Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What worse luck can you get???

Waking up dreading Monday mornings, but still managed to drag yourself off the bed, got on the train and sat down, reached the Esplanade Busport surprisingly earlier, thinking you should be able to reach your Maths class early for once, then you see this...

A whole load of people who are like you, queueing up to get on a bus to Uni-.- Not only that, the queue was never seen before so long... It was literally the whole stretch of the busport from E1 to E5-.- Normally the queue would only be around the Blue CAT stop where you come down from the escalator... Unfortunately when I managed to find my camera in a pile of miscellaneous in my bag, the queue was already shortened to E3-.- But still, you get the point there...

Then anyways, I was going home on the train, when I saw this guy and a Caucasian lady that was sorta beside me... The guy has sorta this, um, mental thingy going on, but he seemed nice, just like you know, they behave like little kids, so yea... Anyways, it was nearly reaching Greenwood station, and the lady was like telling him to quickly get up cause they were gonna get off... And being a 'kid', you know it's one of those reactions whereby you'll be like 'No I don't wanna get off' etc, and I think the lady's like a caretaker, so obviously she can't fully pull him off the seat forcefully, like how these tactics never seem to work on kids... Sometimes when these 'hard' approaches don't work, you gotta use a 'soft' approach... So the lady was coaxing him, and that was when the train had just stopped, yet she was still telling him patiently "Come on, the train door is closing, we gotta hurry..." The guy finally got up, and she was holding his hand firmly, leading him towards the door swiftly, and that's when they were one step to the door that it shut on them... And what happened next was unbelievable... The people in that carriage I was on all started to mutter 'AWWWWWWWWWWW' harmoniously, and you could see the look on that lady's face she wasn't pissed off or anything, she was just like 'SIGH...' I don't know why, but it just seems so sweet!!! But again, Greenwood is like a stop where not many people get on, neither does many people get off too, so it's also unavoidable that the door shuts too quickly...

The guy with the lady beside him whilst waiting to get off at Whitfords...
(A very blurry pic cause I couldn't possibly hold my camera up high to take a shot right???)
And that guy was so sweet, he bid everyone goodbye before getting off the train...

So anyways, I got off at Joondalup and went to the Chinese shop to get some stuff... You know, I really dread going there sometimes, I mean, if it wasn't for the convenience (yet not so convenient since it's not located right beside the train station), I wouldn't have gone there... Ever since that incident with her dumb 'we-accept-no-more-than-10-coins-rule' that wasn't a sign that was even posted anywhere around the shop, and it prolly only applies to me purely because I was gonna pay her in coins with a $7 purchase, every single time that lady boss sees me, she gives me that evil stare... It does creeps me out a little at times when going there alone, but that's like the only Chinese store in Joondalup that I know!!!

So anyways, I went in there and got the stuff I needed in 5 minutes, bascially didn't wanna stay in there for too long, and in total my purchase was $5.70... I swear she had the worst attitude ever at that moment, was fully in a deep-sounded angry tone, and I had no choice but to give her a $50 note, so there she was with her evil stare again, and looked like she was gonna kill me for giving a $50 note... Also, when she returned the change, she chucked it on the table unwillingly!!! I was so mad at her, but I thought you know, maybe it is my fault for giving such a big note, so for a moment I was gonna let it go...

Not until where the next moment this Caucasian guy came up to the cashier, and she greeted him so politely, was fully like "Hello! How has your day been? etc etc" He got this 250mL of chocolate milk, costed say like $2.80, and though he apologised for giving a $100 note, the lady boss was fully like "Oh, that is fine!" I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE IS SUCH A B****!!! If the Chinese shops in Northbridge weren't so far to walk to, I would have gotten the stuff I needed there frequently... I wouldn't wanna go to this stupid crap place with the worst attitude ever store to get stuff if I didn't need to!!! And obviously unfortunately I have to-.-If I ever can open a store, I'd open a Chinese shop right OPPOSITE hers, set prices a tweeny tiny bit lower, snatch away ALL HER CUSTOMERS, and go MUAHAHAHAHA at her EVERYDAY!!! GOD I AM FUMING MAD AND PISSED OFF!!!


So then, I got home around 3pm and got started with my wantons wrapping, knowing that doing it alone would take at least 5 hours of hardwork wrapping if I work efficiently...

It all looks great, but by the time I was done with wrapping them, it was like 11pm-.- I know, I obviously wasn't very efficient with time, but take into account that I needed to cook dinner and shower, so you gotta give me credit somehow... At 11pm, considering I haven't even cook them, and if I don't do so, they'll be spoilt in no time like the other time Kenneth and I spent hours on it, but because it was late, we were tired, and we didn't get a chance to cook them, and everything had to be thrown away...

