then I don't get freaked out with those "bloody" faces== Yes I know it's fake blood, I'm just saying==

For the man that was checking out girls and driving at a seemingly fast speed, seriously, I guess it's really a bad day for that woman and kid...

For the man who banged into the front car on purpose at a junction, trying to get a sum of compensation, but then realising he had caused the car in front to knock down the lil kid's mum, seriously, wtf?

For the family with the dad driving at 120km/hour, I guess if you were ever gonna change lanes, you don't drive at such a high speed== And for that guy whose car blocked the lane, if your car had broken down, I guess there's nothing to say... But if you stopped your car there, then you should bloody know that you don't stop a car pretty much right after the corner turn==

For the school girl and boy that was texting across the street of each other, they looked so sweet together!!! Totally reminds me of my first boyfriend now, wth?! And yes I know it's his fault for not looking out for cars before crossing, that's not reckless driving I admit, but still, the effect in the clip was so... dramatic... with the girl crying so hard at the funeral...

For the teenage girl who was sitting on the concrete wall thing with the boyfriend in front of her, omg, I thought they were so sweet together also ok!!! But of course, in this clip I guess you can't expect to see happy endings really... So well, it's like split seconds between when they were so happy together, and the next moment you see these white car overturning, and the red and blue cars crashed together, then the white car flying towards the couple... The guy's spine is pretty much dead, and omg, imagine if you were in that situation, seriously, your boyfriend is pretty much dead, but stuck in front of you, you can't get out in any way, and all you can do is cry in agony, even when the firemen have arrived, they still can't do much, and isn't it just painful to see your loved one in front of you dead, especially in such a position as well???

Then you see the guy's parents grieving over his death, and pretty much the other parents crying as the girl is in a coma or whatever, then you see the girl appearing at the court, with the accused; the guy who was taken away from the crash scene, and then you see the actual story that started the whole accident which was with the white car overtaking the red car, when a dog starts running across the road, which caused the accused to turn then overturn, and pretty much you know the ending...

I'm not sure about the following scene where it was about the car that crashed into the tree, and showing the soul of the driver leaving the body but the soul of the passenger couldn't leave because of the seatbelt?!?!?! That's abit um, extreme, even though we get your point, and we know you're trying to say that wearing seatbelts could possibly save your life, but well...

And about that last part, the thing with the pinkie thing that I don't get, is it a driver's thing? A pedestrian's thing? A people's thing? I don't get it:S Someone enlighten me?

To sum it up, I don't feel like learning to drive, period.

I know my mum wants me to badly, but but, wait til I overcome this fear first...

*In the meantime, Kenneth should get me a chauffeur:P BWAHAHAHAHA:P

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I feel for you, really, I do.

"long distance issues
broke up
then didnt expect him to find somebody else so fast:S
soo yesterday he told me he no more loves me
and told me to move on
this is wat im doing now:)"

No offence, but guys are really a pain in the *** sometimes you know???

My dear girl, I know the chance of you reading this is very unlikely, but still... Just wanted to say, I hope you will recover from it soon... Also also, I totally understand how hard long distance is... With you is a little worse when there's a difference of 11 hours, pretty much when one goes to bed, the other wakes up, and like you said, when wishing Happy Birthdays, it does gets so hard, cause you wouldn't know which timing you should stick to... But since he's such a jerk, then I would say, you really deserve someone much better than him...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Would you pay $15,000 for a meat pie?

Well apparently some people do...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Beyonce - Broken-Hearted Girl

You’re everything I thought you never were

And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?

You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I’ll be there at the end of the day

I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath without you babe
I don’t wanna play that part

I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way, no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girl
I’m no broken-hearted girl

Something that I feel I need to say
But up to now I’ve always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I want to put this out

You say you’ve got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you’re not deserving me
And still you’re in my heart
But you’re the only one and yes
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day

I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath without you babe
I don’t wanna play that part

I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way, no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No…No
No broken-hearted girl

Now I’m at a place I thought I’d never be…Oooo
I’m living in a world that’s all about you and me…yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away
Away with you
yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohh

I don’t wanna be without my baby
I don’t wanna a broken heart
Don’t want to take a breath without my baby
I don’t wanna play that part

I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way, no no
I don’t want a broken heart
I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl..No..No..
No broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl...No…No…
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Love 2000

Gah... I've been trying so hard to upload these 2 videos from YouTube, but it never ever worked on me... Now that I've copied and paste the code, it works... So perhaps we weren't allowed to upload videos we downloaded from YouTube??? Hmmn... Anyways, I was am still obsessed with this Forbidden Love song, it's so nice... I admit I really really love these EMO songs... Makes me really EMO at times, but it's really nice=) So enjoy...

