Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What has the World become to?

Hmmn... Well... There's this MATH1020 Test on today, and it's like worth 9%, and I totally screwed it up, despite the fact that I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT STUDYING FOR IT?!?!?! SIGH... WHAT A FAILURE!!! It's like a 30 mins test(I thought it was 45 mins???), and there were like 5 questions, but when I looked at the first page, I was like OMG!!! How to freaking prove the question??? Remember how we used to prove all these maths stuff involving all that SOH CAH TOA in Yr 11 G&T, oh god, wasn't that FUN?!?!?! Anyways, totally stuffed up that test, and I hate those questions with ambiguous answers!!! That's cause I never get them!!! That's why!!! LOL... I swear I always start thinking critically after the test, and realised all the stupid mistakes I've made in the test... Like the last question where it asked about the closest distance from a point on the axis to a circle. When you do it, by right you'll get ONE
answer... But if considering the fact that the point is sitting on the axis, it could be closest to TWO points on the circle(equivalent distances)... SIGH...

And when I think back... Was it worth staying up all night to study for a 30 mins maths test??? It sounds horrifying, since it's only 30 mins, and it is only worth 9%, that's like freaking CRAZY man!!! Not sleeping a wink at all, GEEZ, I must LOVE MATHS, don't I??? And I didn't
drink coffee in the morning too, don't know how I survived that whole day, really... HAHA=) Oh well, my first maths test that I failed:(

1 voices:

sharoneow said...

lol it's okay it's uni!! can't expect 80s and 90s nemore.. dat's the biggest lesson i've learnt this yr.. hahah
n yeah i spent one whole week n 2 sleepless nite for a 40minutes MCQ worth 10% siggggh why did we do that = =