Tuesday, November 18, 2008



1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

2. Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by: Chen Yi ~

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? Take revenge?

Obviously if I love the person heaps, I would be devastated upon knowing the news... Then I would probably cry like a madwoman, even though I know its useless crying over it... And maybe one day I will wake up to reality and be able to let everything go with a forgiving heart... Or perhaps a special someone could replace him in my heart:P

2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?

I probably would wish for happiness=) HEHE:P

3. What is the criteria for your dream lover?

Hmmn, dream lover, never really thought about that before... Maybe an ideal one would be one who understands me thoroughly and knows me inside out... One who is nice, caring, and
of course sweet=) But most importantly, he must love me for who I am...

4. Do you think that the importance of excelling in studies is over-rated? Do grades guarantee success? OR is good grades a must in the competitive society that we are currently living in? [But the original question was: What would you do with a million dollars?, so I think I'll just answer that...]

Right now, one tenth of it could well easily be paid to my Bachelor's degree only!!! Half a million dollars could go to my parents, then donate one hundred thousand dollars to charity, give a hundred thousand dollars to my aunt and uncle, another hundred thousand dollars to give away to friends/other relatives, and of course leave the remaining for my shopping spree!!!:P Not to forget other expenses as well...

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?

Well, technically YES, if my best friend is a guy, then there is always a possibility of me falling in love with him... But since my best friend would definitely not be a guy at the moment, so NO, I won't:P

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

Definitely being loved... Even if you don't like the other party... Because it would be a much much better feeling than unrequited love from your point of view... Unless of course, if the person liking you is like a stalker, then well, being loved might not be that blessful anymore...

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

Well... Saying forever would definitely be a lie... So I guess it really depends on the type of relationship we're maintaining between each other... If we do like each other, then how deeply in love are we??? Is it worth waiting??? Or rather, would waiting actually help??? If its unrequited love, probably common sense would come to me someday, and maybe the 'feeling' will fade away as time goes by??? Who knows???

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

If I started liking him before he was attached, then I guess I would TRY to give up before deeper feelings are developed... If he was already attached, then I probably shouldn't have fallen in love with him right??? HEHE>_<

9. Do you think the world would be better off if everyone has the same religion/ethnicity/ etc?

HELL NO!!! You serious???

10. You see a 50 year old man entwine arms with a girl about the age of 20+ and find out they are gf/bf. What are your first thoughts?

EWW!!! GROSS!!! But again, its either they are truly truly in love with each other, which is like one in a billion chances, but still do happen anyway... Or the guy must be super duper rich, so she's with him for a reason, *AHEM* money of course:P

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?

Hmmn, I should be 28 then... So maybe have a stable job??? Not sure about which country I'll be in, i.e. Australia or Singapore... But whatever it is, I want to have a good pay job!!! And hopefully be able to travel between different countries to work!!! HEHE:P Regarding my relationship status, hmmn... Well...

12. What's your fear?

Hmmn, I don't know... Maybe there's too much to mention??? Fear of INSECTS; height (to some extent); sitting on those theme park's rides that go round and round, up and down; failing and doing badly in school; and alot more... But can't think of any now...

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Reach out for my mobile phone, look at the time, and figure out how much longer I can sleep forXD

14. Would you give all in a relationship?

I would definitely try to, especially when I'm madly in love with him... But there's always different definitons of 'giving all that you have' for different people...

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

Umn, this one is strange... It really depends on both of the people as well... My choice of picking them doesn't mean they're picking me... But most probably I'll go for the one whom I think will always be there for me whenever I need them to be... The one who is more willing and likely to share the ups and downs of our lives together...

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?

It really depends on the situation and the seriousness of the whole thing... But generally, I won't bear grudges, though I still won't forget it, because there will always be a 'scar left behind despite the injury is healed'...

17. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?

Both has its pros and cons, but I personally think that being in a relationship is to some extent betterXD Unless if the relationship is on the verge of collapsing, and both parties are not happy being in the relationship anymore, then well, being single would be good too...

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will you do?

LAUGH at it!!! And go: "Oh really??? Good for you!!!" (I don't really believe in fairytale stories anyways...)

FINALLY!!! Now is my turn to tag people: [in no particular order]

1. Steve (It's your farewell gift:P)
2. Sharon (The girl who is 99% updated first with my blog post & comments, so there you go, you can do some blogging too=))
3. Yu Ting (The girl who has been a great friend since primary school, but I'm tagging you cause you blog pretty frequently?!?!?! HAHA:P)
4. Cheryl (The girl who is super good at English, so you won't get bored reading so much English words and re-post this entry:P))
5. Zhi Xiang (Just cause you said it would be scary meeting up with me... No la, jkjk:P)
6. Eugene (My Enrolment Day friend for 4 months=))

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