Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photos Day...

Today at work was, how should I say it? Fun because we took heaps of pictures while the 'heads' weren't around... And that doesn't often occurs too, because most people would be busy with work, and no one would want to take pictures with us; mainly Shuhada, Kenneth, and I:(

Stack of work that had to be done today...

The so-called *ahem* couple:P
(blurry picture due to the COLDNESS in the office-.-)

Me and Mama Shuhada=)

Mama Shuhada and her 2 little kiddies=)

With our Chingay tickets=)

With our dearest Lily=)

The first official note I had to leave for Mr Lim while he was away:P MUAHAHA:P

People at Work=)
Front desk...
Mama Shuhada...
Auntie Karen...

Lily...(multi-tasking~talking and eating at the same time)

Kenneth and I handling the BBCC Books=)

End of Work=)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A happy happy day=)

Today at the CC seems to be a busy day... With the deadline for the bursaries closed, it's now time for the internal office people to sort out everything, according to levels of Primary/Secondary/Poly/JC's/Uni and check their eligibility for the bursaries etc...

Khadijah and files and files of bursary forms...

Kenneth and Aunt Karen working hardXD

Ahh, this lil kitten was so cute... It came around and wouldn't leave after... It seems to love the carpet alot, although it just loves rolling over the carpet and sits there:P

Suhaili and the cute lil kitten that came back for her everytime after being put to somewhere else, I Swear!!!

End of work=)

And why am I so happy today??? Well, cause in the CC, there's this promotion thingy going on currently, and it's when you sign up for a new membership, you will get a free Chingay ticket... This one fine day as I was working with Uncle King John, there was this customer who signed up for the membership but didn't want the ticket cause he wanted two but obviously couldn't get two for one membership, so I asked Uncle King John if I could have it... Actually I'm not a person who's really into those Arts stuff, but it just seems cool, and Uncle King John said I could have it under that customer's name, and if there was another customer who comes along not wanting the ticket, I could have it too=) For that whole day, I've been waiting and waiting for someone to not have the ticket so I could have it, cause going alone is pretty sad... So I told Kenneth about it, and we made a deal that if I could get a second ticket, he would go with me... So at night, this lady came along and signed up for the membership... Upon knowing it would give a free Chingay ticket, she decided to sign up for another membership for her husband... So there were only 2 tickets left in the file, although there were seats apart, the lady still decided to get 2 memberships anyways... So she took away the ticket for the person who was sitting next to me:'( I was so devastated to know that at that time:'( It's like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So for the rest of that evening, I was just being EMO:'( So anyways, after EMO-ing heaps, I suddenly remembered Mdm Lee keeping a ticket herself a few days ago because of the same situation, so I really hope she wouldn't want to go herself or something, so I could have the ticket:P That sounded very mean, but still... Since the tickets came in a bunch of 12 in the same row, I was hoping Mdm Lee's ticket would be somewhere near the one I got... So I phoned Mdm Lee about it, and she said she didn't mind giving it to me, however, she forgot where she placed it:S So then when she came back to the office to find it today, after searching high and low for it, she finally found it slipped in between the Course List sheet=) And coincidentally it was the seat V112, whilst the one I got was V111, so YIPEE=) Ahh, I'm so HAPPY=)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting ready for the Hong Bao Presentation=)

Nothing much at work today...

Can't remember why I took a picture of Aunt Karen working, but yea:P

The table number thingy I've gotta cut for the Senior Citizens' Hong Bao Presentation on the 18th... Think it was around 105 tables or so, so it's gonna be a grand looking event, and both Kenneth and I are sooo looking forward to it, though he's not working that day and I'm working afternoon, but we'll come early to see it:P Heh, sif it's some kind of performanceXD

The dinner Uncle King John packed for me from some buffet from something... Kenneth was jealous about this:P

End of Work=)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Questions I keep getting asked...


Hmmn, a very good question indeed, but why does it seem so difficult to answer??? I used to think, what type of job do you expect working in a Community Club/Centre??? Isn't it just you know, those jobs, doing this and that??? But what exactly are those jobs, and this and that??? So basically, for me, I tend to multitask... Not cause I always multitask anyways, but my job requires me to multitask alot... Every minute, I could be asked to do something for someone... Sometimes it could range from managing to do the job within a minute, sometimes it could take me a whole day to do it... Not forgetting my seat is at the counter, so whatever I do, there's many times I can't leave my counter seat, in other words, I'm stuck there, unlike Kenneth, who's free to move about, has no fixed seat:( DAMN YOU!!!:@

So anyways, what I've basically been doing are handling customers' enquiries; picking up constantly ringing phone calls; helping the inside office people to do stuff; hearing the 'ding dong ding dong' bell and gotta press those buttons to open the gates etc. for vehicles to come in; gotta give out keys to rooms for courses/classes when the instructors come for it; doing SINGPASS, gotta
handle paperwork like bursaries and senior citizen hong bao presentation thingy etc...

