Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The worst day of my life...

Thanks to some very unluckiness, I'm even having so much pain trying to type now... This is seriously the worst that can ever add to my sorrow right now...

I woke up this morning, a little late than usual, but still managed to wash up, get changed, spread my bread, and heat up a pie in the microwave... Before I left, everything was fine, and though like usual, I have to run to the train station again, but you know, I've been doing that type of running for years now, ever since High School... So I was there running thinking I should be able to make it today, shouldn't be a poblem as I was crossing over to the Park N Ride when I prolly stepped over a small stone or something without noticing, and that's when I started tumbling down and rolling quite a bit in barely a few seconds, then suddenly I heard someone saying 'Are you alright?', and that's when I hurriedly got up, told him I'm fine, then looked at my hands, and think 'No I'm not at all fine'... It seemed I was very distracted for a moment, felt painless for a moment, then I guess the sudden knocked back to your senses sorta got to me, and tears flowed out... It hurt alot... Then the image of you came to my mind... I started going to and fro, not knowing if I should go back home, in fact a little scared cause I like just told my mum I was leaving the house, and there I appeared back at home-.- But anyways, I got home, got the expected 'I thought you said you were leaving' reaction, hurriedly got a few plasters and ran out of the house... I didn't want an interrogation, not at that point in time anyways...

So... Disgusting pictures of my clumsiness... Or was it because of the Lunar 7th month??? Hmmn...

Right-hand... It's quite a deep injury, hurts like hell!!!

Left-hand... I tried to patch the skin back...


Not a as serious scratch on my foot...

This jeans meant alot to me; significant value, and now it's getting a hole and threads are coming off:'( SIGH...

I can't even hold a pen properly now, it's so hard to write in the econs tute just now:( And OMG, WTH was the quiz just now??? Seriously, at first I thought didn't have to do an essay this sem, instead we'll have to do 5 quizzes of 3% each fornightly, that would be perfect to score for econs!!! Then, you look at the questions in the quiz, and seriously, 10 MCQ in 10 minutes isn't easy... See, the thing is, people often say 120 MCQs in 120 minutes is crazy! Yes that's true, but 10 MCQs in 10 minutes is even worst!!! Doing the maths, it's the same, it's still 1 MCQ per minute... BUT!!! If you really gave a thought about it, in 120 MCQs, they would not all be on the same difficulty level... Some questions would be shorter than other questions to read; some questions are more easily answered than others... Also, if you were ever to use a formula, certain times the formula can be reused, which means that you wouldn't have to sit there cracking your brains cause you can't remember which was the appropriate formula to use... And there's other questions where they've got a major question, and the following 5 questions would relate back to the major question you have read... That technically saves time from reading a brand new question again!!! But, when you actually do a quiz of 10 MCQs in 10 minutes, what is the amount of time for you to finally get settled into the mood that God you're doing a freaking quiz right now, STOP WASTING TIME!!! Or, times where you read the question for the first time for the basic understanding and figures, then secondly you have to draw graphs and answer the question, by then, wouldn't 1 minute would have gone past past??? Yes I know it's a group work sorta thing, but so??? You can't appoint certain people doing the first 3, middle 4, last 3 questions when they print the quiz paper back to back, and there was only ONE COPY!!! Also of course, it could also be a matter of trust that you would check your team mates answers, so 10 freaking minutes is not enough!!! Ahhh!!! One last thing to add on, knowing people have to walk from the front of the school or Octagon to Business School for the tute, at least start the tute a bit later, so people won't miss out the first few minutes and this tutor go 'Oh well, you're late, so no extra time'... He could have just gone through with the questions that has to be discussed in the tutes FIRST, THEN do the quiz since everyone should have gotten there by then!!! Oh oh, and one more note to add to it, I swear our lecturer said that we had 15 minutes to do the quiz!!! So I'm so GRR at the tutor now, though he seems like a nice old guy, but still!!! -.-

(edited: 7.30pm)

Mum cooked these today, hehe:P

Dinner dinner=)

By the way, thanks Jorine for waking up so early to get me larger size plasters and accompanying me walk to Biz School=) Love you:P

2 voices:

Ryeeei said...

dooo not remind me abt econs! so depressing! and your hand looks painful :(

Celia-YuLing said...

LOL Rong Yeei!!! Our tutor is zzz==

How was STATS today; the lecture you barely attended for weeks!!! And you're only attending because of the test next week aye??? And I know what you did in Reid today with that huge pile of notes:P Gotta give me a treat to shut me up:P Something more expensive than $2.50:P HAHA>.<

Yea, my hand hurts alot, I haven't figured a way out to shower with those bruises everywhere yet... Any ideas???