Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sick Sick Sick!!!

I was all fine on Thursday night... Still as joyful and talkative on MSN as usual... Doing my FA tute work last minute again... No idea why when I woke up on Friday morning, I felt sick... Not like those where I don't feel like going to school kinda sick, but actually SICK!!! So as I went to Uni on Friday, I wasn't concentrating at all... I couldn't speak as the sore throat was killing me, I felt restless and tired, I felt hot on the face, yet freezing cold everywhere else... I was wearing two tops and one jacket, but had to take Tiffany's jacket as well since I really was cold... In the end, while we're all meant to be studying for the MO Test on Tuesday, I was sleeping... It wasn't comfortable lying your head on the table and feeling heaps cold, but all I thought about was SLEEP!!! So as I slept through from 12pm til 4pm, I still wasn't getting any better:( I got medicine from Jorine & Jia Chen, but still felt really bad... Finally at about 5pm, I decided to go home, and I literally slept on the train.... The minute I got home, I put down my stuff and grabbed my blanket & pillow and slept on the couch!!! I was half asleep but half awake at the same time as my bro started talking to me, but nothing was really processing in my mind... So in the end I slept through the rest of my Friday without showering nor eating anything... For Saturday, I woke up in the morning to cook porridge, but it got burnt since the stove at my house was an electrical one, and that stuff will start getting burnt at the bottom before the top is even cooked!!! So anyway, ate the porridge and was gonna get studying, but felt so sick that I wanted to take a nap, and that nap turned into me sleeping for the rest of my Saturday as well!!! Woke up on Sunday morning, tried to do some study for MO, but seriously, I had slept for almost 35 hours throughout the whole weekend!!! And I'm still tired!!! All this time was spent on sleeping, not studying!!! I'm so freaking screwed for the test and exam!!! And the worst thing was that when I start coughing, I'll cough like mad, and can't ever stop!!! It's so annoying when you're sitting in the library, and suddenly you start coughing non-stop, and the library's meant to be for quiet study!!! SIGH...

But anyways, a big thank you to everyone who have been there to help me throughout the weakest part of my life:)

Benjamin(my bro) - At least he boiled water, cooked for himself, and cleaned the house a bit:)

Chase - Thanks for the sympathy given on the blog and MSN... LOL:P

Eugene - You probably was the most concerned one, with all the texts(heaps of them) to ask me if I’m alright and kept asking me to go see doctor:P

Fei Fei - Thanks for all of the FA help:)

Hugo - Thanks for all the MO and FA help and company to study:)

Jia Chen - Thanks for the medicine(green packet herbal thing-looking thingy)=)

Jing - Saw her on the bus, and thanks for the get-well-soon wishes=)

Johnson - Thanks for the comments on Facebook… You were so quick, straight after I changed my status, you commented on it:P

Jorine - Thanks for the medicine(pi pa kao) and company=)

Shan Min - Thanks for the FA help wherever possible=)

Sharon - Thanks for the Facebook regards:) And also the company at Reid(looking at 男生 *cough-cough*):P

Tifffany - Thanks for the jacket, that helped, but still freezing cold... And also thanks for all the help I could get from MO:)

Yukako - Thanks for the Facebook comments:)

Zhi Xiang - Thanks for all the advice I would get from my mum, but where’s the Fedex box of fruits? I’m still waiting!!!

Zoe - Thanks for all of the FA help:)

I know there are still a lot of people who have helped me, but I can't remember all of them now... Sorry if I really had forgotten about you, but still thanks for all of the support given anyway=)

2 voices:

Jorine said...

awwww.. so sweet...

lol... well.. at least now you know that there are so MANY ppl cared for you. =P

Celia-YuLing said...