Monday, September 29, 2008

My Day:(

Have a few things still waiting for me to blog about, but since there's no time today, and probably for the upcoming two weeks, so I'll just post this while I still remember... Today I did something unbelievable... I never thought I would do that, EVER, IN MY LIFE, but guess I did it in the end...

I plucked up the courage, after a long long time, and told him that I think I'm starting to fall for him... Well, actually I had time together with him today, surprisingly... After sitting with him for like half an hour, looking at him not knowing what I should do, at 10.30am, I finally told myself 'You gotta do it, RIGHT NOW'... So then was gonna tell him, except he was like 'I'm going to the toilet', and I told him to come back quickly, cause I had something to tell him, and especially when I knew I would lose my confidence soon, and god knows why the hell did he take 15 mins in the toilet... DAMN... At that point in time, I was all losing hope... I was at a loss for words when he was back, I couldn't open my mouth-ONCE AGAIN... SIGH... But anyways, in the end, I only managed to say that I feel that I'm seriously falling in love with him, but unfortunately, he had no expression since he was also kinda busy with something else... And he probably thought I was joking, despite the fact that I kept telling him I was being very serious... Am I not serious enough??? Too aggressive, but not serious??? LOL:P So then all I had to ask was 'Do you like someone else at the moment?', and after a long time, his answer was 'YES, I do like someone else at the moment.'... SAD:'(

Anyways, Jorine told me that this song somehow resembled the current situation between me and him... And it is S.H.E - 恋人未满:P

在朋友里面 就数你最特别

你说你对我 比别人多一些

友达以上恋人未满 甜蜜心烦 愉悦混乱
我们以后会变怎样 我迫不及待想知道答案

再靠近一点点 就让你牵手
再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走
你还等什么 时间已经不多

再向前一点点 我就会点头
再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲
不过三个字 别犹豫这么久
只要你说出口 你就能拥有我

我们心里面 明明都有感觉

我们心里面 明明都有感觉

友达以上恋人未满 甜蜜心烦 愉悦混乱
我们以后会变怎样 我迫不及待想知道答案

再靠近一点点 就让你牵手
再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走
你还等什么 时间已经不多

再向前一点点 我就会点头
再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲
不过三个字 别犹豫这么久
只要你说出口 你就能拥有我

我不相信 都动了感情却到不了爱情
那么贴心 却进不了心底
你能不能快一点决定 对我说我爱你

再靠近一点点 就让你牵手
再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走
你还等什么 时间已经不多

再向前一点点 我就会点头
再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲
不过三个字 别犹豫这么久
只要你说出口 你就能拥有我

只要你说出口 你就能拥有我

SIGH... Probably 90% of it is true:'(

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Think quick!!!

This is really looking bad... I've stayed up all night trying to study for Maths... Of course I was on Facebook and MSN too, so got a bit distracted I guess:P But seriously, DAMN Maths, I hate it!!! I stayed up all night, but can't figure why is it done that way... Stupid Taylor's Polynomial crap... And the test is on Wednesday... SIGH *shakes head* Can't believe how 'much' study I've done throughout this Mid-Sem Break... SIGH...

Anyways, that's not the main point of this post... Today I went to Jing's 26th Birthday Party at her house... It was in Victoria Park, so I had to take a train and a bus to get there... Overall, it was quite fun being there, especially how it's sorta a catch-up time for all of us since the Bridging Course=)

Jing's birthday cake

Pressies given by her host-mum

YUMMY food prepared specially for us=)


(L-R)TOP: Ming Ming, Frank; BOTTOM: Chase, Zoe, Fei Fei

with Zoe, and Chase at the background...

with Jing...

with Chase...

with Linda (Jing's friend)...

with Fei Fei...

Group having cake happily=)


*See more photos on Facebook...

