Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Love is ALWAYS SWEET=)

I tried to ask everyone a question today... Besides, I love doing surveys:) Though they're short, most of the time consisting
of only ONE question, but still...

The question was 'How many ex-es have you had before?'...

Reason for the question? Well... I don't know... Just that I'm curious??? And I love doing surveys??? But now, I've regretted asking!!! :(

Purely cause I'm the youngest in our family consisting of Ing, Hugo, Johnson, Mark, Chen Yi, Jorine, Jia Chen, Tiffany, Shan Min, Wendy and me=) And I think I know pretty much know most of them now anyway=) And like, most of the people I have asked have like... Well... It just seems as though like I have the most ex-es!!! Sad case:(

But I mean, it's not such a big deal thing... And if you really think about it, all of them were pretty sad cases... The first was the longest, yet so young(like 11???), where no one could believe how that relationship could have lasted for almost 2 years!!! But like, that was probably the sweetest thing that could have ever happened to me!!! The first time we met was probably when we had this dance audition for Teacher's Day, where both of us met while performing in front of the judges, though we still didn't really know each other:( During our Primary 5 Camp, we were in the same group actually (The Group of Neptune - YEA!!! We won a trophy each for being the best cheer team=)), but I guess because the group consisted of like 20 people, so we never really knew each other back then... Fate probably brought us back together when the teachers love to group a guy and a girl to sit together, so that the guys won't be fooling around and the girls won't be chatting non-stop in classes... Therefore the first time we actually 'met' was in our chinese class, where he was sitting next to me... We rarely ever talked, but it was just that during my birthday, I gave him this pack of lollies where I practically give everyone one anyway, and we sorta got closer... Not in the dirty kind of way, but as in we started talking, and he wrote letters to me=) It's also funny how he would ask someone else to write the letters sometimes, just cause he said that his handwriting is heaps ugly... I'm not gonna comment on that, but it's just that it's heaps embarrassing when the whole level knows about the contents in the letter:P Yeap, there were loads of mushy stuff, indeed... I think we only started going out when he sorta wrote in the letter asking if I was willing to be his gf:) That was so sweet, though I have to say we never really went out together... I mean, we were SO YOUNG back then, all we ever did was go to the playground with a bunch of students after school and play(OMG, don't ask me why we did that!!!), chat on the phone the whole night(he rang!!!), and yea... We never really meet at school, because I was in the C class, and he was in the G class, so there's quite a distance to walk in between classrooms, though we're on the same storey... HEHE:P In fact, we actually went out this ever-once!!! It was a double date, and we went to the LIBRARY!?!?!? HOW COOL IS THAT??? I KNOW!!! But I guess after entering the library for 5 mins, we sorta decided it's not THAT cool anymore, so we left for the arcade!!! I sorta felt sorry for the other couple, because all my-first(J*****) did was play whatever games guys normally play, probably spent like $30, and stuffed all the things he could exchange with all the tickets to me, while the other couple practically got nothing!!!:P Oh, that was hilarious:) He's quite a nice guy actually; remembered him rushing out of the chinese classroom just to give me this really cute bear:) And there were actually plenty of onlookers at that time:P Soooooooooo embarrassing... LOL>.<


P.S. YUP!!! I actually have it with me in Aussie:) Beside my bed:P

There are tons of other memories of him actually, remembered the time when we were playing at the playground near his house, and his older sis and gang came back from school and saw us, and I was so terrified... Well, her sis has this very fierce look, and when you're surrounded by like 5 older girls, and all the sis ask you was that do you like her bro, and that would you go out with him, it gets so awkward to the extent where you really don't know what to reply... But luckily J***** came to my rescue of course, by asking them not to 'disturb' me:P HEHE:P So sweet of him=) But he takes things very seriously at times as when this one time, my friends were totally playing a joke on him by forging my handwriting and writing a note to him by telling him I'm breaking up with him... I only knew that at night, but cause the home phone bill was heaps high, and my parents were fully mad, so I had to get my friends to call him to tell him that it's not true, but he wouldn't listen... So in the end I had to call him personally, risking the fact that my parents will kill me, and only then his voice had brighten up... He's such a kid!!! But he likes to joke around, and one particular not-funny joke he said to me was: "What is sink water bash???" Answer: 陈水扁... YUP!!! VERY LAME INDEED!!! And he's a silly guy, charged his phone for apparently a week until the mobile literally went dead(EXPLODED?!?!?!), no idea... Don't know if that's true, but yea... Remember this one time we went to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve for a school trip (OMG!!! I realised that school trips always consist of Zoo, Science Centre, Reserve Parks...), and this bug got into J*****'s top, so he was like jumping around & up & down, god it was hilarious:P

