Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shaved Bieber

Heard of the recent talk-about song Baby?

By Justin Bieber?

Ring a bell?

Don't understand what's the fuss about him?

Still reckon he's a she?

Tired of reading stories about him?

Want him out of your life?

Here's the deal.

1 - Go to Shaved Bieber.
2 - Download or bookmark.
3 - Enjoy Bieber-free browsing!

Read more here.

*P.S. For JB's fans who are reading this, I do not have anything against him. I'm just stating what I know, and sharing it with others. Chill..

WTF: Weird True Freaky

Ever wondered where I have been getting my recent stories from?

Nothing special, just this WTF (Weird True Freaky) section from the Perth News website:)

Anyways, cause there's too many, and I don't feel like reviewing them, so yea, read whichever one that appeals to you I guess:)

Average aha ones:

Peruvian mum Julia Manihuari bedbound for six months by N cup breasts

A $250,000 throne fit for Royalties in the Regions

Pizza in Naples may be baked using coffin wood, paper claims

It's your fault, you deserve this:

- Scratch ticket misery for Brit bungler who threw away more than $150,000

What a McIdiot! Student Richard Newman bins $1m McDonald's Monopoly prize

British man banned for drunk-driving in toy Barbie car

Woman says three bags a popcorn a day damaged her lungs

One foot out of the grave

New Zealand drug dealer caught by tsunami warning

Seriously WTF:

- Spooked phone bosses suspend 0888 888 888 - after everyone who owns it dies

Boy nearly hit by laptop which fell from medical helicopter

Hundreds of large, feral rats found in New Mexico 'hoarders' house

Serial hoaxer Daniel Hammond claimed he was raped by whale

Locust swarms tops off a profitable time for pizza maker, car wash firm

Gay dogs not welcome, diner in South Australia told

PM urged to swear more, but no Speedos

Autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire ready to dazzle Sydney with his memory

Gah that's a lot of WTF stories to read. Some are definitely worth reading more than the others, but since opinions differ from person to person, you should read it yourself and have a good laugh before getting back to studies.:)

*P.S. I've roughly copied all the links that I think interest me. There's a couple more on the site that I didn't copy. For daily interesting articles, bookmark this.:)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Letter writing

Remember back in the old Primary School days, where we were taught to write letters?

It's always the same.

Write a letter to your pen-pal.

Write a letter to whom it may concern regarding some complaints.

Write a letter to Santa telling him what you want for Christmas this year.

I think I always, without fail, pick the first one. You just bullcrap about oh you're so far away from me, I don't get to see you often. Weather in Singapore is terrible, I hope over in XXX is much better. I hope you're doing well with studies, and I hope to see you soon in Singapore. Then you try advertise for Singapore, like hey we can go here and do this and that when you're here! How awesome is it? Then yea, hope to hear from you soon. From XXX.

But then, what do you really get from writing these letters? Of course when you were writing it, it would be some form of fiction writing. Surely you didn't really expect Santa to read what you wrote, and give you what you had wished for right?

Put letter writing aside, say if you went up to your parents and ask for something, a want, what's the chance of them saying I'LL GET IT FOR YOU TOMORROW?

Often in life, you don't get what you wished for, and especially in letter writing in schools, even if your piece was so great it got stuck on the wall for all to see, as if someone's gonna come to you and say I'LL GET IT FOR YOU TOMORROW:)

But see, in life there are miracles. It always just happens to that one lucky person, when no one else gets it. Even though you didn't wish for something big like striking lottery, but for a 11 year old girl, getting a free Nintendo DS sent to school especially for her is just like striking lottery, isn't it?

Read more here.

My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress

So, what would you do, if your wife decided to dump you one day, after being married to you for 12 years?

She was your high school sweetheart. You love her. You had two kids with her. You thought your life was fulfilled.

Then one day, she decides to leave you. You don't know why. She left, with all her belongings, except one thing.

Just one thing.

Her wedding dress.

You then tell her, she had forgotten to take something along with her.

She replied, she does not care.

She says you can do whatever you want with it.

You're a guy.

What can a guy do with a wedding dress?

Your ex-wife's wedding dress?

You could sell it.

