Thursday, June 10, 2010

Low Kay Hwa's stories

As many of you would have noticed how I have suggested you guys to join the Fan Page of this Singaporean author Low Kay Hwa. Well, initially I did it so I could read the free E-Book story of "I Believe You". I think I always have a soft spot for romancey stories, so after reading it, I wanted to read more of his stories. And of course they cost money, so yea, couldn't read it:(

Kenneth and I, being the typical kiasu people (FYI Kenneth isn't Singaporean), we tried participating in Low Kay Hwa's weekly contest on his Fan Page, where 5 lucky winners will win a book voucher whilst 3 lucky winners will win a book. Some of his questions will require you to read the book to know the answer, but some of his questions are personal, like how old is he?== There are even easier questions like how many of his books have you read before?==

I think the first time I participated and won a voucher, I was over the moon. And upon knowing I will get a free book because I'm not residing in Singapore/Malaysia made me jump up in joy!:) Consequently after that, we participated and although your answers may matter, I think it's due to luck you would win. There's generally over 50 responses, and to win, how lucky do you have to be? And also, he normally only puts up the contest from 10pm-11.59pm on a day he feels like it, so you really have to "happen" to see it on your news feed to know it. Unless you want to stalk his profile every now and then. Fortunately, due to LUCK, we have won a couple of books (E-Books cause I opt for it), and yea, looking forward to reading them after exams.

I guess it's funny cause I hate reading, yet I love reading his stories. It's even funnier when all of his stories always happen to be suspenseful along the way, and there will be a twist at the end that would make the whole story make sense. But then if you read the story for a second time, you will realise and pick up hints he had actually given you along the way, which you had ignored cause you didn't think it was that important.

Low Kay Hwa also writes a couple of short stories which I too, like them. So I shall be copying and pasting them on my next couple of posts. Whatever it is, if you don't want to read it, then skip my next couple of posts. Nevertheless, I strongly recommend you to read it!:)

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