I guess good things will have to come to an end afterall, and though I was the one to make that choice to break up with him, it was definitely a tough decision I have made where I deeply regretted, since I was still so in love with him after 1 year on... But just because after going out with him for 2 years, there's no way I wouldn't know where the path is leading us when we had 6 choices to place for our secondary schools, and my 1st-6th choice was literally his 6th-1st choice:( Since FATE wasn't bringing us any closer, plus knowing his personality too well, might as well 长痛不如短痛:( I can't deny the fact that when I got to secondary school, the same school as his sis, I was still thinking of him so much... The first time meeting him after graduating from primary school was when me and my friends were at MacDonalds at 888 Plaza(the shops where my house is situated nearby), and him and his gang came in, and we were both so shocked to see each other... It was such an awkward moment, but he probably told his friends something, as his friends then came over and asked for "Celia", so yea... A second time was when we were at KFC, him and his friends came in again, but we were sitting in the opposite directions anyway, so yea... Not fated, but I was god damn happy to see him=) He still looks the same from the past, but unfortunately there was no way to be back together anymore:'( I know that since I tried speaking to him on the phone, and after speaking for two hours on the phone, I realised that I love him, the old him... Time has changed both of us, we love the old us, not the one that time has changed during the time we were separated... Getting back together was a dream I had always wanted to come true ever since I broke up with him, but the phone call had really made me realised that I should move on with life, since living in the past ain't getting me anywhere, really... But there's this song by Jay Chou called '安静', it reminds me of J***** so much, I was told by a friend that this song resembles our situation anyway...

The second one was actually a rather sweet guy. If not for his possessiveness, we would probably have lasted longer than what we had... He would copy out love song lyrics for me, one particular one that I remembered was '晴天' by Jay Chou, and that was the first song lyrics he gave to me, therefore whenever I hear that song, it reminds me of him. He would also write notes to me constantly, the letters he wrote to me would seriously pile up into a mountain!!! God I remember how writing letters to someone else was such a fad in secondary school... When he was pursuing me, he asked me out to the movies with him and his friends, but it was really heaps awkward going out with him, plus with his friends as well!!! But when we started going out, he requested me to watch him play at his soccer match after school one day, and cause my friends and I were bored, we decided to go and watch. Moreover, my friend's crush was this other guy playing in the group, so might as well... W***** sure was elated to see me, though I only went there cause I was bored, not cause I wanna see him!!! He then texted me after and kept teling me how happy he was, since I was there and he won his match... W***** isn't that bad a person really,
except I'm a person who simply loves freedom, and he's a person who seriously loves to follow me everywhere I go, which seriously made me feel so limited... (So maybe I would just say that I'm sorry to break his heart, but... I LOVE MY FREEDOM MORE THAN HIM!!!)

* And maybe I should also confess that I still love the first though I'm dating the second:P The only main reason I dated him was to forget the first?!?!?! But I did like him too!!! Just not as much as the first, I guess???

TAUREANS will never forget their First Love ma...