You could dump it.

You could hang it up, so that you can reminisce the old times when looking at it everyday.


You could divise a plan to plot against your ex-wife.

What sort of plan?

You could set up a website.

What would it contain?

101 uses for your ex-wife's wedding dress.

Otherwise known as the 101 ways to destroy your ex-wife's wedding dress.

Have I caught your attention now? If I have, then do you want to know more?

Click here to read more about the article, and here to view the infamous site. :)

Moral of the story?

Never mess with a guy?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Justin Bieber's rivals

Seems like recently there's been a crowd fever for Justin Bieber. However he's not the only one! Apparently there's these two other people - Lin Yu Chun; otherwise known as the Taiwan Susan Boyle, and Greyson Chance; an American boy who got famous after his acoustic version of Lady Gaga's Paparazzi peformed at a school festival. Read more at: Gaga and Houston impersonators land record deals.

Otherwise, check out the videos for Lin Yu Chun
here, and Greyson Chance here:)

*P.S. And one of the comments made for Lin Yu Chun that I've read was:

"If i was a boy... i dont know if being able to sing like a woman would be a good thing...."

Monday, May 17, 2010

$5 movies anyone?


I haven't been to the cinemas since.. New Moon, which was last November.== And that was a open field theatre thingy, so not counted. So the actual last time would be last July, when I watched Harry Potter with Kenneth. That was so so ages ago==

I remember was it during my first sem, we watched Death Race and something else, can't remember what now, but but, we had a movie marathon the week before exams or something.. Can we do it again this time? But it's prolly gotta be this weekend. Cause next weekend is full-on study time already:( So can we can we can weeeeeeeeeee???:P

5 movies I wanna watch (cause I'm such hopeless for romance genre only):
- Dear John
- The Last Song
- When In Rome
- Letters To Juliet
- otherwise Ip Man 2

Oh and I think I've got some $5 movie tickets thingy. Cause I've bought many Kinder Buenos, and they've got this offer thingy. So um.. yea..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Roller Coasters

Yes yes, I know I'm back. But just for a quick 5 mins:P

Recently, I've been thinking about what to do with Kenneth when I meet him in just about 1 month's time (ignore the fact that exams are even sooner!) *panicks*

1 month back in Singapore is rather short, given I can't exactly spend every single day with him. And you know, Singapore is just this big, and there's nothing much to do. Though I've been wanting to visit one particular place, which is of course the Universal Studios. I've been wanting to get a waterproof casing for my camera as well, but they're really expensive:( Like $300-400?:O That's like half the price of my camera already==

On a related note, my Australia cousins and Katrina are (80% sure) going to Singapore at the end of the year, so visiting places in a group would prolly be better than just Kenneth and I going ourselves. Given it cost $70+/pax to get in, sigh, must save money!:( So ya, prolly won't be able to go in June/July then:(

Oh and one thing that I wanted to go to the Universal Studios (besides the Far far away kingdom) was going on the roller-coaster! I'm a scaredy cat, I admit, but still, looks fun! But I've read some news about it being not open to patrons because they're double-checking for safety precautions; not sure if it's open now already:S

Anyways, here's a site to share the top 10 insane roller-coasters in the World!:) Enjoy!:)

The Yo-Yo champion - NOT

9RAW: Fake yo-yo champion fools TV stations across America - Video News Live

Owh this is hilarious, totally made my day!

I think I can do better than that man!

Ok, enough laughter for the day, back to assignmenting.:(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Changes In Life"

Came across something inspirational as I was browsing through a primary school friend's Facebook notes.

