Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My interesting nicknames:P

was once ~ see-la (according to Chen Yi),

then ~ TTM (according to Jia Chen and many people),

then ~ random (according to many people),

then ~ siao liao (according to Chen Yi) [29.10.08],

then ~ cereal (according to Jorine) [29.10.08],

then ~ papaya (according to Chen Yi) [29.10.08].

Why do I get names like these???

Then ~ see - lai (according to Chen Yi) [29.10.08, ~1am]

---> (- chenyi says:
like a housewife ah.. bcuz u always compare prices and buy the cheapest things IN BULK
- chenyi says:
u r definitely A see-lai) <---

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is so not funny!!! Though I know my OB Essay was very last minute work, but I swear I actually did start early, and it's so freaking unfair... When you discussed the whole assignment with someone else, all exact ideas and same theories, yet they get a score 17.5% higher than you, WTH??? And like that's still not the main point yet... I didn't think I did so badly to the extent of failing like this!!!

Whatever of your bullcrap that most people you've marked have failed... Like seriously, SIF!!! I looked through the entire stack of hundreds of assignments in an attempt to look for mine, and so many scores that I've seen were at least 13/20... SIF many people in the course failed!!! I think it's just you and your biasness and strictness... Don't blame everything on the lecturer saying she has strict requirements and standards, you sure have higher ones, ok!!!

Considering you being a tutor don't even set good examples... Always coming to tutes late, always so random (wearing a thick jumper on a burning hot day?!?!?!), don't even know which session of tute is compulsory (telling us that the week's tute wasn't compulsory while all other people had to go to that week's tute, and the lecturer even said it was compulsory too, but luckily you didn't mark us all as absent!!!), and apparently you don't reply to emails too... What a tutor are you, may I ask??? The first impression I have of you was that you would be a nice tutor, and I thought you were the best out of my three tutors, but guess what??? LOOKS SURE ARE DECEIVING, and yeap, I've been cheated into this... A perspective that you're a kind tutor who smiles always, seems so friendly everytime, like a nice nice gentleman, but WTH's with your marking standards??? Oh whatever!!!

If only...

, is such an amazing thing that is rather an inevitable process in certain ways... Sometimes, we seemed to think and behave so alike that the coincidence is just unbelievable... Other times, we seemed to be complete strangers that will never have known each other for probably another century or so... Unfortunately, to this point in time, Fate had only managed to bring us together to meet and become friends... Fate is stopping us right here, and doesn't seem to be extending any further than that...

*IF AND ONLY IF, I was the friend you were waiting for...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Daylight Savings

is 2am...

No, NOW is 3am...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Daylight Savings stole my one hour away... Sob sob...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

22.10.2008-A day with sadness


I hope you had an awesome birthday celebrating with your friends... Heard that you went to chalet, so GOOD!!! I haven't even been to chalet before... SIGH:( So I hope you should be proud of yourself that you've beaten me to it:P Anyways, I know it's sad that it's the last year of secondary school, and the thought of going separate ways with your friends are quite tormenting at times... I've been through that stage of graduating high school last year, the thought of studying there for 3 years had left me with so many wonderful memories, and especially the friends I've made there will never be forgotten:) Therefore, don't be sad since you'll still be able to meet up with them, as they are all from Singapore, and should live around Woodlands anyway...:)

