Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of Mid-Sem Break

Today is the first day of our Mid-Sem Break... It is also the day I have my FA Exam:( I didnt' sleep the whole last night trying to study for it... I'm really not getting it due to the fact that I haven't been reading the book... Trying to grasp the whole FA thing in one night, and trying to read 350 pages is just not easy at all:( Don't I just wish that I had not procrastinated so much, and that I would have gotten much done than what I have now??? Sitting in the Murdoch Lecture Theatre, looking around at this one girl who was sitting next to me, writing furiously on her paper, and looking at the other side where there's people leaving as they either finished, or they couldn't attempt the question afterall, like me... FA is probably easier to understand if you had an accounting base, instead of going into lectures everytime not understanding what the lecturers are on about... Reading the book is one thing, but understanding it fully is another thing... I'm a person who only absorbs things slowly, that's the way my brain works, I don't normally understand what is being taught at the instant... Worse still, I don't understand things by reading the book, I would learn faster with a person tutoring me, than asking me to read the bloody books!!! One thing I could easily pass maths was due to we didn't have to read the books... All the teachers had to do was do examples on the board, together with the notes, I'll be fine with passing maths... In Uni, we had to absorb everything ourselves, that's probably the difference between high school and Uni life... High school maths is also different from Uni's... We had guidance from teachers in high school, and it's easier to seek help from teachers in high school... Especially when we have teachers like Mr. Eames, Mr. Tozer, Mr. Ferguson, Mr Hackett, Mrs. Andruszkiw, Mrs. Bell and so on... God I miss high school!!! Uni is very different, the examples presented to you are damn easy, but the questions handed to you are completely different, much much harder!!! SIGH... Is this what they call high school students are more spoon-fed than in Uni???

SIGH5(as quoted from Sharon's FB before)... means SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH... I'm feeling down... Is it because I think I could have done better for MO and FA??? Or is it because I didn't managed to tag along with my bunch of friends to Swan Valley? I'm not feeling sad, but just down... Do they even mean the same thing??? SIGH5... I don't even know now... :'(

2 voices:

sharoneow said...

LOL high5 to sigh5 =p yeah i'm procrastinatin on ur blog ><

Celia-YuLing said...

Hmmn... I figured that out!!! LOL>.<