~Forbidden Love~

Do As Infinity - Yesterday & Today

I wish I could find the videos for Love 2000, but it's not anywhere on the web... Perhaps I have to purchase the hard copy of the drama, that is if, shops are even selling it at all... Sadness:'(

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mid Sem Break

So far, I've done nothing... So much for rest well over the weekend... Start studying on Monday-.- Sigh... My mum got me started on this... She finished and started a new drama on Monday morning... Boys Over Flowers, a korean drama, apparently one of those where everyone goes crazy over the drama... In Singapore anyways... One of those popular romance kinda drama that revolves around generally rich guys who falls in love with an average family's daughter because she is the one of a kind who dares to rebutt whatever he says whilst many others would not even have a thought about it... Those kind of drama where there's always love triangles between 2 guys and a girl, and it's a matter of who gets the girl ultimately... Often also one of those drama where this guy likes this girl, but this girl likes this other guy, so on and so forth...

(L-R) Song Woo Bin,So Yi Jeong,Gu Jun Pyo,Geum Jan Di,Yoon Ji Hoo

I don't know why, but I just love dramas, and OMG!!! The guys in this show are so good looking!!! I like Yi Jeong [易正] the best=) HEHE:P Anyways, I love this song that follows alot... Also also, believe it or not, I finished this 25 episodes drama in 2 days=) How awesome??? Staying up til 5am in the morning, I won't forget that:P

Anyways, so my Monday and Wednesday was totally spent on this drama... On Tuesday, the FLIES had a girls' day out to the city... Everything from shopping for dresses to lunch to walking til we were dying of thirst to drinking bubble tea to poker cards to girls' talk to porridge to girls' talk again - everything was just filled with so much fun and laughter... I don't have the photos here, will have to wait til Chen Yi uploads them up on Facebook...

First up was shopping for dresses for ourselves my brother's graduation next Tuesday... We went to Valleygirl and picked to the max amount of dresses we could pick, approximately 6 each, and went into the change rooms, taking up more than half of the change rooms they've got... Changed into every single piece of dress, and we'll comment on how pretty it is, and start taking each other's dresses and fit it on... Looking at the queue outside makes us feel guilty really... But you know, it's shopping, so we gotta shop til we're happy=)

Dresses I've tried on...

Finally after hesitating forever, I decided to buy the last 2 dresses (white+grey & fully white with ribbon)... It's my first time buying dresses, yes congrats to myself indeed=) A bit hesitant at first, then thought there's always a first time to everything... Just gotta think of an excuse now when my mum asks about it... Prolly gonna use those old excuses like 'Oh they've existed for quite awhile, you just weren't here to see or wash it'...:P

After shopping, we went to eat lunch and shopped abit everywhere else until Firefly had to leave... I remember Housefly and I were trying to ring Butterfly umpteen times, otherwise we couldn't have a complete FLIES photo, and the last FLIES photo we had was prolly ages back... Unfortunately Firefly left before we found Butterfly, was pretty sad for a moment, until Butterfly rang, and we were all like GRR... HAHA:P

Then it was shopping for Housefly parents' fish oil stuff, and bubble tea at Tea Fusion... That's when the girls' talk started, and we had to play this Tortoise/Old Maid/Donkey game, and the one who got the Joker card would have to start talking about stuff... You won't believe how unlucky I was to have got 3 consecutive times of the Joker card... By then no one had anything to ask about me anymore...