Anyways, that was the happy part of the day... The scary part of the day was when I got on the train to Clarkson... All was fine, and I sat at the very corner two seats as usual, and probably up to Leederville, when this guy came on and sat on the seats next to mine (not next to me)... I always look around wherever I am, so no doubt was I looking around on the train too... I admit I did look at him casually, I mean, he's sitting next to me, it's hard to look around without looking AT him... At first, he seems alright, but after a few minutes, he seriously seems like a stalker!!! Like when my phone vibrated so many times (approximately 15 times, when Chase kept calling me as his phone was probably kept on the re-dialling mode), he looked at me and my phone every single time... Ok, people may argue that he had to look because it's so strange when someone else's phone kept vibrating so many times... BUT!!! What about when I took my books out, trying to study but got distracted instead, and realises how he kept looking at me... He doesn't look at me as in the 'stare-stare-stare-WTH are you doing' type look, it's one of those I'm-a-stalker look:P HEHE:P

By that time, the train had probably got to Warwick, and I was so freaked out, it's almost halfway home, and I haven't got a clue of what I should do... So then I decided I got to alight at the next stop, even if I have to wait for another 15 minutes due to it's a weekend, who cares... But then the next stop is Greenwood, one of the quietest stop ever!!! If I got off there, everything would probably be worse... SIGH... So I decided that Whitfords would be a good place to alight:) So I stood up, and started walking towards the door... As I turned back to see if I had left anything on the seat, I noticed him turning back to look at me with those eerie eyes again... OMG!!! I'm seriously FREAKED OUT now... And when I got to the door, he started getting up from his seat, and started walking towards me... Right before my mind was back into the reality world, he was standing opposite me, leaning against the wall...

Had to think really quickly of what to do at that moment, since there was probably less than 1 minute before the train will reach Whitfords... So I decided to call Jorine... I asked her very random stuff, and sure she thought I was crazy!!! She obviously knew that I know what she was doing since I spoke to her on MSN the night before, and she literally told me what she was gonna do for the whole day... But I really had nothing in mind to say to her at that time, and I knew that she would probably be the best person to hold on to the phone call without hanging up on me, thinking I've seriously gone crazy!!! And also my phone credits would only allow me to ring OPTUS prepaid people, and no one I could think of would be willing to spend time talking about nothing with me on a nice Sunday arvo...

Whitfords was here, and I decided that I'm not gonna get off the train, since if he was really gonna be getting off, and I had to wait 15 minutes for the next train, I would have no idea what could happen in that time... So the train stopped, and I obviously haven't press the button, which made the door not open, and he was standing there staring at me for not getting off the train as he had expected... Everything seemed so suss at that instant, so then he probably decided that he should press the button and get off... He got off, and I literally turned back 2 seconds later to see if he had hopped on again from another door, but he was MISSING!!! NOT THERE!!! WTH?!?!?! He LITERALLY DISAPPEARED!!! So I started telling Jorine the whole scenario... And of course she was giving me her blur responses as usual, up until probably when I'm almost getting off the train, she started asking me 'HUH??? Then are you ok now ar???' -.- Jorine, my dear, if I wasn't ok, I wouldn't have been chatting to you the whole time:) Anyways, when I got off the train, he wasn't there, and I tried running home as fast as possible:P


Friday, September 19, 2008


messages from Facebook in 5 hours...

The pop-up when you're on MSN just keeps saying "You've received a message from Facebook"...
On Facebook, the notifications just keeps increasing in numbers...

In Hotmail, the messages are all titled "-the person's name- commented on a photo of you/Jorine Seow's photo on Facebook..."

And as quoted by Jorine, are everyone of us on Facebook 24/7??? Once a person had commented, another will follow through... Then another follows...

I guess I can't deny the fact that I'm one of those people, probably the major one??? And I probably did write like 90 comments when I sat in front of my laptop for the whole 3 hours on Facebook literally after all these notifications came on... And when Jorine's comments all tally up to about 175, and I wrote half of the comments, it's serious stuff we're talking here, ok!!! But I had to defend myself in most cases, so yea, can't be blamed...:P HEHE:P I guess I can empathise with Jorine, since if we had posted about 175 comments, although some of it are hers anyway, but she would still probably have about 150 messages in her inbox from Facebook, which is still more than me:P BUT, we must remember that she already has over 1000 messages in her inbox that she couldn't be bothered to clear, so how does a mere 150 messages affect her at all??? Hmmn...:P

Moral of the story: Don't upload your pics on Facebook especially, unless you want to get flooded with comments within the first few hours that you upload it, and when you get the notifications on for your email, be prepared to flood that too:)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

All entries finally posted!!!

