Friday, January 29, 2010

Chinese woman plans surgery to look like Jessica Alba

The bottom line is, a guy should love me for who I am.

iPad critics go viral

Seriously, ipad? Surely you can come up with a better name==

Friday, January 22, 2010

Study + Junk food

Every single time, whilst doing late night studying, it never hurt to give yourself a lil treat, no matter what it is... So there I was one night, having a large bowl of ice cream...

When it comes to things like ice cream and chocolates, no one can beat me to eating them... I mean it. I eat alot... And alot is alot...

Like that one weekend on Saturday, my bro and I went to the shops and bought a 4L tub of ice cream... Pretty much on Monday, more than half the tub was gone, and he was like == Anyways, I can go without food for one whole day, and I can eat a tub full of ice cream in one whole day as well...:P

Then, this other night at 2am, I was hungry whilst studying, so there I was making instant noodles to eat==

Then another day at around 2am again, I was hungry, so there I was with my yummy Indo Mee... Except cause I was too hungry, so pretty much gobbled everything up til the last bit, and then I remembered to take a picture... So there you go...:P

Qantas Frequent Flyer points

Dear friends! Please HELP!!!

Well, here goes...

Every dollar I spend above $30 will earn me 2 points towards my Qantas Frequent Flyer points at Woolworths... So those who are using Prepaid, regardless of whatever service providers (Telstra, Optus, Virgin etc...), please help by letting me help you buy the recharge vouchers so I can earn the points! Unless if you want to earn the points yourself, then I guess...

So far, throughout the past year and a half, I've earned 1141 points as of 14 January 2010, and as you can see, to earn a domestic trip would require me at least 20000 points for a one way ticket... I know this trip will be difficult to earn through these points, but I'm pretty determined to at least earn this one way trip even if it's gonna take me a couple of years! (Maybe a few years down the road I'll change my mind, but right now, I am determined to do so!)

So the bottom line is, please HELP!!! THANKS! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE:) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Korean Dramas & Movies

Goong/Princess Hours (LOVE IT! :D)

Witch Yoo Hee (LOVES...)

Summer Scent

Stained Glass/Yurihwa

Autumn In My Heart

Memory In Bali

Snow White (LOVES...)


Lovers In Paris

Sang Doo! Let's Go To School

My Little 18 Bride (LOVES...)

Tutor Friend

Stairway To Heaven

My Love Patzi

My Little 16 Bride (Touching ending bit...)

Love Story In Harvard (LOVES...)

Wonderful Life (LOVES...)

100 Days With Mr Arrogant

My Sassy Girl (LOVES...)

Oh! Happy Days

Windstruck (Favourite of all time!)

Bright Girl

All About Eve

Sassy Girl, Chun Hyang (Top 10!)

Winter Sonata

Oh! Pil Seung

Full House (LOVES...)

Tree In Heaven (LOVES, but could have been made into a longer drama...)

My Girl (Top 10!)

My 19 Year Old Sister In Law (Top 10!)

Hello! Miss

Biscuit Teacher Star Candy

Green Rose

Thank You

Dal Ja! Spring

Fantasy Couple

Hello God!

If In Love.. Like Them

Loving You

My Name Is Kim Sam Soon (Top 10!)

Over The Rainbow


The Person I love

Marry The Millionaire

Made In Heaven

Yeah, I've watched like half of them:)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who needs a Wii when there's a Shii?


Super Junior Sorry Sorry misheard lyrics

No comments! :P

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The hottest Summer in Perth since... whenever...

Not even a teeny weeny bit of rainfall, and and, scorching hot weather, just kill me, seriously.

Those who aren't in Perth at the moment, be thankful!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Singapore OverEasy nightclub offers free drinks by bust size

How appropriate?

Monday, January 18, 2010

The hot hot days...

Ok, first of all, I was at the city yesterday when I came across this...

OMG OMG OMG!!! Kim Bum is sooooooooo CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Just kill me!!!

Ahh I love Boys Over Flowers!:)

Then I was walking back to JCY's house when the temperature was like freaking 43 degrees day right, and I saw this guy walking on the concrete ground bare-footed== Seriously, is your feet made of water? How can you NOT feel the hotness??? Doesn't the ground burn your feet at all???