Then it was Housefly's turn to get 3 consecutive turns... I swear we spent the most time on her, trying to get info out of her was just so bloody difficult... Although most of us would have sensed something was going on, and you could be the dumbest idiot in the world and still see something was going on... But you know, confirmation is afterall much better than assumptions... So we finally know now what's behind the constant 'I have got nothing to say!!!' from Housefly...

After that I can't remember if I got the Joker card once more before Butterfly got it just when she thought she had escaped it:P Practically everyone had a go at asking questions and telling their stories, except Dragonfly... But it's fine, we roughly know just about everything already...

We then went to get some porridge and got back to the housemates' house to eat and carried on chatting just about everything, until it was almost 12 when we left and Butterfly sent me home... The first thing my mum asked when I stepped into the house was 'Was that a guy or girl who sent you home?'-.-

In a nutshell, all of us have got our own problems and stories, guys will never understand these...

Fruitfly Housefly & Dragonfly & Butterfly & Firefly=)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mid-Sem Weekend Break

Well well well... Spent the whole yesterday doing nothing other than Restaurant City on Facebook and practically nothing else... Around late afternoon, we went shopping, and this time the bulk shopping is on MILK... We bought 53 cartons of 1L milk that was 89¢/carton=) But again, 20 of them, like those pink skim milk belongs to Jorine and Chen Yi, so we didn't own that much really... I mean, there's also like 4-5 people in the house at times, so the milk will get finished in no time!!! So it's not bulk shopping, it's not bulk shopping, IT'S NOT BULK SHOPPING:P

This doesn't look like alot, but imagine a whole trolley full of milk, and people were just like 'Go queue at another line, this line will take forever'... And I bet the cashier was astonished to see that cart load of milk:P

Then my cousins decide to come stay over... Which is fine, you know... For once my house gets a little crowded and noisy... We all had dinner together while we were watching Witches that was on TV, and that is like such a gross show seriously, those witches look absolutely horrendous, and turning humans into mice are their goal, like WTH??? But yea, it was a 1990 film, so forgive that psycho director who produced it yea???

Anyways, we were gonna watch a movie like altogether by plugging the wire connecting the laptop to the TV, but couldn't find the wire, so screw it... And then this happened...

Tell me guys aren't into computers... Tell me guys aren't into games... Tell me guys are hopeless, yes they are indeed!!! 4 guys in a row, and it does look sad with them sitting all on the ground, such games obsession really... So then my mum got into her drama-mood again... So Katrina, Debra and I started watching Drag Me To Hell, been wanting to watch that for ages!!! But never had the time... Geez it was scary, those sudden pop-up scenes of that old lady is just... SIGH... Scared much... But it was good... And now we remember how to react about buttons and flies...:P After that, us three together with Andrew who got bored of computers played Simpsons Cluedo together... It was fun, but 4 person was abit easy... Still, the last round took forever to play cause everything was mixed up, and people played mind tricks, so everyone got confused...

Anyways, I woke up this morning, and when I walked out of the room, the first thing I saw, was the following...

Guys who can definitely wake up for this... REALLY!!!
Marketing purpose, you really do need these sort of pictures to produce more sales, an array of guys sitting concentrating hard on their laptops/games, it would attract customers:P

Then this was my mum who was into dramas...

You know my mum's really awesome??? She's really into dramas, and so far she's been here for a bit less than 2 weeks, and she has finished 3 dramas, 2HK and 1 korean... Amazing much???

And here's Debra, having a nap from her tired weekend consisting of work, hanging out, city shopping with her boyfriend friend...=)

*We haven't been talking for 2 days now:'(

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mid Sem Week 7 (31st August onwards)

Hmmn... How should I start??? Mid sems... Yes... Irritating... Annoying... Yes they are... Well... I had 3 mid sems this week... Basically from Saturday til Monday, I've been studying for MA... Everyone says MA is easy... Everyone says you can do without the textbook... But well, not when every week in the lecture the lecturer goes on really really slowly with those wordy stuff, making you bored, really really bored, then suddenly jumps to examples and go through them really really fast-.- So yea, I don't understand, the accounting stuff, I really don't understand... Stupid debit credit here and there, journals blah blah everywhere...