"A person may be ugly at young but as time goes by he/she may just turn out to be someone you never imagine would be that good looking. Never deem someone as he/she is for the rest of your days. Cheers!:)

One may be poor for now but that doesn't mean he will be poor for the rest of his life. As long as you believe that you can do it, have faith and confidence and nothing will stand in your way. Determination Conquers All! Winks!;)

If your love life doesn't work out too well now, think and do something. Find out the cause of what's not getting you the love you want. There are definitely good and bad points in everyone. Improve and change and you never know what's coming up for you, good luck!:)

Decide who or what you want to be. The future is in your own hands. What we are today is the result of our past actions. Nobody can decide your life or make decisions for you. Know what you want in life. Failure is not the worst thing, it is regret instead. As for me, I will never bow down to fate!:)

People may mark you as a failure or loser. But what matters most is you disagree and prove that you are not one. Why agree or give up when you have not even try? Prove to others what capabilities you have and your name might just be a living legend.:)

High tide waits for no man. Fight for what you think you deserve. The world will not stop to understand you and give way for its every man for himself. Excel or lose out?:)

When nobody understands you, you know you are on your own. If you are being wronged but nobody cares for your explanation, it doesn't matter as long as you have a clear conscience. Just be true to yourself. Also learn to be independent and stop depending on others so much. You have no direction of your own and you will not know where you are being leaded to.=/

If you think your life sucks real hard now, think of the world. Others' plight might be way worse off than yours. So stop whining away, get on your feet and do something! You may suffer now. But your wife and children must not undergo what you've been through. Your parents are the real ones that has been suffering, so spare a thought for them if not for yourself!:)

Money may not seem as everything. But without money, everything is fake, haha.:)

Suffer now, enjoy later or Enjoy now, suffer later till the day you go.

You decide?:O

When death has caught up with you when you are old, expect people to weep as you go or laugh as you go for you this burden to all is finally out of the way. Think hard fellow people!:)

I know what i want in life. People may put me down for now, but i will prove them wrong. I believe strongly in myself! What about you my friend?:)"

To a certain extent, don't you think it sounds professional? Some sort of deep profound language used there. And what's surprising is that a guy actually wrote this himself! How many guys out there would bother writing this? And how many of them can actually produce something like this piece of writing?

What's even more surprising is that "Changes In Life" was written by a Normal Technical student. In Singapore, the smartest people would be studying Express; average and a bit below would be studying Normal Academic; whilst the dumbest not-so-smart ones would be studying Normal Technical. I've got nothing against Normal Technical students; my younger brother was once in that position. It's just that who would have thought the not-so-bright students could write out something like this?

Thanks Nicholas for sharing this!:)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What really annoys me when selling stuff online

Anyone who has been to my house before, would know that my house could be the Next-in-trend convenience store. It has just about everything that you need really. Because I buy in bulk.

And as you may know, I tend to buy things on impulse. So I end up with many things at home that I never really use. I even have so much new clothes that I tried giving Katrina and Debra some, and after they took quite a bit away, I've got still bags of it==

So then, I thought of selling away whatever I can online. I have sold off a couple of things away already (thank god!), but there's still quite a bit remaining. And as much as I love selling things online, it annoys me sometimes when people give ridiculously low prices for items that are worth much more than that. I understand the way how bargaining works, and I gotta admit when I buy stuff online, I would try bargain too. It's just that recently, one week ago, there's this person who's been emailing me about buying all of my stuff, yes, ALL OF IT, which I guess, this is the best of the best I could ever ask for. Being able to get rid of all my stuff, no more worries, and I can buy more when I'm back in Singapore:)

But the problem is, she is only offering $120. And honestly, $120 is low for what I've got, given I've got 2 pairs of Levi's jeans and Addidas bag and many more other stuff that could possibly fill up 2-3 average boxes (excluding my multimillion bags of clothes). After giving much thought about it, I still decided to sell them, since chances are I may not be able to sell much away, and it's better to get rid of them now than regret after, since chances are I will never use them in the near future. I did however, state that the 2 pairs of Levi's jeans would not be included, and she agreed with it. So on 3rd May, we made a deal on the 18 ads of mine (well 17 actually cause I told her the jeans weren't included, but she still always calls it the "18 ads") that were posted up.

For some reason, we never really communicated again since the deal was made, and halfway through the week I decided to email her again, asking if she was still interested in the deal. And she replied me: "r u serious or just kidding." I was puzzled for a moment, I thought we had a deal. So why on earth did she sound like she has never heard of the news before?

And then this is the part where it starts to get annoying. I asked her what she meant in her email, and she responded: "i dont know but you know it very well.i think you r wasting your time and mine also otherwise you come to directly on the point." Honestly, I was offended. *blood boil*

I mean, come on, she sounded like she was some smart ass who just cracked a case, and has exposed my plan of scamming her or something. Seriously, WTF is her problem? Pardon my language, but hey, try understand where I'm coming from.

