Saturday, August 15, 2009

My weekends always seemed wasted...

(14th August)

I always say to myself, I'm gonna be productive this weekend, of course, I never really do it as much as I really wanted to... Things always crop up, and as much as it seems like I'm full of excuses, it's true... Last night, Robin and Katrina came back with this Laksa thingy and said 'Cooking Laksa tonight!', so um, yea, we went to get the other ingredients straight, then got straight to cooking=)

Our ingredients for 4=)

This very new looking laksa thingy that has premix packet A and B + extra sambal chilli...

(Katrina and I stood in the kitchen reading the instructions for half an hour, trying to figure out why the instructions only said to put 600mL of water but did not mention anything about coconut milk at all... When we finally decided to just cook whatever is there, we opened and realised Packet B was actually the coconut powder-.-)

P.S. On the Laksa packet, it said serves 3, but how on earth does 600ml of water serves enough for 3 people??? Only barely enough for ONE!!!

Fishballs, prawns, chicken pieces, and beansprouts...

Our awesome Laksa soup (That's not 600ml in there, we added in another type of Laksa paste to cook about 2L of soup in all=)

My very gorgeous housemate Katrina, who claimed to hate photos cause she looks hideous in them... I love my housemate, cause at least she's there to help me out with cooking and washing dishes and all sorts=)



(15th August)

This morning Andrew and Phoebe came along, and our breakfast cum lunch was eating leftovers food from last night, which was Laksa... Because there wasn't much soup to offer, saving up every single bit of soup left in the bowl is important to having more noodles... Thus in the end, this occurred...

HAHA:P I dunno why, but this photo just makes me laugh when I look at it... Regardless of the way the bowls are placed, the direction of the chopsticks are pointing at, the soup in it, everything... Just funny:P

Phoebe obsessed with Bop-It...

Then it was 3.30pm, time to go shopping... So there we go...

BULK SHOPPING AGAIN... HEHE:P Milo cereals were on offer, and OMG!!! Tresemme Shampoo + Conditioner were like more than 50% off, so Katrina and I were like: 'GET IT!!!':P We SAVED almost $50 on the shampoo + conditioner buying 8 big bottles, how good is that??? MUAHAHA:P

P.S. I bought like 6 bottles for Kenneth say 3 months ago when it was on offer like this as well:P HEHE, I'm such a nice girlfriend:P

with Phoebe...

with Phoebe and Andrew...

Phoebe obsessed with her doggy...

To Andrew: Sometimes trying to hide from the camera just doesn't work:P

Then we went bulk shopping for something else... Never exactly did that before with so many people, but still...

We all bought almost worth of $50 of 84 cents lolly bars together, yea it was super cheap, and NO!!! I wasn't the one who found this awesome deal, Robin and Katrina did, so yea! It was a 1 in 5 chance win too=) Much better than those MARS & Snickers bars my brother always buy for $1 that has 1 in 6 chance win... Oh, if you guys didn't know, it's winning a free bar instantly!!!

Like this...

HEHE:P After buying so much, the first one I opened was an instant free bar=) Unfortunately, the ones I opened after weren't instant win:(

Phoebe's doggy with the bars...

Then we went feeding ducks... The first pond looking thing we went to, had 2 ducks from afar, but they didn't try come near us, and that place was a little isolated here and there, and us being afraid of weird creatures coming out from nowhere, we left the place not long after...

This picture is interesting cause Katrina is seen in the picture like she lost something important or someone dearly, while Phoebe was trying to pull her away like 'Don't brood over it anymore, let's go...':P

This sign is also interesting because it apparently says that no birds really appear at this pond looking place, but in 2008, 3 wrens appeared, and 2 black swans were spotted during both 2007 & 2008...=)

Duck feeding...

This photo is funny because Andrew was there smiling for the picture, but Robin was spoiling it at the back, seemingly jumping off-.-

Tonight's dinner...

That's what I call the um, internal bleeding chicken drumstick:P

Our chicken soup, that was meant to be chicken curry, but um, when we were cooking all the ingredients, the soup seemed irresistible, so we decided to leave out the curry powder:P

Veggie and chicken fillet...

Haven't been a productive weekend so far, hope that tomorrow will be better=)

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