Today is the day where it has marked another significance in my life as well... It's the day where certain things have to be let go of seriously... A bit more than 3 weeks ago, I confessed to you that I think I'm starting to, or perhaps even fallen in love with you already... I hesitated alot, but still decided to go along with the confession, though I was prepared that you'd say you are in love with someone else too... At first, I thought it's only me who thinks that you like that certain someone, and also thought it's cause I like you, so the perspective of me thinking you like her is a form of bias... But as time goes by, as you tried to keep more to yourself, and the way you respond to questions just confirmed that you do like her... Activities and scenarios, and even other people had sensed something between you and her, together with your way of denial just made everything seemed so obvious, although I know there is another complicated relationship linked there as well... You said I don't know the story, but I wouldn't know when you wouldn't tell... Sometimes I find it so weird, there's times where you behave as though nothing happened, other times you behave as though you don't care about anything, and I really don't get your irresponsive reactions... If asked if I can turn back time, would I still choose to confess again??? I really don't know... For now, it seems more like a bad thing has happened, so of course I wouldn't want to do it again... Not because of the fact that I got rejected, but more because I feel that we're not like what we used to be anymore... I miss the days where we'll talk about anything really... The days where you seemed to care about things more, where you take the initiative to do things more, where you are more caring with words and actions... Nowadays, there seemed to be some barrier between us, and whether or not it's because of the amount of workload everyone has, or because of something else, I'm not so certain anymore... As time goes by, I seemed to know you more, but at the same time, I feel so distant around you that it makes me feel as though I don't know you anymore... This feeling is so contradictory, and I'm not enjoying it... Is there no way to go back to how we used to be??? Especially to the time when we first got to know each other??? Did I build this barrier unintentionally between us, or did you??? As for -It was never love that broke her heart, it was losing that love that tore her apart-, I never got the love, so it's impossible to lose it... I just thought it rhymed good, thus used it for my MSN name...

What exactly is ⓛⓞⓥⓔ??? For some reason, it's something I can't totally say I have for you now... It may be a good thing for you, but not for me... Sometimes things seemed to get a little out of hand, and I'm feeling so messed up with my true and perceived feelings for you... And the problem is that I don't actually know if they're the same... The perceived feeling is that I do like you, but the true feeling??? I don't know, it's so hard to explain... Sometimes I seemed to only like you as a friend, but other times I seemed to like you more than just a friend... I can't even tell the difference myself... When you're not around, I can't say I totally misses you, but I can't say I'm not... When you're with her, I can't say I'm not jealous, but I can't say I totally am... When you're being irresponsive, sometimes I'm loving it, sometimes I'm hating it... Anyways, the 'last talk' that I specified today, knowing I had trouble telling you face to face what I wanted to say, thanks for allowing me to pen them down... Thanks for staying back and taking the next bus to allow me to say what I wanted to say... At times my life feels so mundane, and is it because I know that it's impossible between us, and I should probably give up and move on soon, and also how I'm already used to seeing you with her, so I don't seem to feel as hurt anymore??? At times I also ponder about whether the things told by people have been continuously adding up to the stage whereby I reluctantly tell myself it's seriously time to give up, and thus is sorta immune to whatever I see now... Other moments are when I still feel hurt deep down inside, sometimes to the extent where I tell myself to forget and to not care about it anymore, but just can't help probing into it more... Yes, people have asked me what's the point of doing this, since the one ending up hurt is probably still gonna be myself... But I really don't know... I mean, if I do really like him, is it actually possible to give up just like this??? If it is so easy, then do I really like him??? Have I been out of love for a little too long, so I don't actually know how being in love feels like anymore, and I can't tell if it's a friendship love, or otherwise... This post is getting a tad bit draggy and is seriously starting to oppose each other to some extent, but the question is still lying there unresolved: What's the real feeling I have for you??? And is it really true that to forget one person is to find another person??? SIGH...

周杰伦 - 轨迹

(Chorus - 1st part)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Exam Timetable is OUT!!!

Ok, I've got the gay-est timetable ever!!!

Although Shan Min has her exams on the 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, which is pretty gay, I admit... But I have 2 exams on the same day, 3 consecutive 2pm-9am-2pm exams together:( HOW FREAKING GAY IS THAT??? WHAT TYPE OF ARRANGEMENT IS THAT???

-My Timetable-
-> FA 11th (40%)
-> MO 14th (50%)
-> OB & MATH1020 15th (60% & 50% respectively)


YES!!! I'm realising how screwed I am now... -.-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today I woke up at 10am...

