Thursday, November 6, 2008

Random thoughts...

Do people have random thoughts before the exams??? Is it a pre-exam stress type of thing???

I wonder, what would have happened if I never came to Perth to study... Would everything be better??? Better than now??? Much much better??? Many things have been happening for the past few months... All of the good times, not to forget the bad ones too... I thank my friends for being there when I needed them... Some people do really cheer me up on MSN, and I really appreciate that:) I'm not gonna start naming them, but I hope you know who you are:)

- A broken heart can heal, but it's the memories that kill you -

Yes, unfortunately, it's not about the heart, but the memories that are starting to kill... (as we grow more and more distant towards each other)

2 voices:

Chen Yi said...

My dear Celia... didn't know u blogged in the midst of exams!

Today is yr last day of exams! Rejoice for that okie *smiles* and hopefully u don't fall sick! Rest well! And eat healthier food now that you're no longer livin' in Jorine's house :P

Don't think about what-could-have-been, for all u know, it could have been worse and you would be wondering to yrself "what would have happened if i am in Perth now?" yea the grass always seem greener on the other side, but since now we're on "our side", why not sit back and take in the best things that life has to offer to us? Many people would trade places to be where you are now, be grateful for what you have :)

Cheer up my dear! Be positive!

Celia-YuLing said...

My dear Chen Yi, didn't know you read blogs in the midst of your exams too!!!

Eh, Chen Yi, you are right on the spot leh!!! I did get sick-.- Horribly sick, with headache, flu, sore throat, fever-worst case of all:( I'm sure you know what I mean, since you've pretty much experienced the same thing as me:(

WAH!!! You made Jorine's house seemed so terrible, like have no good food like that... Actually her house has better food than than I do, except hers are all 'microwavable' and 'ovenable'-.- LOL:P

Chen Yi!!! You've got too much grass in your head already??? Passing me your grass theory... LOL:P jkjk:P Don't worry, I'm staying as positive as I can ever be now>.<