Then at night whilst talking to Kenneth on MSN, somehow I just had to show off the tiara I bought from the city... It just looks so cute so I bought it, wtf? Us and our randomness we do on MSN:P

Then it was time to complete the Assignment #2 that is so much more difficult as compared to the #1... Whilst asking my bestie in Summer School with regards to how to tackle the questions, at one point he said this to me:

Well the picture he was referring to was this:

So anyways, it's just funny how we often talk about some much randoms as well as for work... Just like this one that follows on from previous:

Ahahaha! k=capital (for those who don't study Economics won't understand this):P

So much for studying that seriously screws our brain up so much sometimes with our everyday lives== Moreover, especially when you've got a lecturer who doesn't speak proper English, then everything will be hard even if it's a one whole year course...

And Adrian just loves mocking Sam Tang's English:P

Anyways, then finally after rushing the assignment cause last minute is never fun, and it's not like I ever understand what I write in my answers anyways... Finally handed the assignment in class and had another long boring day at school...

Whilst walking along the James Oval after class, I just took a random pic of it cause it was a nice weather:)

And this gorgeous flower:)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A sauna house.

There's nothing more to say, other than, a picture says a thousand words.

They crack me up at 4am!

I'm bored, and yes I know I should be sleeping, I should have started my Summer School assignment which I have not done so, I should have started studying for my mid sem which is in 4 days which I have not done so; I've been pretty much slacking for the past 2 days already... Gahhhhhhh...

But but, before going to bed, as I read through my weekly updates from FML, this list of funny things never fail to crack me up! Well most of them anyways:P

-Today, I checked my Facebook notifications to see that someone likes my new single status. My ex. FML (OUCH!)

-Today, I got a biology quiz back. I had drawn a dinosaur on the back of the page, asking for extra credit. When my teacher handed it to me, I turned it over to see that he had drawn a caveman shooting arrows at my dinosaur. It was bleeding. Profusely. I didn't get the extra credit. FML (LOLOLOLOL at this seriously:P)

-Today, my teacher compared the female reproductive system to Shrek's head. Never again will I be able to watch the movies. FML (Don't wanna know that teacher's teaching:P)

-Today, I got my cell phone bill. I pay for 700 minutes per month. I used 9 last month. FML (Except, how can you not know that you only used 9 minutes when you know you are paying for so much?)

-Today, it was my 18th birthday. Nobody said anything. Gillette sent me a free razor though. FML (OUCH!)

-Today, my friends thought it would be funny to try and break a watermelon on my head while I was asleep on the couch. FML (OUCH!)

-Today, I added some of my own money to the tip jar in the Subway I work at to make myself look less pathetic. FML (That's sad)

-Today, after 8 years, I confessed one of my best friends I've been in love with him since we were kiddies. His answer was "Don't worry, I won't stop talking to you." FML (Confession failed!)

-Today, my brother and his friend ambushed me, tied me to a chair, and put a sock in my mouth. My mom found me 10 minutes later, took the sock out, and asked, "Why are you tied to a chair?" I told her what happened. She looked at me, laughed, stuffed the sock back in my mouth, and left. FML (A very awesome Mum indeed!)

-Today, I had to pull cheese out of my PS3's disc tray because my younger brother assumed all PS3's could grill stuff because "Youtube told him." FML (Well Youtube said so:P)

-Today, at a bar, a woman approched me and tried to set me up with her friend. Looking around, the only people in the bar were a man reading the paper and a very ugly woman, looking at me and smiling. I worriedly replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm gay." Turns out her friend was the one reading the paper. FML (EPIC!!!)

Alrights, time for bed now! Toodles!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Went to develop over 300 photos today to make into a photo album for my Mum's birthday... When I first collected them, they gave me these 5 huge envelopes... Since it was near its 5pm closing time, I didn't stop and think much about that large amount of photos given to me...

When I got home, that's when I start sorting everything out according to the dates they were taken... I opened this envelope and thought something was very wrong... What I saw was definitely not part of the photos we had developed, but there was this very cute picture in there that I was like AWWWWWWWWWWWWW when I saw it...


But anyways, seems like the person has gone on a travelling trip to Europe somewhere for Christmas, and 2 out of that 5 packets of photos didn't belong to us...:S

Sorting in progress...

I have to say, I'm impressed.