As a result of not having my phone by my side as usual, I woke up so late... Worse still, normally I would stay up to study, and would therefore sleep on the couch in the living room to avoid waking my brother up when I go in the room to sleep in the middle of the night... But last night, I actually went back to the room to sleep, and when I suddenly woke up in the morning, he was sitting in front of his laptop playing... I can't believe he didn't wake me up, knowing I've got 9am Maths classes everyday!!! SIGH...

So in the end, I missed Maths and 10am OB lecture:( Quickly got changed and prepare as quickly as possible, and got to Uni around 12.10pm for OB tute... After that I had free time from 1pm to 3pm, and I went to the MO lecture, yet was working on the FA Excel for the group assignment:( So practically, I went to Uni today for the OB tute only... My usual Tuesday packed day had become a OB tute only?!?!?!


Monday, October 6, 2008


Thanks so much to everyone who have helped me out today…

Today was such a dreary day… YES!!! I know!!! It’s me and my last minute work again!!! SIGH… Promise never gonna do it, EVER AGAIN!!! But I have to say, I have been pretty hardworking today, though I’m on msn, but I never talked to anyone really… And it's also cause I got on msn, then I realised how 9 different people did actually reply or talked to me yesterday, yet I didn’t get the message, cause apparently it's due to me appearing offline on msn, but like, I was put as BUSY yesterday!!! WTH?!?!?! Anyways, so sorry to Chen Yi, Jorine, Sharon, Tiffany, Shan Min, Jia Chen, Debra, Soya, and the last one I can't remember:P, I really didn’t mean to not chat to you guys, it's just that I didn’t see the messages!!! That’s why I was also kinda wondering why some people weren’t replying to me at all!!! All stupid MSN’s fault!!!

Anyways, I did try hard last night to do the essay… But I guess I was really tired, and kept falling asleep in between, and ended up sleeping for 3 hours since midnight… So then obviously wasn't even halfway through when I woke up in the morning... Considering I probably had about 8 hours to write another 1000 words, SIGH... No, it wasn't fun at all:( Trying to rush like mad, and ideas really couldn't flow through anymore... And the stupid question asking about the validity of the theory, if it's not valid anymore, then why are we learning it??? For FUN??? GEEZ... And I only brought along my OB textbook, so needed more references... So I borrowed the MO textbook from the Reserve books area... Although I know that it's a 2 hours loan, but when you're seriously concentrating on finishing your essay, you wouldn't know how fast time flies!!! So throughout the day, I borrowed it the first time, forgot to return it around 12+, went down to return and borrow it again, that was the FIRST 25 points... Then, forgot to return it the second time at 2+, then decided since the SECOND 25 points has been taken away already, might as well just keep it til before the next hour strikes, so can use it for a bit more time without borrowing it again, and maybe get the third fine... Who knows, I still wasn't done with the essay at 3.50pm, and GEEZ... That was around about the time where the THIRD fine came in... DAMN IT!!! 75 points in a SINGLE DAY!!! Worse still, I already had like 100 points in it before, cause I forgot to return the books before as well... So, all it takes is ONE MORE BOOK, and HERE COMES A $25 BILL!!! Sigh... I'm so not gonna try borrow any Reserve books anymore... If I can, I'm gonna try sneak it upstairs!!! I mean, there's so many of the same FA, MO, and OB Reserve books there anyway, so it's not like taking one up would kill anyone from completing their assignments if required!!! And who doesn't bring their books??? Except me of course, since it'
s so heavy to carry it around... Having to take the books on a ride on public transport is simply annoying!!! But anyways, so in the end, I had to quickly print the essay off without proof-reading it, and ran all the way to Social Science South Building, and managed to hand the essay in 2 minutes before 4pm...

PHEW!!! I hope I'm never gonna do this ever-again!!!

Anyways, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who have helped me in completing my essay again=)

*A note to *******, OMG!!! I'm seriously so happy for you that the sweet little thing happened to you=) It's seriously so SWEET, the way he hugged you from the back and expressed his feelings, AWW!!! But I guess you've really got to make sure of your feelings, and if you really don't want the commitment to the relationship, then well... I guess, you've gotta let him know earlier la, my dear... If not the longer it takes to break the news to him, the worser the consequences... And also don't let him get too close to you or ask you out to too many places together, otherwise he might misunderstand the situation... LOL:P

Sunday, October 5, 2008

IGA Perth Royal Show

As mentioned before, after having a draggy and tedious week with all the unhappiness, the Royal Show was the best experience=) It's a REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE!!!