So anyways, we kept emailing each other back, until today was the day. The day it has reached the peak. And I full blasted at her, when she said this:

"i think my guess is right you are just kidding because you are not standing with your words you had agreed on $120 for items from 1 to 18 ads but now you are backing from your committment.

thanks for your reply."

Ok, she doesn't sound that rude here, but I was pissed off, because I was maligned. And I do not like being maligned. Who does?

So I wrote her an email, at 3am in the morning, because I do not like the feeling of going to bed having to carry some sort of sentence when I don't deserve it.

***Be forewarned of my very long email (typical Celia style).

NOTE: "You" refers to her.

Here goes:

Just to clarify things up.

You first sent me the email on 1st May:
"i am offering $110 for alltogether your posted 18 nos. advertisements if acceptable send address details for pick up.

I then told you no, since it's too low, and you replied:
"ok i can pay you maximum $120.00."

Then I told you no again, since it's worth much more than that. But I emailed you again after giving a serious thought about it on 2nd May:
"Hi there.

I've thought about it. How about this? $120, but I can't give you the Levis' jeans. You didn't exactly want it anyways, did you?

Regards, Celia"

On 3rd May, you replied:
"yes i am able to take each and everything in dollars 120 as per 1 to 18 ads. if its ok then send address details and suitable any time for saturday or sunday.


"i am available after 2.30pm and i am not able to attend call or reply mail before 2.30 because my shift is 6.00am to 2.00 pm and my cell no. is **********.

So here's the deal, we made an agreement, on 3rd May, 18 ads of mine up to that date, for $120.

Yesterday, 8th May, you sent me an email saying:
"i have seen your all ads now they are 21 but our deal is for 18 ads item which does not include denim skirts,clearance items and addidas bag i think this is suitable to you in $120 which was our actual deal.


And I replied:

Um, no it's not right. I only posted some bags up yesterday, so they shouldn't be included. And it was the Levi's jeans that were not included, not the denim skirts.


Which then you replied to:
"i think my guess is right you are just kidding because you are not standing with your words you had agreed on $120 for items from 1 to 18 ads but now you are backing from your committment.

thanks for your reply."

So before you start maligning me about something I did not do, please reflect on what I had told you. I stated clearly, I'll take the deal, but the Levi's jeans would not be included (see 2nd May). You took up the deal after I said it. If you did not read my email clearly, then this is not my fault. And if you think that I've manipulated the emails, then please check your message history. Otherwise, I can send them all back to you for reading.

Also, our agreement was made on the 18 ads that you saw that I posted up to that date. Additional ads that I add after would therefore not be included in the deal at all. The 3 additional ads that I've uploaded on the web, were a couple of bags (black, blue and brown) and a thumbdrive. It was not like what you said, denim skirts; clearance items and addidas bag. You can't just pick out 3 things that you don't want from the 18 ads you wanted before, and add in 3 of my new ads like that. It was never in the deal, and therefore I have not violated the agreement at all.

Please do not say stuff like I'm not standing by my words because in actual fact, you are the one who is not. You are the one who agreed on the deal despite I stated clearly that the Levi's jeans would not be included; and it was the 18 ads that I had, not pick any 18 ads of mine. I have not backed out from the commitment, and if you are still interested, feel free to come and get it. But please do get the facts right before pointing your finger at someone else.

Lastly, please do not judge a person when you don't even get your facts right to start with. I was never kidding about the deal, as I have explained to you why I am selling my stuff. I have got too many new stuff that I never use, and selling them off to earn some money when I haven't got a job is not something unethical. The only reason that made you think I'm kidding is because my stuff are definitely worth much more than the low $120 that you're willing to offer. And the only reason I am taking up this offer is because you're the only one who has offered that. If there was ever a higher offer, what makes you think that you would get the deal from me?

