Saturday, August 30, 2008


Geez... Feeling so tired!!! Finally handed in my MO ESSAY!!!

Spent like so freaking forever on it, just purely cause I couldn't get started, even though the topic question is super straightforward!!! The question was : "Describe and compare the behavioural and contemporary management perspectives”. Do you think that the behavioural perspectives still have much to offer the contemporary manager in the modern organisation? Provide reasons for your standpoint." And all I had to do is write a 2500 words essay on it... How easy was that??? And yet I couldn't even do it, together with the worst thing was that I had help from many people:(

Anyways, I started at like 9pm on thursday night to do it, all the way til 2am, when I got so tired, and went to take a nap, but suddenly woke up at 3.30am and realised that I was only half-way through, and so not done yet, so then had to start doing it til around 8.30am on friday morning!!! I don't think I was ever this hardworking before!!! SIGH... In total, I drank 3 cups of coffee to hopefully keep me awake, and normally a cup of coffee will not allow me to sleep for 2 nights, so does that mean that 3 cups of coffee will keep me awake for 6 consecutive nights then??? >.<

Despite the fact that so much time was spent on the essay, I still didn't managed to get it done... There was still a lack of 200 words when I handed it to Tiffany around 10am, and although she said she was gonna finish it up for me, I guess she didn't have time to do it, considering she had assignments for all of her 4 units due that day... It's just that I remember telling her that if something does crops up, she must tell me, so if she can't do it, I will have to find a way to do it, or even skip my tute for a later one. So in the end the essay got handed in below the 10% limit of 2500 words, and Brianna(my tutor) had already warned us before that if it's below the limit, that's the end of it... So I guess 10% of my final marks will be deducted:( SIGH... I guess I have no one but myself to blame for not getting started earlier:( Sob sob:(

But I guess enough of the sad sad stuff:( There's a whole heap of people I gotta thank, so a really big THANK YOU to the people who have helped me out heaps throughout the process of completing my essay, regardless of 精神上的鼓励, or actual helping me get started with my essay:) By right, you should know who you are, but I'm also sorry if I missed out anyone (Just remind me when you see me!!!), but people who have helped me are as follows:

~ Angie (thanks for letting me know that there's also someone else that was on the same boat as me!!!)

~ Chase (thanks for all the information on behavioural management perspectives=))

~ Eugene (thanks for all the encouragement to get started=))

~ Felicia (thanks for the articles and help:P)

~ Hugo (thanks for the references:P)

~ Jing (thanks for letting me know that Chase is doing management!!!)

~ Jorine (thanks for helping me get started with my essay, and calling my brother(AHEM!!!))

~ Shan Min (thanks for all the encouragement to get started=))

~ Shawn (thanks for all the encouragement to get started, and the warnings about how tough it's gonna be completing it!!!)

~ Tiffany (thanks for helping me get started with my essay, and almost finishing up for me:P)

Without you guys, I wouldn't have survived!!! >.<

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