Sunday, November 9, 2008

Random facts I discovered about UWA while studying during the Study Break...

For people who didn't know, well, during the Study Break, I've stayed over at Jorine's... And practically we went to Uni to study every night:P Places where we've studied at include Reid Cafe, GP3, MCL, and the Commerce Lab... Yeap, both of us were pretty crazy, stayed til morning most of the time... The latest record was probably almost 8am:P

Our TOP three craziest moments:

-1- Of course this place belongs to staying at the Commerce Lab til 8am before going home to sleepXD

-2- Going home at 3am to take a bar of chocolate because Jorine was craving for itXD

-3- This isn't counted as the craziest since we never managed to accomplish it, and it'll be watching sunrise and studying at Matilda's Bay during the exam period (we would be truly crazy if we managed to watch it and study, and we weren't even sure if its sunrise or sunset that we can watch at Matilda's Bay!!!:P)

Individual places:

General Purpose Building Three

GP3 is an ok environment to study, but the nearest water fountain is at Social Science!!! (For Commerce students anyway) SIGH... Was freezing to death walking all the way there and back numerous times:(

Commerce Lab

-2- The computers that were turned off at the Commerce Labs would automatically turn itself on at around 3am...

Commerce Lab is actually an awesome place to sleep, and I've probably figured out 5 different ways of sleeping, using a combination of the chairs... Everything is good, except you should never forget that there's a huge camera looking at you when you sleep... (No, I never took notice of that beforeXD)

UWA is so quiet at night; standing on the second floor of the Commerce Building South Entrance at the staircase, you can hear someone using the hand-dryer in the female toilet on the ground floor... (YES Jorine, I'm pointing my finger directly at you!!!)

Reid Library

Reid seems to have all of its lights on on some days, while having it off on other days thoughout the whole night... For nights where the lights are off, it generally would turn on itself around 3-4am...

There are THREE female toilets on the third floor of Reid... (I never knew that, and had always been going all the way down to the first floor females toilet:P)

ABSOLUTE SECRET: A special someone told us something amazing about the printing in Reid... (Only the present ones would know about this...=) Really can't believe how this can happen!!!)


According to Jorine, there's these super amazing birds species that only appear at night at the Arts Faculty... (Anyone who don't know what these bird species are, they're peacocks that appear around Uni in the day-.-)

Combined places:

MCL & Commerce Lab

I-lectures don't seemed to work at MCL as the video thingy doesn't show up (You can't view anything), but I-lectures also don't seemed to work in one of the Commerce Lab as there isn't any sound (You can't hear anything). What a combination!!!:P

Arts and Social Science

The carpark in between Arts and Social Science have green fluorescent lights on at night... They are not only eerie to some extent, they are a waste of our International Students' school fees too!!!

Funny but random facts I noticed while studying=)

And OH!!! Not to forget, our camwhoring pictures while studying:P

2 voices:

sharoneow said...

hate to break this to u but last time we tried, the printing thingy at reid doesn't work nemore = =

Celia-YuLing said...