Do not judge me and think that I'm some sort of scammer by the low amount of money you're paying for. Of course it sounds too good to be true for a deal like that, but I have asked for a higher price, you just wouldn't budge. Instead of keeping the stuff not knowing if I'll ever be able to sell them off, I decided to take up your offer despite the low price. I did not steal pictures of everyone else's stuff and pretend to sell them when I haven't got the stuff. I'm a Uni student who has lots of stuff to do and studies to catch up with. Even if I was ever so free, there's so much other stuff I could possibly do than try scam people like that. I have a legitimate address which you can google it all you want. And it's not like you're going to some foreign place and never coming back. It's not something like you step into my house and you will never leave the house again. I'm not some psycho person like you think I am, and feel free to stand outside the house whilst I get the stuff. Honestly, I probably wouldn't feel secure having you step into my house anyway.

And if you think it's too good to be true to get such a great bargain, then you should not have set your offer to such a low price to start with. By offering a low price and expect to get all the items on my ads, and yet when I finally agreed to it, you start to question me about it. So what in the world do you actually want? A moment you want everything and want it cheap. Then when you actually got it, you question others for why it's so cheap and ask if they are kidding with you. If you think I'm a time-waster, you're wrong. Because you are the culprit. You are the one who wastes others' time by giving them a hard time with your low offer, then waste more of their time trying to explain why they gave in to your offer, finally they even have to deal with all your criticisms and countless attempts to get a better bargain (which is even better than too good to be true).

As mentioned above, I stated all of these to clarify things up. I actually bother replying you with such a long reply at 3am in the morning is because I do not like the feeling of being maligned. How would you feel if you got blamed for something you didn't do? Or when it was not your fault? Please think twice about what you say to others, especially after you get the facts right.

Regards, Celia

Ok, now that I've cooled down, reading this email again makes me think that some of my words may seemed harsh. No wonder everytime when you're in a heated argument with someone, you tend to say stuff that may hurt the other party without you realising it at all. Oh well, the email's sent. I'm not gonna apologise to her, unless she does that first. I doubt she would reply anyways.

But hey, never mess with Celia right? Now you know why.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy happy day=)

Hello hello:)

I'm back!:)

I know I know, I promised to blog more often, but due to my superb procrastination skills, as much as I often wished to blog, the wish just never materialised. I'm sorry:(

For those who follow my blog, which I doubt there's any, this is probably gonna be those one-off post, and I'll never come back to blogging again, say till, *c'mon, think of a satisfactory answer* Ok I got it, after exams:P

So there goes the question. What prompted me to blog today? For those who follow my tweets, here I am, honouring what I said a couple of hours ago:) For those who don't follow my tweets, that's alright, I understand, my tweets are mostly personal and mostly boring for most of the time.. But but, I'm blogging today cause I'm happy:) Yellow signifies happiness yea? You know those smiley faces? They're yellow.

Um maybe except for this top that I had, it's pink.

Ok, so what made this day so special to make me grinning from head to toe, smiling at every single thing I do? I don't know. That's why the reason of me being so happy!:) Bwahaha!:P

Ok, let's start from a couple of days ago. Business Econometrics (BE) results were out. I was scared. I mean, I was always scared. But BE was hard, given that 20 MCQs were worth 30% of your final mark, how can you not be scared of any choice from A-E that you make? I didn't wanna look at it when Sabrina asked, but I gave in after. The average was 10.9/20, I got 11. Now this sounds bad; I just passed. But hey, I'm above average. The former said by me; latter by Kenneth. The usual pessimistic me and optimistic him.

Then yesterday at the micro tute, Benson drew a bell curve of the scores of the mid sem. Apparently out of the 350 ish people who are doing this unit, barely 100 passed. I'm sure where I stand. I knew it the moment I stepped into the mid sem not knowing what topic 3 4 5 was about. I glanced through the lecture notes in 30 minutes. I mean, what do you expect from having double mid sems anyways? Nevertheless, the failure rate of 70% still amuses me. It reminds me of MATH1010, on our first lecture, the lecturer gave us a caution reminder: 'only 1 in 3 of you here are gonna pass the unit'. Oh and another thing tha
t's weird, given we took the test at 2pm on Friday, they had apparently already finished marking it by Saturday afternoon. Efficiency? So micro-style.