Had a tiring day at Uni, then went to look for Jorine and guys... As usual, they had to rush for the STATS work due at 4pm, so everyone was just there waiting... After finishing and handing in the work around 2++, we all headed for the bus stop to take us to the Showground=) I've got to admit, everyone started buying so much during the first two hours we were there, and after that we couldn't really go anywhere else since we were so exhausted from carrying everything... Worse still, we had to help Jorine carry her stuff too!!! All the photos are up on Facebook, and I really couldn't be bothered uploading them all here again, so for those who wants to see the pictures, but haven't got Facebook, you know what to do!!! GET FACEBOOK!!! YUP, I'M POINTING FINGERS AT A FEW PEOPLE RIGHT NOW!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE=)

After an extended day of walking around, we decided to get some food, and of course, get ready for the fireworks=) Heard that they were all worth the ticket price, but to me, fireworks are fireworks... Though I love to watch them, and won't ever get sick of them, but afterall, they're still only fireworks, how ASTOUNDING can they be to be worth the ticket price which was $24, and that was only the entrance fee... EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO OR BUY IN THERE, YOU'VE GOT TO PAY!!! And they're not cheap... The rides are like $8 at least...

But I guess after the fireworks, I can say that YES, THEY WERE INDEED WORTH THE TICKET PRICE=) I only managed to capture some of them with my mobile and camera... The last one, which was the BEST-ONE-EVER, was taken by my mobile, so the quality wasn't very good at all:( SAD:( And in one or two videos, people were actually walking past in the midst of the fireworks!!!, it was so annoying!!! I want to record the fireworks, not you guys walking around!!! GEEZ...


So now you can tell the difference between a 5 megapixels Nikon camera that I've got, and a 2 megapixels Sony Ericsson mobile phone that I've got... THE QUALITY!!! SIGH... The best fireworks was thoroughly ruined by the mobile phone that I've got:( Maybe I will just steal the video of the fireworks my brother has captured too... They should be better, though it's a 5 megapixels Nokia mobile phone... HEHE:P

As a conclusion, THE FIREWORKS WERE BREATH-TAKING indeed!!! It was an amazing experience because we were sitting down at the Showground grass, and the fireworks just seemed to be RIGHT ABOVE US, LIKE LITERALLY, so close to us that it's more than just a LIVE experience... There's just something more to it that I can't put it into words exactly... Only people who have experienced it there would know what I really mean... So If I do get a job next year, I would definitely go again, and of course, if there is gonna be fireworks though... If not, I'll hesitate a little bit more about going again:) HEHE:P

Saturday, October 4, 2008


As the week began, as mentioned before, everything went wrong... I mean, I won't say it didn't go according to plan, since I wasn't really expecting anything favourable from him anyway, but still... I was planning to say more than what I had, definitely, though now that I think of it, nothing I say will really change much, since he does already have someone else in his heart... And I found out that Shan sorta already guessed who 'he' was...

Tuesday was a bit of a awkward day between me and him, between maths classes and break times... During Maths, we hardly even spoke to each other really, especially how he came in late as well. And while walking to each other's classes together, there was just awkwardness and nothing else... Then met Shan Min in the arvo to do FA Assignment together, and I realised how screwed I was... I had no idea what was going on, and I couldn't even do the journals!!! Then decided to wag the MO lectures since they are always so boring, and it's not like I listen to them anyway... Plus, I have Maths Test to study for, so met him in MLC and did Maths together. I guess that was the moment when at least both of us opened up a bit, and actually were talking more like how we always do, with not much awkwardness in between... But after school, I found out that Tiffany knows who is 'he' now...

