Sunday, November 23, 2008

A month has passed...

A month has flew past just like that... Exams are finally over, and I'm back in Singapore... So now it's a good time to question about my feelings... A month ago, I said I was gonna let everything go... So a month later, have I done it???

As I was rushing to the airport, I sent a text message to many people... Out of the many many people, the person I expect to reply first didn't actually reply me at all... The person I least expect to reply me had actually replied to my message first... Yes, you were the one... And surprisingly, your message was the longest out of the people who replied me... Scanning through your text, it just made me smile... I wasn't smiling because you replied so quickly or because you sent the longest message (I wouldn't know it's the longest if your message was the first!!!), but because of the aussie slangs you were usingXD I remember about two weeks after we know each other from the 080808 Kings Park Trip, you said in return of you going to the lectures with me every morning, I had to teach you some aussie
slangs=) Looking at the slangs in the text, especially the word 'heaps', it just made me smile broadly=) On the plane, when we were given our dinner, on the plate, it had this Arnotts crackers... Every year taking Qantas to and fro, the crackers were merely tasteless crackers that had to go with the cheese provided... However, this time, for the first time, I've looked at it at a different angle... The first thing that came to my mind was you, and not tasteless crackers again... Remember you having these crackers before lectures for quite a few times...

Despite these wonderful memories, that's how far they will remain I guess... I'm not being hopeful or anything, as I know that whoever you like, you'll remain liking her for as long as you possibly could... You're not one who will change your mind all of a sudden... As time goes by, reality will start to make more sense... Even if feelings are still there, they will tend to fade away to some extent as time goes by... I won't say I've completely letten go of everything, because it seems quite an impossible task for me to attain right now... But at least I can say that I've probably letten go of the basic misses, probably due to the very hectic life in Singapore, there's no way to think about other stuff really... Oh!!! And one surprising thing, on the plane, it seems as though my older brother have been keeping it in his heart all this while... He started asking me about *him*, thanks to a certain someone who told him about it-.- So we got to the point where the plane hasn't even taken off, and I was already stuck there with the awkwardness of not knowing what and how to answer his questions:( I tried changing topic, but guess my brother is too smart for it; always managed to go back to the topic-.- It was terribly awkward, but it got me thinking... So what do I actually like in you??? What's so good about you??? What made you so different from others??? I haven't got a clue, so I couldn't answer:(

*Just a very small note I would like to add on, unfortunately, my brother and his girlfriend of 1 month have apparently broken up:'( So sad:'( They got together happily, but guess she's 2 years younger than my brother , which makes her 14 this year, so it's sorta typical that her mum would not want her to be involved in any relationship and concentrate on her studies instead... But they're still close, except I think my brother was being asked to wait for her for another 2 years... It would be ok when she completes her secondary school education... But TWO YEARS, is quite a long yet short time, depending on which angle you're looking at it from... So much could happen in 2 years, and it's filled with so many uncertainties... We never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, moreover, they've only been going out for a month... The relationship probably isn't that strong enough to withstand any obstacles that will come along during this 2 years... Who knows who will have a change of heart since the bond probably isn't that strong yet??? Once again, what exactly is ⓛⓞⓥⓔ???

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