YIPEE!!! All of my past entries have been posted... Finally!!! After all of the tests and exams and assignments due, here is a bit more than the half of the Mid-Sem Break, and I finally have the time to sit down and complete the posts that have been saved since as long as three weeks ago!!!

To Tiffany and Jorine, I hope you guys are pleased to see that THAT PARTICULAR POST is finally posted on!!! After such a long time I have promised you guys it will be up:P Though I can't figure why you guys are SO INTERESTED in my life story!!! You guys know that I'm slow at doing things, and that post really included a whole bunch of sentimental value stuff that couldn't be penned down in a day or two... For Sharon, I haven't got a clue why you were up so late, or is 5am termed as early to read my blog? You didn't feel like sleeping huh??? Worse still, it's that particular entry too!!! Gosh you're resourceful!!! Anyways, I probably missed out quite a bit of details in every post since I can't remember much, and so I only managed to note down whatever I remember:P

I probably won't have much time to blog in the coming two weeks, which means there will be more posts saved til two weeks later at least to be updated... For those who reads my blog, unfortunately you just gotta WAIT patiently!!! There's gonna be MATH1020 Tests coming up consecutively in the coming weeks(Why did they leave all the tests to the last minute??? They should have got me motivated to study earlier!!!), starting from next week, and I hate it when things are always due the same week, the same time!!! Springfest is coming up in 3 weeks(and we haven't even decided what to sell, how to even prepare to practice???), my OB 2000 words essay is due in 2.5 weeks, the FA group assignment is due in 3 weeks(but thanks to Shan who managed to photocopy the whole book yesterday in just a few hours!!! GOOD WORK!!!) and there's much much more:'( Very soon, the MO Test is coming too, in like 5.5 weeks, and then we'll have another study break, and that will be a STUDY BREAK, with no distractions as exams will come before we all know it!!! But straight after that, it's back to SINGAPORE=) YIPEE!!! LOL:P

Survey-yet again!!!

For the past week I guess, I have been asking around for opinions again... Yup, it's my job to do another survey, and this time the topic is:

At the very last moment before he turns to leave,would you then have the courage to scream out "I'll always love you forever"?

And the survey is mainly based on what they think of it, whether guys will say it to girls, or girls will say it to guys, or both, or neither... It is a in-general based question, although most people had replied me with "It really depends on the people", "depends whether they are active or passive", "depends on their personality"...

People's responses:

C**** - guys will say it to girls
comments: most of the time anyway...

C***** - guys will say it to girls
comments: they are more active...

girls wouldn't say it to guys
comments: they are shy...

D**** - neither
comments: wished it would happen, but this only happens in dramas and fairytales...

F***** - girls will say it to guys

F***** - guys will say it to girls

F**** - girls will say it to guys
comments: guys would just let it go, as they are very muddle-headed, they will never have the courage to say so...

H*** - both
comments: he personally will...

J**** - guys will say it to girls
comments: only guys would do this kind of things, girls wouldn't...

J****** - guys will say it to girls
comments: he personally wouldn't...

girls might say it to guys
comments: but nothing happens after that...

J***** - guys will say it to girls

S****** - neither
comments: but guys are egotistical...

S***** - girls might say it to guys
comments: though she wouldn't say it personally...

T****** - neither
comments: it happens in fairytales only...

Z******* - guys will say it to girls
comments: girls are less courageous...

Good thing to ponder about...:P

*Names are censored off, as they may not like their names being 'exposed' to the public:P But if you don't mind your name being up there, tell me:) I'll be happy to change:)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of Mid-Sem Break

