Sunday, November 30, 2008

My first weekend back in Singapore - PAINTING...

My first weekend back in Singapore
... Was being asked to help paint my aunt's house with practically my whole family...

Day 1 - Saturday

First we set off to eat our breakfast, a typical thing my dad would do before starting work:P

The long-missed Green Tea=)

Char Siew Rice & Chicken Rice *drools*

After that, we started going up to my aunt's house on the 7th floor... It wasn't a brand new house, as in people have lived in it before, so there's bound to have things in it...But when we were asked to paint the house, of course we would assume that the house is pretty cleaned up for us to paint easily... Upon unlocking the locks and opening the door, we saw a COMPLETELY PACKED HOUSE... Packed as in full of stuff everywhere, filling up every single corner of the house-.- So we started clearing things up, and I found something=)

A 1998-99 Edition Street Directory lying on the table-.- That's how ancient my family is-.-

After clearing up for quite a bit, we decided that we would just paint both rooms this time, and leave the rest til the next day to paint...

Dad at work:P

Cockroaches freak me out seriously... But luckily I wasn't the one picking them up:P

The cockroach that was unwilling to be flushed down the toilet bowl...

The painted rooms:) [Still with stuff in it-.-]

After a day at work, there's paint on...

My hands...

My palm...

My head... -.-

Dirty ('pure white') water from cleaning up...

Our lunch---bread cum 'rou gan/Bak Gua' *YUM YUM*

Day 2 - Sunday

Super duper cheap lunch=)

Took a picture of this while we walked back from buying our lunch...

This is pretty cool... A direct link between the HDB flats (3rd floor) to the carpark on the right... Haven't seen this much anywhere else yet...

One corner of the painted living room...

After finishing painting the house, my younger brother and I were doing the outside jobs...

Which includes shifting this 25kg of dried-up cement to the first floor-.- Although we took the lift, and had a trolley thingy, but still, it's freaking heavy, since the lift only went all the way to the second floor, so we had to carry it downstairs!!!

Then we had to throw away heaps of rubbish, and push heaps of other random stuff to my old house, since the new painted house will be rented out to someone else...

A load of junk being pushed into my old house, which is already filled with junk-.-
(Notice how both my brothers are wearing grey together, no wonder they're brothers:P)

After that, I guess my younger brother and I totally slacked off:P We were camwhoring:P

The paint on our hair...

Us, outside the corridors...

Us, on the TV caught by the cameras located near the lifts:P

Us, in the lift:P

My 'painty' hand:P

Dinner-my favourite noodle-Hokkien Mee

To get to my aunt's house from my house, travelling for almost an hour in a taxi some more, with traffic jam on a weekend, so it gets a bit uncomfy when the ride gets a bit bumpy... The rides for both days were horrible, especially when it got to the speed humps... NO, it wasn't one or two speed humps only... It was much more than that... Therefore, anyone who knows how I'm such a surveyor person, I counted the number of speed humps in that neighbourhood, the route we had to take to get in... And guess how many there were??? AHH... SIXTEEN of them... Yup, I didn't type wrongly, it's freaking 16 speed humps in a neighbourhood area where it's part of the route we had to take to get in... So it means there's actually much more than just 16 of them in that neighbourhood... Why the hell would you need 16 speed humps anyways??? It's not like it's some area where the president lives in or anything... The roads are so closed packed together, and they turn here and there every few metres, it's not like you can speed as you like anyways... TSKTSK...

Waste of time, effort and money-.-

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yummy lunch again=)

Was thinking of skipping work today, but since my younger brother had agreed to go and help, guess I wasn't able to escape work:( Sorta glad that I went, since there was yummy food for lunch... Gee, I'm gonna grow so fat after coming back in the first week-.-

Another way of cooking 'Yong Tau Foo'??? LOL:P With some black bean sauce...

AHH... This plate of sliced pork with whatever nice sauce it was cooked with, SIMPLY DELICIOUS=) Me and my brother nearly finished half of it when it was meant to be shared among, let's see... 6 people??? Oops>.<

Another half of the fish cut out from yesterday's lunch:P Pretty pretty good:P

Another dish where I had to take a picture of again for the menu...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not kidding!!!

At work today, I realised something... The eggs in Australia and Singapore are different... Of course they differ in sizes, but they differ in something else that I never seem to realise it before... It's the egg yolk colour... In Australia, the egg yolk colour is more like orangey coloured, but in Singapore, the egg yolk colour is more like yellowy coloured, as shown below... Gotta take a picture of the egg yolks in Australia when I'm back=)

Delicious lunch cooked by my uncle today=)

Some fish that tasted yummy anyways:P

'Yong Tau Foo'; never liked this really, but there were cravings for certain things in Australia before, and this was one of them:P

'Hor Fun'; had to help take pictures of dishes sold, so we can make a menu with pictures on it to show to customers... A strategic way of competing against opposite competitors??? LOL:P

After a day at work=)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day at work...

Work at my aunt's today was boring as usual... But I took random shots with my mobile again:P

The little girl in pink was so CUTE!!! Her mum was walking up front, and she ran along in an attempt to hold her mum's hand, but her mum's pace was too fast for her to catch up:P

The unpredictable weather in Singapore, sunshine for a MOMENT, thunderstorm coming next-.-

My greedy little doggies at home=) Watching me eat...:P


Lucky watched until falling asleep... HAHA:P


FiFi still has the patience afterall:P