So on Tuesday I was trying to get Maths help from Jia Chen until 4.30pm, when I started revising for MA again... Then I panicked panicked panicked, it's like so much to study-.- SIGH... Went into MA nervous, I mean, 59 MCQ, and I really hate MCQ, because I always had to choose between 2 answers, and never know which of them is right-.- Then I see this question, the similar style question in the tute that I just couldn't get the answer no matter what... So I was very determined to get it right in the exam, and unknowingly I spent way too much time on it, and still couldn't get the answer-.- SIGH... So I had to rush through the problems at the back, and had 5 minutes to shade in 20 MCQs randomly-.- I know, that's totally crap... My hope of Distinction is dashed:(

Then the next day was Calculus Test, I swear I spent forever trying to understand the Mathematical Induction credits to Jia Chen, and in the end that question didn't come out... Which is fine, cause I might panic and forget the procedure to tackle those questions... But in the test, there was 3 questions to be done in 30 minutes, and the first and third question was fine, well I hope it went fine anyways... But the second question, that dumb killer question, that has like never appeared before, just killed me-.- I'm pretty sure it killed alot of people too, but you know, I wanted a Distinction too:(

So then I had basically less than 2 days to study for Micro, which wasn't funny with the countless of assumptions and graphs you have to know inside out, and obviously I don't... So I spent probs the first day studying 45 pages of the lecture notes, and when I woke up on Friday, was basically rushing like mad to grasp the main idea of everything... Think I've got it fine, think I've got it all, went into the exam hall, looked at the MCQs and went blank...-.- The MCQs were like essay-long questions, so long I barely managed to read any and go 'Skip! Next question!', and yea, I basically did that for the whole 20 MCQs when I went on doing the short answers... I hope I do fine in the short answers, because for my whole 20 MCQs which is worth 10% in total, I had to fill them in with random answers... Like really random answers I have no clue how I even got those answers-.- There goes my Distinction again-.-

In conclusion of my mid-sem week, my goals of attaining Distinctions are dashed... And I'm like so drained out of energy... Who said MA was easy??? Who said Micro was easy??? SIGH:(

Anyways, time for pictures of food Mum had cooked this week for dinner etc...

Some macaroni with meat cubes and mushroom...

Thin slices of deep fried potato...

Egg with onion and cut up slices of chicken fillets...

Some Japanese dish with egg and lots of spring onions on chicken fillets...

My share of dinner...
(Who says I'm skinny??? I eat so much!!!)

Some Yong-Tau-Foo looking thing with minced pork on pieces of capsicum...

Fried instant noodles with ham and capsicum...

Some potato+carrots+minced pork balls+capsicum dish...

Mum specially cooked this pig liver's for me to eat before I leave for my Micro exam... Apparently pig liver is good for replenishing blood or something, I prolly need it lots since I've always got fainting episodes every now and then-.-

Now then I realised this week's food are all filled with capsicum, minced pork/ham, and chicken fillets...-.-

Time for sceneries now!!! I caught this outside the Biz School, a scenery of Matilda Bay, just thought the clouds were nice...

The following are just a couple of random shots I took near my house while walking back home... Just thought the Moon was pretty and decided to test a few functions on my camera since I never had the time to play with it... HAHA:P Oh and and!!! The camera captured a star at the top of the picture too!!! How awesome=)

I think I like this last one the best=)

*Today is supposedly the 7th month anniversary of us together... I sent out the package a week earlier in a hope that you could receive it on this day... A few days ago you still asked why it was taking so long to arrive... And when it actually arrived on this day, the day I hope it would arrive, you didn't open it... You just couldn't spend 5 minutes of your time to open it up... What I sent wasn't even worth 5 minutes of your time... Everything out there was just much more important than me...

Out of all days you could plan, you had to make yourself totally busy from day til night today... Morning had to meet your tutor, afternoon had to work, night had to go for camp... And worse still, you just had to get yourself occupied with camp the whole weekend... When you jolly well know that I didn't want you to go to that camp...

I hinted for you not to go... Then I asked if you could not go... And you said it was already paid for... I asked how much was it you paid for that you can't forfeit the money... But you just had to go... It's not like I didn't try to hold you back...

I tried so hard to make you stay, but all you did was walk away...