Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mobile numbers

I'm sorry, I'm bored. And I'm trying to be a nice gf here, accompanying my beloved bf who is mugging hard for his assignment, whilst I'm trying to take a break from studying.

Anyways, interesting thing to share here. Though it doesn't relate to any of you in particular.

Mobile numbers. You know when mobiles weren't really invented yet, and we always held around this address book which contains numerous numbers of everyone. Then it tested our memory at some point in time where we would remember the numbers we would always dial, like best friend's number and home number etc.

I don't know about you, but I get obsessed with numbers. So I like to remember them in a particular way that makes it easy to remember. And you know times where you have maybe 2 or 3 consecutive numbers of 2 different person's number, and sometimes you get mixed up when you're trying to call one when in fact you called the other.

Personally I don't think my mobile number is that easy to remember. It's not difficult, it's just not one of those like my brother's number that is obviously way more easy to memorise than mine. *sad face* Oh and I think my Mum likes my brother's number more because it relates to our Singapore home number. *sadder face*

Anyways, many questions arose when news got out that Kenneth and I got together at first. I can understand where they're coming from, and you know, just like you would never believe in love at first sight until you've experienced it. So I guess it's inevitable questions arose, and just like how I would still explain it now, well, we had a lot of similarities that caused us to believe we were fated to meet.

Back to mobile numbers, it was never really a concern back then when we first met at work since we were technically in Singapore and Aussie number don't matter. But at one point, I acctually saw a similarity in our mobile numbers. And it's not the first two digits 04 I'm talking about here.

Aussie mobile numbers have 10 digits, and yes the first two would definitely be the same for everyone. So out of the remaining 8 digits, what are the chances that you would get the same numbers but in different order?

(e.g. 0412345678 and 0487654321 or 0412873465, you get what I mean.)

Additionally, what are the chances you would get the same numbers falling in the same place same order?

(e.g. 0412345678 and 0412654378)

Alrights, enough of explanations. You be the judge here.

My number: 04*1 *94 285
Kenneth's number: 04*1 *94 385

Enough said. 7 out of 10 digits in the exact right place. Honestly, what's the chance? I don't even have friends nor relatives having 2 consecutive numbers with me (again, except 04).

Conclusion: Fated to be together?

P.S. Both numbers are our first mobile numbers. I've had it for about 3.5 years now, and he's had it for about 2 years now. And we've only been together for less than 1.5 years. So we couldn't have pick a number that is similar to the other party.

And when it comes to filling up forms, sometimes I have to stop annd think as to which AND what is my number==

1 voices:

Jorine said...

My best friend and I have the the same exact 7 numbers too , except 1 number different!

A: 12345678

B: 12345578

And we didn't realise it until ppl kept calling and asked for the wrong person. What's more, it's a house phone number that had been used more than 2 decades. And we only know each other for 5 years =)

Life is so so amazing ! It just seemed like everything is fated.