Today is the first day of our Mid-Sem Break... It is also the day I have my FA Exam:( I didnt' sleep the whole last night trying to study for it... I'm really not getting it due to the fact that I haven't been reading the book... Trying to grasp the whole FA thing in one night, and trying to read 350 pages is just not easy at all:( Don't I just wish that I had not procrastinated so much, and that I would have gotten much done than what I have now??? Sitting in the Murdoch Lecture Theatre, looking around at this one girl who was sitting next to me, writing furiously on her paper, and looking at the other side where there's people leaving as they either finished, or they couldn't attempt the question afterall, like me... FA is probably easier to understand if you had an accounting base, instead of going into lectures everytime not understanding what the lecturers are on about... Reading the book is one thing, but understanding it fully is another thing... I'm a person who only absorbs things slowly, that's the way my brain works, I don't normally understand what is being taught at the instant... Worse still, I don't understand things by reading the book, I would learn faster with a person tutoring me, than asking me to read the bloody books!!! One thing I could easily pass maths was due to we didn't have to read the books... All the teachers had to do was do examples on the board, together with the notes, I'll be fine with passing maths... In Uni, we had to absorb everything ourselves, that's probably the difference between high school and Uni life... High school maths is also different from Uni's... We had guidance from teachers in high school, and it's easier to seek help from teachers in high school... Especially when we have teachers like Mr. Eames, Mr. Tozer, Mr. Ferguson, Mr Hackett, Mrs. Andruszkiw, Mrs. Bell and so on... God I miss high school!!! Uni is very different, the examples presented to you are damn easy, but the questions handed to you are completely different, much much harder!!! SIGH... Is this what they call high school students are more spoon-fed than in Uni???

SIGH5(as quoted from Sharon's FB before)... means SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH... I'm feeling down... Is it because I think I could have done better for MO and FA??? Or is it because I didn't managed to tag along with my bunch of friends to Swan Valley? I'm not feeling sad, but just down... Do they even mean the same thing??? SIGH5... I don't even know now... :'(

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sick Sick Sick!!!

I was all fine on Thursday night... Still as joyful and talkative on MSN as usual... Doing my FA tute work last minute again... No idea why when I woke up on Friday morning, I felt sick... Not like those where I don't feel like going to school kinda sick, but actually SICK!!! So as I went to Uni on Friday, I wasn't concentrating at all... I couldn't speak as the sore throat was killing me, I felt restless and tired, I felt hot on the face, yet freezing cold everywhere else... I was wearing two tops and one jacket, but had to take Tiffany's jacket as well since I really was cold... In the end, while we're all meant to be studying for the MO Test on Tuesday, I was sleeping... It wasn't comfortable lying your head on the table and feeling heaps cold, but all I thought about was SLEEP!!! So as I slept through from 12pm til 4pm, I still wasn't getting any better:( I got medicine from Jorine & Jia Chen, but still felt really bad... Finally at about 5pm, I decided to go home, and I literally slept on the train.... The minute I got home, I put down my stuff and grabbed my blanket & pillow and slept on the couch!!! I was half asleep but half awake at the same time as my bro started talking to me, but nothing was really processing in my mind... So in the end I slept through the rest of my Friday without showering nor eating anything... For Saturday, I woke up in the morning to cook porridge, but it got burnt since the stove at my house was an electrical one, and that stuff will start getting burnt at the bottom before the top is even cooked!!! So anyway, ate the porridge and was gonna get studying, but felt so sick that I wanted to take a nap, and that nap turned into me sleeping for the rest of my Saturday as well!!! Woke up on Sunday morning, tried to do some study for MO, but seriously, I had slept for almost 35 hours throughout the whole weekend!!! And I'm still tired!!! All this time was spent on sleeping, not studying!!! I'm so freaking screwed for the test and exam!!! And the worst thing was that when I start coughing, I'll cough like mad, and can't ever stop!!! It's so annoying when you're sitting in the library, and suddenly you start coughing non-stop, and the library's meant to be for quiet study!!! SIGH...

But anyways, a big thank you to everyone who have been there to help me throughout the weakest part of my life:)

Benjamin(my bro) - At least he boiled water, cooked for himself, and cleaned the house a bit:)

Chase - Thanks for the sympathy given on the blog and MSN... LOL:P

Eugene - You probably was the most concerned one, with all the texts(heaps of them) to ask me if I’m alright and kept asking me to go see doctor:P

Fei Fei - Thanks for all of the FA help:)

Hugo - Thanks for all the MO and FA help and company to study:)

Jia Chen - Thanks for the medicine(green packet herbal thing-looking thingy)=)

Jing - Saw her on the bus, and thanks for the get-well-soon wishes=)

Johnson - Thanks for the comments on Facebook… You were so quick, straight after I changed my status, you commented on it:P

Jorine - Thanks for the medicine(pi pa kao) and company=)

Shan Min - Thanks for the FA help wherever possible=)

Sharon - Thanks for the Facebook regards:) And also the company at Reid(looking at 男生 *cough-cough*):P

Tifffany - Thanks for the jacket, that helped, but still freezing cold... And also thanks for all the help I could get from MO:)

Yukako - Thanks for the Facebook comments:)

Zhi Xiang - Thanks for all the advice I would get from my mum, but where’s the Fedex box of fruits? I’m still waiting!!!

