Saturday, August 15, 2009


Everyone has secrets... You have secrets, I have secrets too... They may be short term ones, like those where you are planning a surprise birthday party for your friend... They may be long term ones, like how you cheated on your husband, had an affair with someone else and never wanna let anyone else know... Some people may have dark secrets, and when I say dark, I actually mean very very dark ones... I wouldn't deny I have got a very dark secret... Or maybe two??? But that's not the point of this post...

Sometimes when people do things, there's certain things they wouldn't want you to find out... Maybe they would only want the involved parties to know about it... This can then be considered a secret as it is defined as a knowledge or view that is concealed from others or known only to oneself or to a few... And the catch here is, what if, and I mean, if and only if(learnt this phrase in Maths:P), you accidentally found out their secret, what should you do??? Tell them you know their secret??? Pretend you never knew???

One day, you were living your life like any other day, then you sorta saw something, then you thought to yourself, hmmn, did they just did that together, or they took turns, but I just never saw it... Then the next day at one moment in time, you saw them both disappeared at the same time, so does that confirm what you saw and thought previously???

Another day, you were doing someone else a favour, so you seeked another person for help... Never did you thought that you would see something you weren't meant to see, and what do you do after that? Then this other time, you were throwing away something, and being a busybody, you looked through something to see something else... Now you start to think, oh god, really? Did they use it? So many???

Then this other other day, you were looking at a very cool invention... It's nicely made and it spins... As fascinating as it can get, something happened... The top little cover falls out... In this little cool invention hides something inside you also would have never thought... Gee, really? Do they do it thus use it? Some are already gone, and you really think, hmmn...

People reading this post would have gotten real confused by now I believe... Especially by my something(s)... Well, how should I put it??? Say it as my curiosity skills, or pure luck with good anaylsing skills, may it be a secret or not, I shall not divulge more to anyone else... Probably there would only be one person to share this with, I mean, afterall, it's not something I would share it with everyone, or even anyone... The something(s) don't only happen to one person, so don't go around guessing when you don't know the full story... They involve a number of people, and yes, Kenneth's probably the only one who will know, also because he's not here to judge anyone or anything, being a third party for everything, and of course, other than him, who else can I tell this to???:P

P.S. I only decided to write this up because I'm really amazed by what I accidentally found out, and NO!!! I haven't been digging anything, it's just that as you walk through life, they just come to you like that, and it doesn't just revolves around in the house but outside too... So don't guess too much, you won't get much out of it... Or out from me anyways... It's not about selfish-ness; not sharing news and gossips here with friends, it's just having self-interests for people whom I was talking about, which may not be easy to guess who they are anyways... Although Kenneth's easy to bribe, but NO!!! Don't you guys dare to have any thoughts about getting info outta him!!!:P The last sentence most probably applies to Jorine most:P

The main thing is to think about, when you ever come across things you reckon you weren't supposed to know, what would you do? How should or would you react?

2 voices:

sharoneow said...

haha pretend you know nth.. =p
sometimes we really know too much for our own gud..

Celia-YuLing said...

AHA! Sharon, always the first to comment:P You know how there's times where you dunno the secret, and you desperately wants to know cause you're so curious, then when you know about it, you just felt like you didn't want to know? SIGH...