Having not enough sleep for basically the past few weeks, and considering I haven't been doing much study during the past few weekends as well, yet still am dying from the fatigue, and of course staying up late to make these wantons are just so tiring-.- In between steaming the wantons, I was talking to Kenneth on the phone and basically trying to take a very short nap, cause the wantons were meant to be in the pot for say 3-5 mins long each round with 6-7 in it, and imagine I've got roughly 267 of wantons, so it's like 4 hours at least!!! Yeap, I know that sounds crazy when I've got a tute the next morning that I obviously haven't done anything for it either-.- Didn't speak to Kenneth for any much longer, and like I've said, fatigue was a major problem for me cause I never seemed to be able to sleep it back, and snugging under your blanket, keeping you warm and comfy on the couch, at 1.30am caused me to sleep on, on and on and on and on and on...

Then on and on and on and on and on...

Until this happened...

I woke up, having the blurrest look I would think I've got, vaguely remembering the fire is still on, opened the pot cap, smelt the worst smoke ever, started filling my house up with the smoke, saw the blackest thing ever, and EYES GO WIDE OPEN!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Yeap, those are my wantons-.- Very black aye??? And you know what??? They're very crispy too... You can hear the crispiness 'cracking' when you put them out in the cold air...

And this is the pot after, totally looking BLACK in that whole pot yes!!!

Imagine I steamed the wantons, and it became black... Just imagine, how can you ever steamed something to black??? So I looked at the clock, realising oh great it's 2.30am, I slept for 1 hour, and it was all because the pot got dried up with water, smoke was gathering together, and when I opened the pot cap, I unintentionally filled my house with smoke... Unfortunately I was still in a shock + sleepy mode I forgot to take a picture of the smoky kitchen... It was SO LUCKY I woke up, I mean, I sleep like a pig, my mum often tells me that if the house was on fire, I would die in that house-.- Something would have made me woke up somehow... But with that unbearable smoke, I couldn't just go to bed like that... So I had to open the door and let the smoke get out, feeling so guilty yet tired, I managed to stay up til 3.30am when the smoke wasn't as bad anymore, I went to bed...

Woke up the next morning, opened the room door, smelt this awful smell in the living room... Yes I remember what I did, and when Robin and Katrina woke up, first thing asked: 'Did you burn something?' SIGH... I know I know, how terrible??? I sprayed the air freshener so many times you have NO IDEA, but it wasn't helpful:(

So I had to go to Uni for the tute, skipping Maths as usual, got to Uni at 9.40am, and first thing I got off the bus??? It was drizzling-.- Nevermind I thought, continued to walk on, passed Arts when it started raining a bit more heavily, was at Social Sciences when it started pouring-.- Just this one day, one day I woke up in the morning feeling drastically tired, didn't check the weather forecast the night before (not that they're trustworthy I realised), decided not to wear a hoodie but a normal jacket instead, it rained, pouring heavily-.-

So I managed to get a bit of shelter at Guild, texted Roong Yeei to see if she had an umbrella, and she replied "Walking in the rain. :(" So I thought it would be fine to carry on walking, with the rain perservering on strongly, until I reached that killer path from Agriculture towards Business School, a path with no shelter at all-.- The rain was getting worse by then, but I had 5 minutes to 10am, and waitng for the rain to subside, god knows when is it, with clothes half wet already, I decided to run across the path... Along the way running, I saw our FA lecturer Sze Kee Koh, who looked at me with those eyes like doesn't this girl know how to bring an umbrella???

Within minutes, got to the bike area of Business School, feeling glad it was only a bit bit more to go, chiong all the way until I saw all these people crowding around right outside Business School after finishing their class... It was all fine before, until I noticed all these people glaring at me, and these guys standing at one corner saying out loud "WOW!!! What happened to this girl???" I mean, I DO understand English you know, it would be good if you could just keep quiet... But when I went into the toilet before going to the tute, I did realise I look like a bit like... Those where your boyfriend brings you out on a date, then decides to bring you to say a garden field or something, starts to tell you he wants a break-up and leaves after finishing what he has to say, then it starts to pour, and you stand there like an idiot, still trying to absorb what he had just said, after hours you finally accepted the fact that he's gone from your life, got home and the first instant you open the door, you parents would go OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! That type of reaction... That's prolly how I looked when I see myself in the mirror, so I guess I can't blame anyone...

So then went into the tute, with everyone looking dry, with their eyes on you, you see Rong Yeei coming in, and she looked exactly like me - drenched-.- How fun??? We were totally drenched from head to toe, all because we walked all the way from the bus-stop at the front of Uni all the way to Business School, which is god damn far away and doesn't exactly have a shelter anywhere!!! It was so uncomfy with wet clothes sticking on to your arms, and wet shoes making your feet feel so yucky-.- I had water constantly dripping from my hair, and it really made me look like a woman who has just been dumped-.- Anyways, couldn't take a picture during the tute, so we decided to take a picture after class, when the Sun came out-.-

Rong Yeei with the big puddle of water...

We were totally drenched at first, but guess it dried up quite a bit after... On our head anyways, not much on the shoe part though...:(

Then I went to the city, and saw this sign that said 'SWINE FLU - Available here NOW!!!' Just thought it was funny to share with:P

That's about all to say for now, I know it's a rather long post... Well Done to anyone, that is, if they've read through this whole post=)

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