Zoe - Thanks for all of the FA help:)

I know there are still a lot of people who have helped me, but I can't remember all of them now... Sorry if I really had forgotten about you, but still thanks for all of the support given anyway=)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


To my dearest friends who constantly read my blog(this is probably dedicated to Jorine only), YUP, I am currently heaps sick, don't ask me how I got sick, I haven't got a clue too... I was perfectly fine on Thursday, and suddenly Friday was just a 180 degrees turn in my health:( Anyways, I had a mild fever, massive sore throat and headache on Friday... Though the fever had gone down on Saturday, but the sore throat and headache sorta got worse... So practically I slept through the whole of my Friday and Saturday, and for those who didn't know, YES, I have a MO Test(14%) on Tuesday and FA Exam(30%) on Saturday, and guess what??? Due to my sickness, I haven't got the chance to study... And the worst case of all??? I haven't got a clue what the units are about since I never really did my MO tutes anyway, and for the FA tutes, hmmn, I just practically 'referred' to the answers I've got:P YUP, that's why I'm gonna fail these two things quite badly:( SIGH:(

Anyways, for those who keep track with my blog, and wondering why I haven't been updating my blog, well, that's cause I've been pretty busy with school work, and well, I'm sick now, and with these tests and exams coming up, blogging is definitely not the thing I would be thinking of now... Although I'm sorta updating it now??? SIGH... I just love contradicting myself, don't I:P But I'll update all my unfinished posts(probably like 5 of them???) after Saturday=) So be patient, guys=) And for Jorine and Tiffany waiting for that particular post, all I can say is BE PATIENT=)

And for those who wants to have a sleepover at my house, think twice... Not that I'm scaring you guys, but seriously, I have 3 spare rooms... But I have to say my house is like, hmmn, run-down inside... In the sense that the bathroom is small, the place where you shower have no door thing(but it's an enclosed bathroom la), it's like it only has this crappy curtain thingy only... And the toilet which is situated in another corner, the flush thing doesn't work!!! Don't ask me why la, I also don't know!!! And seriously, the three rooms I have are literally empty inside... And I've got a heaps small TV, a bit bigger than what Jorine used to have anyway... So you guys mind sleeping on the ground??? But anyways, if you guys still decided to come, leave a comment on the blog la, or ring me to tell me who's coming, cause I need to know, though it probably doesn't really matter, but still!!! And cause I will be so busy trying to get rid of my stupid sickness and studying for MO & FA, and I'll only sorta be free after Saturday arvo... SIGH... But please don't be mistaken, it's not that I don't want you guys to come, it's just that I don't want you guys to come and get bored throughout the whole time, and thus regretted coming, if you know what I mean... It's just that I gotta warn you guys of what I have at home...


*Bring sleeping bags, if any of you do happen to have one anyway:P

Endnote: I've been so sick, and quite thanks to this, I've survived quite a bit=)

Except for the fact that I seemed to have drank almost half the bottle of it:P And that it also seems that sick people can't take pictures straight-up!!! SAD CASE...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My enriching Uni life=)

Ever wondered what a Uni student's life is all about??? Let me bring you on this AMAZING tour of my Uni Life... Thursday is the day where I finish the earliest, supposedly 10.45am, but of course, there will always be events that lead me up to going home heaps late... LOL=)

Well, firstly, wake up in the morning at about 6-yish as usual, went to Uni for the stupid 9am MATH1020 lecture EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!! Then FA lecture,nothing much interesting there, except for the fact that the FA Exam worth of 30% is on next week, and I haven't started studying(or would a better term be: I don't even know what FA is all about!!!... Maybe I would if I hadn't been copying the tute answers every single week:P)... Anyways, went to Jorine's house and practically watched Tiffany try do her STATS work(would COPYING be a better term for it???)... Well, this is the time of the week where people namely Jorine & Tiffany & Hugo-The 3 Musketeers, Shan Min(not so much la) and Wendy starts to panic about handing in their STATS work on Fridays... It's so funny how during Fridays outings, they will all be rushing to complete it by 4pm... HAHA=)