I stumbled across this group formed on Facebook called "When I Was Your Age, There Were Only 151 Pokemon" one day...

What I found interesting was the description; fascinated by just one though, cause I pretty much know half of them already, and the other few were a little unknown, but not that I care enough about... Anyways, this is what it wrote:

-The "starter" Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle

-The cities were all named after colours

-Team Rocket were the only arch enemies of Ash Ketchem

-Cinnabar Island before it erupted

-The Safari Zone was still open

-Misty and Brock were Ash's only friends

-Nidoran being the only Pokemon to have genders (hermaphrodites!?)

-There were only three legendary birds

Well I guess it's been some time since I last played Pokemon cards/games, and I wasn't really a hardcore fan of it, but still, I remember the days I used to spend so many hours on it, constantly recharging my batteries and forsaking that hours of sleep like how I can do for drama series nowadays...

Anyways, back to what I was saying, that one description that really caught my eye was the one about the cities being named after colours... I never realised that one before, and doing a little bit of research, I found this:

Pallet Town: Named after the pallette used by painters/the pallette of different colors (obviously used to kickoff to the series of colors!)
Viridian City: Means a deep emerald-hue
Pewter City: A greyish color
Cerulean City: Light Blue
Vermillion City: A bright red-hue
Celadon City: Yellow-green
Fuschia City: Pink
Saffron City: Golden yellow
Cinnabar Island: Brownish red
Lavender Town: Purple

I'm hyped! How did this ever happen???

Then I did a little bit more of research, and I found these two other interesting ones...

-the professors are named after plants/trees: Prof. Oak,Ivy,Elm,Birch,Rowan etc...

-Bill, the inventor of the PC storage system, is named after Bill Gates from Microsoft (of course!)


Friday, January 15, 2010

LOVE is.. watching over YOU.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sam Tang's attempt with the SMART Board

Please note that this is like the best attempt he can come up with... His writing is illegible enough already==


Saturday, January 9, 2010

I ♥ multi-layered jelly!

Just to clarify, it was supposed to be a 5 layered jelly... But somehow I have no idea why, it turned out to be like this...==

I guess 3 layers isn't THAT bad...

Though it was supposed to be yellow (lemon), orange (orange), green (lime), blue (blueberry), purple (blackcurrant)...

Thursday, January 7, 2010


As I was telling Kenneth one day about one of Joanne Peh's entry on her blog:, Kenneth decided to play along and be lame==

Anyone who is wondering, Kenneth was born in the States.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

UP boy look-alike?!?!?!


Monday, January 4, 2010

11 months

It felt like forever since Kenneth left... Today was supposed to be our 11 months together, but he just had to leave the day before, which made me even more depressed...

Anyways, in the morning, I wrote up Zhi Xiang's Christmas card... Abit late yes, but it's always better than never reaching right?

Look at my awesomest colourful writing:P

Then I rode on my new bike to send out the post Christmas gifts to Mum, Aunt, Kenneth's parents, Bukit Batok CC, Zhi Xiang, and Cheng Ze...:)

Then at night, whilst chatting to Kenneth, he showed me his fashionable hairstyle... I like this look:P

I ♥ YOU!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My new bike.

Everyone who knows me well enough, should know that I never exercise. Ever. The only way to get me close enough to exercise would be to ride a bike. Or of course, it's when I am always running late, and would run to catch a train or bus==

I've been wanting a bike since ages ago, ever since young back in Singapore, but guess I never really had the chance to use the red one that was supposedly for me, because it was jam-packed in one corner of the house, when my house is pretty much jam-packed everywhere else as well... Ever since living at my cousins where everyone had a bike of their own and at first I had to even share with Debra, but then after, it's more like I never got to touch it again...

Kenneth, knowing this, and been wanting to get me to start exercising, decided to get me a bike one day... He wanted to get it for me, as a companion for when he's never here for me, which is of course most of the time... When we went to the Burswood Casino as mentioned before, with the money we won, which was enough for half a bike, that's when we decided to get it... So there it is, getting fixed up by my uncle...


I miss you. I hope you are safe and sound back in Melbourne:'(

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Apparently, my porridge tastes good! *rolls eyes*

So here you go, for people who weren't able to taste it, can hopefully 'taste' it through this picture:)