This once, when I normally go to the MacDonalds with my friends near my house after school, after his class, he texted me asking me where I was. I didn't think telling him my whereabouts was such a problem, until he said he was coming. But I was like "No, I’m going home now", but he still rode his bicycle all the way just to see me… In the end, I had to get all my friends to shoo him away, and make sure I got home, then they can go... I mean, persistence to some extent is acceptable, but I like FREEDOM, following me and asking me what I do every single moment is just not on!!! And he always has his gang to 'follow' me around everywhere I go, as if they were my bodyguards!!! FREEDOM PLEASE?!?!?! So obviously not soon after, I had to break up with him, cause I really couldn't stand it anymore... But for some very random reason, I remember patching up with him... No idea how did that happen, but I still remember after breaking up the second time, when I told him in the letter that I'm very very tired of being in this relationship, he wasn't that a gentleman anymore... He was such an A**H***!!! I kept getting anonymous calls from people… Then I realised it was from a primary school kid, and he was calling because he saw my mobile number on a playground near our school, and very nasty things were written on it. The guy only said that it would be much better if I had gone to see it myself, than him telling me on the phone, so of course I got angry and out of curiosity, one day after school we went to the playground and see what’s actually on it… It was more like those things you will only write if that person has offended you big time… You will not do it to your friends as a joke, really… It was like ‘call this person(my name) for sex, followed by my number’, somewhere along those lines anyway… WTH??? To what degree of hate does he have in place for me??? Anyways, for revenge, me and my friends wrote his name and number, and did the same thing back to him of course!!! That's why you should never ever bully a girl!!! Since then, we met in school, but never see each other face to face, and never ever talk, EVER!!! Though I guess we did talk when I went back to Singapore for holiday at the end of 2007... I guess let bygones be bygones??? Lol...

The third??? Hmmn... Well, I only remember we started talking when I had this mobile phone that was 'handed out free'(when you sign a two year contract with M1) in KFC, and he(R***) started playing with it all the time during break time... We used to just sit in class together while he will play on my phone... Can't really remember how we started, but I remember I was really sick, and he took care of me, chat to and text me everyday, asking me to go see doctor, he was so damn sweet… We didn’t get together at first purely because he knows that W***** likes me, but he never knew that W***** and I had got together, but broken up, and they were sorta friends in a way, and if word gets spread out, the whole situation would not be THAT nice anymore… But anyways, I told him about everything, and everything was cool... Except for the fact that we in fact had two very different groups of friends, and we never talk to each other on the phone etc as much as I did for J***** especially, and though we were in the same class, we seldom talk really, and as our relationship got more and more distant, he also got closer with this other girl in his group... And since I sorta knew I had to leave for studies abroad anyway, we sorta just had an amicable breakup, with no one getting seriously hurt, although I did love him quite a bit...:'(

In a nutshell, all my relationships didn't end up very well, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be single?!?!?! LOL... As much as it seems like I had the most ex-es, they still ended up pretty badly anyway... So having more or less ex-es would mean nothing other than more or less hurt accrued throughout the ending of the relationships:'( And whether or not more relationships would accumulate more distress is another point that could be argued, and I'm not gonna do it here on this post as I think it's filled with enough things to be read... People may say that I'm more 'experienced' now, but this experience comes with agony and sorrow... Was it worth the exchange??? Debatable really...

4 voices:

sharoneow said...

OMG i've always thought u only had 1 ex!! isn't dat wat u told me? *-)
haha gud experience.. i wan also dun hav okay = =

Celia-YuLing said...

WHAT WERE YOU STILL DOING UP AT 5.02AM anyway??? So bored huh??? And managed to track down my past entry!!! So resourceful!!! Are all medicine people as resourceful as you are??? I hope the Commerce people are not!!! LOL>.<

And no la!!! I swear I told you it's three la!!! We had this girl's talk before in high school heaps of times!!! LOL>.< And eh, good experience is true la... But the process involves much more than just experiencing the happiness, many other factors comes into it too... And I also want one now!!!:P

Jorine said...

lol.. but it's a good experience in falling in love for 3 times !

at least you have a memorable sweet first love.. =)

(lazy to log in )

Celia-YuLing said...

LAZY TO LOG IN??? When you ARE LOGGED IN?!?!?! LOL>.<

YUP YUP!!! First Love is ALWAYS Sweet>o< HEHEo.O