Friday, September 19, 2008


messages from Facebook in 5 hours...

The pop-up when you're on MSN just keeps saying "You've received a message from Facebook"...
On Facebook, the notifications just keeps increasing in numbers...

In Hotmail, the messages are all titled "-the person's name- commented on a photo of you/Jorine Seow's photo on Facebook..."

And as quoted by Jorine, are everyone of us on Facebook 24/7??? Once a person had commented, another will follow through... Then another follows...

I guess I can't deny the fact that I'm one of those people, probably the major one??? And I probably did write like 90 comments when I sat in front of my laptop for the whole 3 hours on Facebook literally after all these notifications came on... And when Jorine's comments all tally up to about 175, and I wrote half of the comments, it's serious stuff we're talking here, ok!!! But I had to defend myself in most cases, so yea, can't be blamed...:P HEHE:P I guess I can empathise with Jorine, since if we had posted about 175 comments, although some of it are hers anyway, but she would still probably have about 150 messages in her inbox from Facebook, which is still more than me:P BUT, we must remember that she already has over 1000 messages in her inbox that she couldn't be bothered to clear, so how does a mere 150 messages affect her at all??? Hmmn...:P

Moral of the story: Don't upload your pics on Facebook especially, unless you want to get flooded with comments within the first few hours that you upload it, and when you get the notifications on for your email, be prepared to flood that too:)

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