Thursday, September 18, 2008

All entries finally posted!!!

YIPEE!!! All of my past entries have been posted... Finally!!! After all of the tests and exams and assignments due, here is a bit more than the half of the Mid-Sem Break, and I finally have the time to sit down and complete the posts that have been saved since as long as three weeks ago!!!

To Tiffany and Jorine, I hope you guys are pleased to see that THAT PARTICULAR POST is finally posted on!!! After such a long time I have promised you guys it will be up:P Though I can't figure why you guys are SO INTERESTED in my life story!!! You guys know that I'm slow at doing things, and that post really included a whole bunch of sentimental value stuff that couldn't be penned down in a day or two... For Sharon, I haven't got a clue why you were up so late, or is 5am termed as early to read my blog? You didn't feel like sleeping huh??? Worse still, it's that particular entry too!!! Gosh you're resourceful!!! Anyways, I probably missed out quite a bit of details in every post since I can't remember much, and so I only managed to note down whatever I remember:P

I probably won't have much time to blog in the coming two weeks, which means there will be more posts saved til two weeks later at least to be updated... For those who reads my blog, unfortunately you just gotta WAIT patiently!!! There's gonna be MATH1020 Tests coming up consecutively in the coming weeks(Why did they leave all the tests to the last minute??? They should have got me motivated to study earlier!!!), starting from next week, and I hate it when things are always due the same week, the same time!!! Springfest is coming up in 3 weeks(and we haven't even decided what to sell, how to even prepare to practice???), my OB 2000 words essay is due in 2.5 weeks, the FA group assignment is due in 3 weeks(but thanks to Shan who managed to photocopy the whole book yesterday in just a few hours!!! GOOD WORK!!!) and there's much much more:'( Very soon, the MO Test is coming too, in like 5.5 weeks, and then we'll have another study break, and that will be a STUDY BREAK, with no distractions as exams will come before we all know it!!! But straight after that, it's back to SINGAPORE=) YIPEE!!! LOL:P

2 voices:

Jorine said...

my dear girl.. entry is all the way behind..

put more pics la....

your blog looks kinda dull....


but still.. i kinda enjoy reading the entry.. =)

Celia-YuLing said...

More pics??? You wanna download even more ar??? LOL>.< Eh... Not many people read my blog anyway, dull jiu dull lor... Plus, what pics can I put up??? When I'm sick??? See first la, when I have more time... :P