Wednesday was the nightmare!!! The Test... By right, STATS should be such an easy topic to ace in, moreover we learnt most of the stuff in Applicable anyway, but it's just that I did the STUPID-EST mistake ever!!! I can't believe I did it!!! OMG!!! The stupid relevant approximation, I did normal approximation at first, then I thought when the question asked for when x=5, it will not work since the table values we got were all for x<..., so then I changed it to the Poisson approximation... And in the end, all we're meant to be doing was to take the value between 4.5 and 5.5... And there's other questions as well... Like despite so much studying I've done, I couldn't even attempt the first question purely because I can't remember the conditions for which the events are independent... SIGH... And when I saw him in the arvo, he said 'The test was easy what, don't you think so?'... SIGH... Tried to seek FA help from FeiFei, but also got distracted by the advice she gave... So I wasn't able to concentrate for the rest of the day, and I know that this had caused alot of people to be pretty mad at me... I'm truly sorry, guys:( The heart of focusing just wasn't there:( Then left around 5pm to meet him to take bus together... I told him that he can be my Maths and bus buddy=) On the bus, it was pouring like mad, and it seriously 'dampen' my mood more:( Felt so much sadder and 'lonely-er' together with the cold weather effect...:'( Got to find out at night that Chen Yi also seems to know 'him' now...

Thursday was also OMG!!! Found out that the FA results are already out, SHIT!!! I failed, not surprising, I guess... But not JUST FAIL, but FAIL FAIL... Oh crap, it's a freaking core unit, and I'm so failing it:'( I guess I can't complain, since I probably didn't put in as much effort in studying for it than any other units, although this is the only core unit I'm doing this sem... But I'm the type of person who studies more for what I like, so I guess although this is such a bad habit, but I really don't like FA at all...

Friday is here, and I woke up at 8am, so despite the plan to go to the lecture after missing it for 5 consecutive weeks, I still didn't go, so it's the 6th time now:( Had to rush to do the MO tute work too, which got me so so exhausted:( When I walked past the Maths Lecture Theatre, I saw a stack of papers, and I knew trouble was coming... I went in, and there it was our 2nd Calculus Test... Looking through the stack of more than 100 Maths Test Papers frantically, seeing both the extremes scores of 20++ or even 0 literally, I was so standing there in fear... When I found my paper, I was devastated... FAIL.. Not just fail, but FAIL FAIL... I am so screwed up seriously... Two consecutive FAIL FAIL just left me thinking 'SHIT!!! I'm dead'...Throughtout my FA and MO tutes, I was so daydreaming thinking how screwed up I am... I guess there's really no one else to blame other than myself... SIGH... And considering he got 27/30, SIGH... He's just too good:( So I was thinking if I fail FA this sem, it means that I'll have to retake FA next sem, and failing MATH1020 would of course not make me take it again, just that I'll have to take STAT1520 next sem instead since it's a core unit of Commerce, and also we'll have to all take Microeconomics next sem since it's a core unit that is only available in 1st sem, so in total, it means that I'll have 3 core units next sem... When I can't even manage 1 core unit this sem, how to manage 3 core units next sem??? SIGH... FAILURE*shakes head*

The only GOOD thing this week is the IGA Perth Royal Show held at Claremont Showgrounds... But this post is meant to be all about bad and sad stuff, and there will be heaps to blog about the Perth Royal Show, so I'll just leave that to next time, when I'm free-er to blog about it, together with videos of fireworks and photos uploaded=)


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dying of exhaustion soon enough...

I'm really really tired... So tired that I don't feel like doing anything... Days where I feel like time passes so fast, and there's so much to do, and yet I just can't concentrate at all... I know I'm meant to be working hard, but I just can't get started... Why are the rest so motivated, and yet I'm not???

Have I been doing too much psychology experiments recently that made my brain go 'BURST'??? I'm so behind in every single unit that it's not funny anymore... How do I get more motivated to study? I swear I was much more motivated to study back in high school... Or was it because I had no social life back then, and all I could ever do was practically study??? And that's why I used to study everyday without fail... Is Facebook and MSN seriously killing me??? Why am I able to start blogging, but not get started with my 2000 words OB Essay on motivation theories as well??? Or is HE the major one who is killing me deep inside???