Then last night. Nothing much happened last night actually.. Final exam timetables were out, and finally this sem I've got the most spread-out timetable ever! Starting on the first day of the exam 5th June - last day of the exam 18th June. You can think of it the bad way, but at least I haven't got doubles and 4 exams in 3 consecutive days anymore! *wipes off sweat* And I'm flying off to Singapore that night! 12am flight I assumed, so around 10.30pm gotta reach the airport. Exam should end by 4.20pm, get home hopefully by 5.30pm, so say about 4 hours for me to pack?:O But aiya, it's only a trip back for 1 month, and Katrina's gonna be home anyways, so prolly no need to pack much:) Hehe:P

Ok then today. As usual, I slept with my latop and lights on again, *yes yes global warming I know I know I didn't do it intentionally*, but it was because I was too tired. I was actually waiting for Kenneth to finish showering before chatting on the phone, but I fell asleep whilst waiting. 2 hours later I woke up and remembered I was supposed to call him, so we chatted for I don't know how long before either I dozed off to sleep again (another story, elaborate more next time) or the battery went out of batt. I had no recollection of what happened, so I presumed the phone died on me, then I fell asleep. Ahahaha:P

This morning, I woke up at a surprising 6.40am. You know when you've got school on weekdays and countless alarms never wake you up, but on the weekends when you wanna sleep in, you never can. That theory, always, applies to me. So there I was staring out my windows not knowing what to do, and suddenly I had a strong urge to read. Yeap, you've heard me right, read. And it was not any ordinary book, it was Low Kay Hwa's books. Ok now it sounds like I'm advertising for the author, but that's not true. I only wanted to read his books cause I started reading one of his books I Believe You, and well, it was corny but it was good. I spent 3 hours reading that whole story. It was one that I just seemed to read on and on without noticing how much I've read *completely different to studying when you constantly check how many more pages you've got left to read==* And now I'm wanting to read all his other books, so well, I read parts of it on the website, but to complete reading the stories, I've got to buy the book!:( Noooo...:( So yea, spent my whole morning and bit of afternoon reading half the story of each of his 6 other books. Now I'm left hanging in between, wanting to know the endings of every book of his!:( Damn it.

Around half past 3, I went to the shops. Being the usual me, I had to run to the train station again! But strangely this time whilst running, I felt happy. The sun shone brightly on me, and I felt a tinge of happiness. Weird right? Then I went to Big W, and I came across this thing that I saw with Katrina that day, but didn't take a picture of.

It was the cupcakes maker!

*feels like in the cupcake-mood now:P

Then I went to a bra shop to shop for bras for my lovely housemate Katrina, who is currently back in her little hometown Exmouth to celebrate her best friend's birthday:) I know it's weird, that I'm shopping bras for her. It's just that a couple of days ago we had this convo which strangely led to the topic of bra sizes. And she was complaining how her boobs are too big bigger than average, so the bras she has to buy are mainly custom-made for people with boobs like her, and they're usually expensive and not found everywhere. Also, it usually cost her like $60-80 per bra, so apparently she only owns two bras== So, I was out on a mission to hunt for discounted bras (apparently I always manage to find good bargains!:P) So there I was in Joondalup, went into this store, and they had this rack of discounted bras, and guess what? Yes, I found one, that was her size, I even confirmed it by calling her and asking her about it== It was like $30, which I guess was cheap for her size already, but was expensive for me cause mine are like $5-10, seriously wth== Asians are such cheapos==

So I continued on with my shopping, and I was at Coles when I saw this.

Choco-scopes!:O Sounds so fanciful some more, but not sure if it taste good or not:S I was attracted to the colours straight away! So niceeeeeee!

And then I came across this that was funnier!

Having problems with your marriage? Don't fret!
Get the Marital Bliss Bar!:)
One-third of the bar (50% HIS) and two-thirds of the bar (50% HERS):)

And are you ready for the last one that totally made my day? One that made me giggle like a 3-year-old in the supermarket, with everyone staring at me whilst I kept on giggling.

Proudly presenting the girthControl chocolate!:) I think it's rather self-explanatory. So yea, read it:)

Just a final picture of me to end my happy day=)