Saturday, October 4, 2008


As the week began, as mentioned before, everything went wrong... I mean, I won't say it didn't go according to plan, since I wasn't really expecting anything favourable from him anyway, but still... I was planning to say more than what I had, definitely, though now that I think of it, nothing I say will really change much, since he does already have someone else in his heart... And I found out that Shan sorta already guessed who 'he' was...

Tuesday was a bit of a awkward day between me and him, between maths classes and break times... During Maths, we hardly even spoke to each other really, especially how he came in late as well. And while walking to each other's classes together, there was just awkwardness and nothing else... Then met Shan Min in the arvo to do FA Assignment together, and I realised how screwed I was... I had no idea what was going on, and I couldn't even do the journals!!! Then decided to wag the MO lectures since they are always so boring, and it's not like I listen to them anyway... Plus, I have Maths Test to study for, so met him in MLC and did Maths together. I guess that was the moment when at least both of us opened up a bit, and actually were talking more like how we always do, with not much awkwardness in between... But after school, I found out that Tiffany knows who is 'he' now...

Wednesday was the nightmare!!! The Test... By right, STATS should be such an easy topic to ace in, moreover we learnt most of the stuff in Applicable anyway, but it's just that I did the STUPID-EST mistake ever!!! I can't believe I did it!!! OMG!!! The stupid relevant approximation, I did normal approximation at first, then I thought when the question asked for when x=5, it will not work since the table values we got were all for x<..., so then I changed it to the Poisson approximation... And in the end, all we're meant to be doing was to take the value between 4.5 and 5.5... And there's other questions as well... Like despite so much studying I've done, I couldn't even attempt the first question purely because I can't remember the conditions for which the events are independent... SIGH... And when I saw him in the arvo, he said 'The test was easy what, don't you think so?'... SIGH... Tried to seek FA help from FeiFei, but also got distracted by the advice she gave... So I wasn't able to concentrate for the rest of the day, and I know that this had caused alot of people to be pretty mad at me... I'm truly sorry, guys:( The heart of focusing just wasn't there:( Then left around 5pm to meet him to take bus together... I told him that he can be my Maths and bus buddy=) On the bus, it was pouring like mad, and it seriously 'dampen' my mood more:( Felt so much sadder and 'lonely-er' together with the cold weather effect...:'( Got to find out at night that Chen Yi also seems to know 'him' now...

Thursday was also OMG!!! Found out that the FA results are already out, SHIT!!! I failed, not surprising, I guess... But not JUST FAIL, but FAIL FAIL... Oh crap, it's a freaking core unit, and I'm so failing it:'( I guess I can't complain, since I probably didn't put in as much effort in studying for it than any other units, although this is the only core unit I'm doing this sem... But I'm the type of person who studies more for what I like, so I guess although this is such a bad habit, but I really don't like FA at all...

Friday is here, and I woke up at 8am, so despite the plan to go to the lecture after missing it for 5 consecutive weeks, I still didn't go, so it's the 6th time now:( Had to rush to do the MO tute work too, which got me so so exhausted:( When I walked past the Maths Lecture Theatre, I saw a stack of papers, and I knew trouble was coming... I went in, and there it was our 2nd Calculus Test... Looking through the stack of more than 100 Maths Test Papers frantically, seeing both the extremes scores of 20++ or even 0 literally, I was so standing there in fear... When I found my paper, I was devastated... FAIL.. Not just fail, but FAIL FAIL... I am so screwed up seriously... Two consecutive FAIL FAIL just left me thinking 'SHIT!!! I'm dead'...Throughtout my FA and MO tutes, I was so daydreaming thinking how screwed up I am... I guess there's really no one else to blame other than myself... SIGH... And considering he got 27/30, SIGH... He's just too good:( So I was thinking if I fail FA this sem, it means that I'll have to retake FA next sem, and failing MATH1020 would of course not make me take it again, just that I'll have to take STAT1520 next sem instead since it's a core unit of Commerce, and also we'll have to all take Microeconomics next sem since it's a core unit that is only available in 1st sem, so in total, it means that I'll have 3 core units next sem... When I can't even manage 1 core unit this sem, how to manage 3 core units next sem??? SIGH... FAILURE*shakes head*

The only GOOD thing this week is the IGA Perth Royal Show held at Claremont Showgrounds... But this post is meant to be all about bad and sad stuff, and there will be heaps to blog about the Perth Royal Show, so I'll just leave that to next time, when I'm free-er to blog about it, together with videos of fireworks and photos uploaded=)


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