Friday, January 22, 2010

Study + Junk food

Every single time, whilst doing late night studying, it never hurt to give yourself a lil treat, no matter what it is... So there I was one night, having a large bowl of ice cream...

When it comes to things like ice cream and chocolates, no one can beat me to eating them... I mean it. I eat alot... And alot is alot...

Like that one weekend on Saturday, my bro and I went to the shops and bought a 4L tub of ice cream... Pretty much on Monday, more than half the tub was gone, and he was like == Anyways, I can go without food for one whole day, and I can eat a tub full of ice cream in one whole day as well...:P

Then, this other night at 2am, I was hungry whilst studying, so there I was making instant noodles to eat==

Then another day at around 2am again, I was hungry, so there I was with my yummy Indo Mee... Except cause I was too hungry, so pretty much gobbled everything up til the last bit, and then I remembered to take a picture... So there you go...:P

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