Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day...

I came across someone's blog today... A person you may well know too... He had suffered from depression, and is still working hard to let go of the past whilst walking straight to the end of life... On one of his entries, he wrote:

"I also believe that if you truly love someone, you wouldn’t want to see her miserable. If a divorce was going to make her happier, then what can I do? It wasn’t like I didn’t do anything. I have pleaded, persuaded, even rationalised and also brought our kids into the picture. I have tried all ways and means yet I still couldn’t salvage the situation. After a few months of separation, I finally signed the papers. Believe me when I said it wasn’t easy as my heart broke that day for I truly did love my ex-wife."

By David Chuah

This is what you think as well, isn't it??? You just think that that's the best you can ever do, and by doing this it's not gonna hurt as much, don't you??? What a noble way of thinking??? With you thinking that's the best way out, have you ever thought about how I feel??? For the first few hours, it was just tears and tears... Tears flooding the table, with papers all around absorbing the tears up... With every person's consolation on MSN still couldn't be compared to one word 'Sorry' that came out from your mouth... Finally managed to drag myself to bed, still awaiting for one text message from you that never arrived... Throughout the night woke up several times was all cause I wanted to hear from you... Awaiting that perhaps you could still wake me up, there was no calls from you... The heart felt lost, not knowing what to do, not knowing where to go... Everything seems to be moving at a fast speed with the clock constantly ticking whilst I'm still stuck there waiting to see your pic appearing on my mobile screen... Unfortunately all I keep seeing is other people texting me... My inbox is filled up with messages, but none of them are from you... It always used to be from you only, and now there's none at all...

If I said, I had people all surrounding you to make sure you're fine, would I find out that you did the same to me too??? Perhaps not...

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