Then went to MLC to do the fornightly OB Quiz with Wendy... Took like an hour to do it together, and went on the internet looking for answers-YUP!!! It's CHEATING!!! But we got full marks=) That's the main point... YIPEE!!! Then went to Harbour Town to check out something... But when I got off the Yellow Cat, I was like one of the few people to get off first, and this guy in front of me obliviously thought that I was his girlfriend, and started holding my hand!!! Of course I was so freaked out that I immediately reacted to the extent where he sorta turned around and realised "OOPS, it's the wrong person!?!?!?" LOL:P Anyways, I swear the people at the back saw everything, and I was so embarrassed to turn around to 'find' his girlfriend, so I just quickly walked away... What an awkward moment there!!! SIGH... And the worst thing??? My hand wasn't even held by any of my boyfriends before... And it's being held by a random stranger!?!?! OMG!!! What a SAD CASE...

Anyways, just shopped around for awhile and realised it was about 5pm, so decided to go home... Went to the Perth train station, and OMG!!! How many people were filling up the spaces there??? Geez...

People crowding around the train station...

People getting on the train...

People all packed on the train as well... Had to stand all the way back home:(

When it's time for me to get off??? Well, it's all empty now...

Oh, and before I forget... Prior to going home, I went to the Joondalup shops since it's late night shopping... And guess what happens when Cadbury chocolates are on offer??? Hmmn... Yea well, I buy them, IN BULK=)


P.S. Some are meant to be brought back to Singapore since the new ones cost like $8 in Singapore!!! Soo expensive!!!

As I was walking back home from the train station, I came acroos the Moon and decided to take a picture since I haven't seen the Moon for ages!!! Not at my house anyway:P

A typical Uni student life??? Or maybe it's just me??? HEHE=)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What has the World become to?

Hmmn... Well... There's this MATH1020 Test on today, and it's like worth 9%, and I totally screwed it up, despite the fact that I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT STUDYING FOR IT?!?!?! SIGH... WHAT A FAILURE!!! It's like a 30 mins test(I thought it was 45 mins???), and there were like 5 questions, but when I looked at the first page, I was like OMG!!! How to freaking prove the question??? Remember how we used to prove all these maths stuff involving all that SOH CAH TOA in Yr 11 G&T, oh god, wasn't that FUN?!?!?! Anyways, totally stuffed up that test, and I hate those questions with ambiguous answers!!! That's cause I never get them!!! That's why!!! LOL... I swear I always start thinking critically after the test, and realised all the stupid mistakes I've made in the test... Like the last question where it asked about the closest distance from a point on the axis to a circle. When you do it, by right you'll get ONE
answer... But if considering the fact that the point is sitting on the axis, it could be closest to TWO points on the circle(equivalent distances)... SIGH...

And when I think back... Was it worth staying up all night to study for a 30 mins maths test??? It sounds horrifying, since it's only 30 mins, and it is only worth 9%, that's like freaking CRAZY man!!! Not sleeping a wink at all, GEEZ, I must LOVE MATHS, don't I??? And I didn't
drink coffee in the morning too, don't know how I survived that whole day, really... HAHA=) Oh well, my first maths test that I failed:(

Monday, September 1, 2008

There goes Winter, Here comes Spring=)

Today's the first day of Spring... I'm not actually looking forward to Spring at all, simply cause I love Winter so so much=) It's cold, but I'd rather that than any other seasons, i.e. Summer that is burning HOT!!! Spring is just a 'staircase' to Summer, that's why I don't like it...:P

Anyways, people who know me will know that I'm random... So as I was walking from Esplanade train station to the Busport, I came across this 'thing' where I thought it's worth taking it down:P

Geez... Look at that mist on top of the building!!! Isn't it meant to be Spring now???

Cloudy everywhere...

Where's the Sun???

Wet, Wet, Wet... Everywhere is wet...