Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dying of exhaustion soon enough...

I'm really really tired... So tired that I don't feel like doing anything... Days where I feel like time passes so fast, and there's so much to do, and yet I just can't concentrate at all... I know I'm meant to be working hard, but I just can't get started... Why are the rest so motivated, and yet I'm not???

Have I been doing too much psychology experiments recently that made my brain go 'BURST'??? I'm so behind in every single unit that it's not funny anymore... How do I get more motivated to study? I swear I was much more motivated to study back in high school... Or was it because I had no social life back then, and all I could ever do was practically study??? And that's why I used to study everyday without fail... Is Facebook and MSN seriously killing me??? Why am I able to start blogging, but not get started with my 2000 words OB Essay on motivation theories as well??? Or is HE the major one who is killing me deep inside???

Came across this thing while I was surfing the net today, realised that we belong to these categories of star signs... I was always into believing horoscopes and star signs like these, so taking 5 minutes to read it will never be a problem...

Taurus and Scorpio come together in a love affair, their union is nothing if not intense, whether that’s in a positive or a negative way. They are opposite Signs in the Zodiac, giving them a special, complex connection. They can combine to make a whole, each partner’s strengths balancing the other’s weaknesses. Their sexual attraction is likely to be off the charts! Taurus and Scorpio have tons in common, but because their personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate love and passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio both have deep desires, Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power. They’re both concerned with wealth and resources, and they’re both intensely passionate about all sorts of things. Taurus is a bit more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family. Both of these Signs have a great, deep-rooted need for security in a relationship, but with slightly different focuses. While Taurus prizes honesty and forthrightness and abhors infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious. A Scorpio’s need for security is more about the need to be constantly reassured that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong. The good thing is, Taurus needs this reassurance too — and is also willing to provide it for their Scorpio lover.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love and Money) and Scorpio is ruled by Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power). This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto’s influence, but it’s an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Scorpio and Taurus together form the basis of all love relationships — love and passion. Venus and Mars go well together; Venus is about the beauty of romance, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is smoldering and intense (and intensely sexual), and Taurus, a sensual and tireless lover, is attracted to this intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in Venus-ruled Taurus.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpio tends to be very deep — like an ocean, too much upset will cause a tidal wave! When Scorpio feels crossed by a lover, watch out for that Scorpion’s tail, which can whip out and sting their lover without warning! It’s a good thing that these two Signs are so strongly loyal to each other. But while Taurus is open, with everything laid bare on the surface, Scorpio is more secretive and inscrutable. They can both teach one another about their opposite views of life (direct versus complex). Another factor adding a tantalizing dimension to this union is the two Signs’ mutual tendency toward jealousy. Taurus loves it when Scorpio displays their jealous — it means Taurus is adored and appreciated! Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed Signs. This means they’re both pretty stubborn and resolute once their minds are made up. Let’s hope their minds agree — if not, they’re prone to fights the likes of which neither experiences with any other Sign. Taurus seems to prevail as the dominant partner, but that’s not always the case. Scorpio can “win” through more devious means, such as employing emotional manipulation to get what they want. These partners must learn to discuss their views and needs openly and to reach a compromise if they want their union to be lasting and happy. This largely depends on Scorpio’s ability to learn to trust Taurus. The relationship will only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome their opinionated, fixed stances.

What’s the best aspect of the Taurus-Scorpio relationship? Their powerful connection that can shine when obstacles to intimacy are cleared away. When Scorpio realizes that Taurus is there for the long term and won’t create the misery that some Scorpios attract to their lives, this relationship can blossom.

Taken from :

* Realises may this be a good thing, it may also be a bad thing since I'm not the only TAURUS:(

Since I've said it once, I probably won't say it another time... All I hope is that may time solve and cure everything if needed... I've spoken to a few people about him, and thanks to Fei Fei for all your valuable advice... I do get what you mean, but you do know that I'm also reluctant to just let it go like that... I can see where you're coming from with all your advices by judging at his response that day, but again, perserving to the end is more of my thing, than just giving up like that... I'm one that stays all the way through til the end, which probably explains why I will stay through the whole exam, though I know I won't come up with anything anyway... And also how you'll see me doing all the last minute cramming outside the examination hall since I know I will regret even more deeply if I just let go like that... Not that I'm gonna be persistent all the way through, but at least giving up upon first failure is not my thing... So all I'm gonna do is hope for the best that could happen, and if anything does goes wrong, blame it on my BAD luck:( And hope that the worst case scenario will be with all the awkwardness gone soon, and become best friends forever, as said by Jorine:)

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