Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do women get very clumsy when they have their...?

I dunno, this sounds crazy, but I seemed very clumsy somehow, even Kenneth was like, be more CAREFUL!!!

Well, previously how it happened way back when I was running to the train station as usual, running on a concrete ground with slippers on, even if the grip on the slippers wasn't very good, you still can't technically slip and fall on a ground that's made of gravel can you??? Well I did-.-

I nearly got to the train station, I slipped abit, managed not to fall this time, oh and guess what??? In the end all my tiny muffins dropped to the ground-.- The lady beside me running was like OH MY!!! Then I had to waste time to pick them all up too, just cause it's not good to litter like this-.-

Then there's times where I reached the train station and tagged on, but when the train comes, I hesitate because I cannot remember if I've actually tagged on or not, then I tagged it, and actually got tagged off-.- So I panicked having trying to tag on again, and most likely would miss the train, then of course the bus-.-

So anyways, talk about Thursday first... Chen Yi and I were walking back from IGA grocery shopping, we were just talking about some girls stuff, and we were getting so hyper about saying not getting it for a few months is good, sometimes we even wish for it to be here; at least it makes us feel normal... Before I know it, Friday I've got it... It's rather bad, and I didn't wish for it, not exactly-.- So I was feeling sick on Friday, and god it was my longest day of the week-.- Managed to attend two tutes as time passes by slowly... MA lecture was forever boring, and OMG!!! Let me fast forward my story a bit first... Around 2.30pm ish, when I was supposed to be attending the finance lecture, but was feeling terribly horrible, so I decided to carry the heavy stuff I've bought and left at Chen Yi's house the previous day home... It was like 2+kg of minced pork, 1kg of wanton skin, finance textbook, and all other miscellaneous crap I've got in my bag because I slept over, in the end it felt like I was dragging a rock home-.- Out of all days, when I was carrying the super heavy stuff, Ana couldn't send me home, well halfway to Warwick anyways, cause she had to go home and complete MyFinanceLab which was due at 4pm... So back to my story, I was dragging these big bags out of Biz School looking like a sick Santa, I saw someone who suddenly looked so different from what I've always seen in lectures... He had this charming little smile hanging on his face, that was never seen in lectures... He was forever boring in lectures, a monotone lecturer who never fails to make me hesitate about whether to attend his lecture, and every single time I attended the lecture, I would complain to either Eugene or Yun or occasionally Jasper about how I really don't understand what he's going on about, especially when his lecture notes don't even go accordingly... They jump here and there, and it's full of words-.- So anyways, for some random reason, time was going past so slowly then, and it seemed forever he had that smile hanging, looking like an actual HUMAN BEING!!! But despite all that, it still didn't make me like your unit any better, even though everyone said it's such an easy unit to do...

Ok, seriously back to my main point now... I realised I'm so talkative, even on blogs, where I jump off at a tangent very easily-.- I got home around 4pm, was so tired I decided to take out my blanket and sleep on the couch... Before I knew it, Robin and Katrina came back around 6pm, and I was looking like I sleep-walked from the room to the couch-.- So they were like 'Are you alright?' I figured I prolly looked like a ghost with very long hair and no lights on at home-.- So then they said they were gonna cook Laksa, and blah blah blah, like I'd mentioned 2 posts before... As usual, the girls always ended up cooking while the guys gamed their way through-.- So we were trying to open the can of coconut cream, but there's this part where the can opener didn't managed to cut through, so I decided to use a chopstick to poke it through, little did I know I used too much strength, and although I poked through, the coconut cream burst upwards and got some on the ground and everywhere, and quite a bit on my hand too-.-

That's fine, until when we decided to cook hard boiled eggs, and I was getting this bowl-plate with water, so I could put the eggs in after to let it cool down before peeling off the shell... A moment after I put in the water, I walked to the stove, at a strangely abnormal fast speed, which caused the water to all spill on the ground-.- Something must have kept my mind occupied so I wasn't thinking...

I then decided to get some catalogue paper and put it on the ground to absorb the water, so I got it, and it reminded me of the 50% off Tresemme shampoo + conditioner, so I was gonna show it to Katrina, thinking I would be helping her save money also ma, which caused me to forget the big puddle of water on the kitchen ceramic ground, so I slipped... Well nearly, cause I hurriedly hung on to Katrina's arm!!! She must have thought I was super duper out of my mind, but yea-.-

Then last night when I was washing the dishes, I was washing Katrina's cup when it suddenly slipped out of my hand and leaped like a frog on the kitchen ground... It ended up at one corner, bits and pieces chipped off, so she suggested to throw it away... I feel so sorry, but luckily she has a few other cups too, so it's cool:)

In a nutshell, maybe it's just me who's such clumsy...

2 voices:

Chen Yi said...

haha i like the way you referred to "Chen Yi's house" as if I'm the only occupant! LOL XD

Celia-YuLing said...

'Chen Yi + Jorine's house' - so long to type them all out... Next time I should derive a shortcut, say like CYJ's house:P And it's like your house ma, cause you're the one buying and cooking ma, HEHEXD