Came across this thing while I was surfing the net today, realised that we belong to these categories of star signs... I was always into believing horoscopes and star signs like these, so taking 5 minutes to read it will never be a problem...

Taurus and Scorpio come together in a love affair, their union is nothing if not intense, whether that’s in a positive or a negative way. They are opposite Signs in the Zodiac, giving them a special, complex connection. They can combine to make a whole, each partner’s strengths balancing the other’s weaknesses. Their sexual attraction is likely to be off the charts! Taurus and Scorpio have tons in common, but because their personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate love and passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio both have deep desires, Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power. They’re both concerned with wealth and resources, and they’re both intensely passionate about all sorts of things. Taurus is a bit more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family. Both of these Signs have a great, deep-rooted need for security in a relationship, but with slightly different focuses. While Taurus prizes honesty and forthrightness and abhors infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious. A Scorpio’s need for security is more about the need to be constantly reassured that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong. The good thing is, Taurus needs this reassurance too — and is also willing to provide it for their Scorpio lover.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love and Money) and Scorpio is ruled by Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power). This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto’s influence, but it’s an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Scorpio and Taurus together form the basis of all love relationships — love and passion. Venus and Mars go well together; Venus is about the beauty of romance, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is smoldering and intense (and intensely sexual), and Taurus, a sensual and tireless lover, is attracted to this intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in Venus-ruled Taurus.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpio tends to be very deep — like an ocean, too much upset will cause a tidal wave! When Scorpio feels crossed by a lover, watch out for that Scorpion’s tail, which can whip out and sting their lover without warning! It’s a good thing that these two Signs are so strongly loyal to each other. But while Taurus is open, with everything laid bare on the surface, Scorpio is more secretive and inscrutable. They can both teach one another about their opposite views of life (direct versus complex). Another factor adding a tantalizing dimension to this union is the two Signs’ mutual tendency toward jealousy. Taurus loves it when Scorpio displays their jealous — it means Taurus is adored and appreciated! Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed Signs. This means they’re both pretty stubborn and resolute once their minds are made up. Let’s hope their minds agree — if not, they’re prone to fights the likes of which neither experiences with any other Sign. Taurus seems to prevail as the dominant partner, but that’s not always the case. Scorpio can “win” through more devious means, such as employing emotional manipulation to get what they want. These partners must learn to discuss their views and needs openly and to reach a compromise if they want their union to be lasting and happy. This largely depends on Scorpio’s ability to learn to trust Taurus. The relationship will only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome their opinionated, fixed stances.

What’s the best aspect of the Taurus-Scorpio relationship? Their powerful connection that can shine when obstacles to intimacy are cleared away. When Scorpio realizes that Taurus is there for the long term and won’t create the misery that some Scorpios attract to their lives, this relationship can blossom.

Taken from :

* Realises may this be a good thing, it may also be a bad thing since I'm not the only TAURUS:(

Since I've said it once, I probably won't say it another time... All I hope is that may time solve and cure everything if needed... I've spoken to a few people about him, and thanks to Fei Fei for all your valuable advice... I do get what you mean, but you do know that I'm also reluctant to just let it go like that... I can see where you're coming from with all your advices by judging at his response that day, but again, perserving to the end is more of my thing, than just giving up like that... I'm one that stays all the way through til the end, which probably explains why I will stay through the whole exam, though I know I won't come up with anything anyway... And also how you'll see me doing all the last minute cramming outside the examination hall since I know I will regret even more deeply if I just let go like that... Not that I'm gonna be persistent all the way through, but at least giving up upon first failure is not my thing... So all I'm gonna do is hope for the best that could happen, and if anything does goes wrong, blame it on my BAD luck:( And hope that the worst case scenario will be with all the awkwardness gone soon, and become best friends forever, as said by Jorine:)