Handling customers' enquiries may sound easy, but the catch is, you never know what's coming for you... Of course for some, you could easily guess what they come for, or even be able to answer their enquiries easily... But most of the time, it's so hard to predict, and when times are busy, things that you know may become things that you don't know... Confusing enquries do make you blur at times, especially when they ask questions like
why isn't the police station open on this particular Sunday night; someone peed on the ground in the class, so they need to mop it but couldn't find the mop; calling to ask for numbers about those transportation given to Primary Schools students where they get transported to and fro to school from home; someone complained about someone else smoking, and asked if we caught it on the CCTV, so we could use as evidence to fine him $500 or $1000 for smoking in a prohibited place??? I mean, some questions are just ridiculous man, they come to you so sudden, it's so hard to come up with a satisfactory answer for them-.- Like can't they ask the appropriate people instead of asking the people who sits in the CC, having other more relevant work to do... Go to a police station and ask why they didn't open for you, sif the CC would know... Go find the cleaners for the mop... Go call up the Primary School for the relevant numbers, do you think the CC keeps a record of all numbers you could get as you want??? Go catch the person directly, or stand in front of him and take a picture of him smoking instead of coming into the CC and ask if that guy was caught on CCTV-.- GEEZ-.-

Helping the inside office people to do stuff sometimes could be annoying when you feel that the counter work is so much to bear, and you still gotta do other stuff... Sometimes it's good, it's like a getaway for me from the counter... But sometimes for some stuff, I really wonder wouldn't it be the same if you did it yourself, instead of walking all the way out and ask me to do it, when it could be completed within a minute... I shall not name what and who ask me to do it, but I guess you can figure out which types are really unnecessary for me to do when you could do it anyways... Often for the inside office people, I would be asked to help photocopy something, say a set of 20 and stapling them into sets for meetings etc.; or having a list of people to ring up to ask if they're coming for this particular event and it gets really annoying when they're always overseas or don't pick up the calls; photocopy 2 sets of a file of a few papers and passing them back to the person again; making coupons on Excel and printing them out then cutting them; altering the personal details of members of a particular Committee group, or sometimes for all the groups which consists of 10 Zones and roughly 7-10 other groups=.='; typing chinese characters up for an event list which gets hard when my chinese truly sucks and after every two words, I would have to ask someone for help:S No offence, some stuff I do really enjoy and don't mind doing it, but there's a few certain stuff I really wonder what do you actually get paid for when you can't even do these lil things yourself when you could walk all the way out to ask me to do it, and I don't ever see you do any other things anyways...

Some other miscellaneous includes pressing those buttons to open the gates for vehicles to come in which I personally find it really annoying, especially times where you really can't breathe with all the work to do, and that stupid 'ding dong ding dong' just pisses you off alot-.- Giving out keys to rooms for courses/classes when the instructors come for it gets annoying at times, and I feel them getting annoyed having to fill up that form for taking the keys as well ok!!! Doing SINGPASS is fun, but really, after doing many times, you sorta get a lil sick of knowing the password to login and having to do it:P Handling paperwork like bursaries and senior citizen hong bao presentation thingy are alrights, but sometimes it gets so repetitive, you also get the feel of pushing those work to others, but there's only Shuhada and Kenneth I can ever push these work to, cause we're of the same rank:P HAHA:P

Overall, as much I've got many views about working at the CC, I still love working here... There's many great people to mix with, and I think these type of job are more suited to my character, much more than waitressing and cashiers anyways... I think surveyor is an ideal job for me too:P

*Have got a toothache today, so couldn't go running with Kenneth as promised:(

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A BUSY Day???

Haven't got a clue why, but as Kenneth and I were sitting at the counter today, we noticed something we never seen before... For a moment, it seemed like everyone was so busy with work, with so many people on the line talking... Mind you, out of those ones not lighted, perhaps half of them weren't even working that day anyways, so seeing so many people on the phone all at once is quite unusual indeed... Moreover, both DCM and SCM are also on the phone leh, it's like SO BUSY-.- Yea of course, excluding Kenneth and I who were giggling away, and me taking photos while everyone is busy, hehe:P

Because of yesterday's bun from Kenneth, and his promise to get me an apparently nicer bun today, I was so looking forward to eating it, haven't got an idea why... But funnily, cause it was left on the lil table thingy beside the whiteboard in the office, Michael Lai ate it without anyone knowing... Well, not til dinner time when Kenneth was asking me to eat it, and I'm like SO WHERE IS IT???:P LOL:P So then there was this commotion going on over a lil bun and who ate it, but yea... We found the culprit, and Michael Lai offered to buy me dinner cause the bun was meant to be my dinner again... Haha:P At first I was like "Oh well, it's alrights, nevermind", but Kenneth just rushed off to buy dinner for me before I could even say something...

So, the duck rice I was told not to regret having cause I said I didn't mind having whatever dinner Kenneth gets:P

After that, there was this joke going round saying I'm standing to gain from such a situation since a bun was exchanged for a proper dinner meal, and everyone was just laughing at me:P At night, I think it was Aunt Karen who was using the photocopying machine, but the usual her would always be rushing to do stuff for some reason, and somehow the machine died on her, like a lil piece of paper got stuck between the machine, and the worst scenario was that using the other machine was a fuss, so she panicked like mad and the usual her would scream like there's no tomorrow, so yea, I tried to fix it... Without realising it was THAT HOT inside, so I sorta 'burnt' my fingers, and got black marks on my hands:( It did hurt alot, but luckily I fixed it, and Aunt Karen was back to normal again... Thank God!!!

Then outside at the counter tonight, since the bursary forms will all be due in tomorrow, this lil boy came in with a stack of papers, and at first I thought maybe they're just crumpled, so it seemed like alot, but that wasn't the case... There were 6 paperclips, 6 bursary forms handed in-.- I saw it, and first thought was 'OMG!!! Kenneth's gonna be so thrilled knowing this!!!', HAHA:P And when I told him on MSN, sure he was getting as hyper as me:P But it's all cause he's sorta been placed in charged of sorting out these forms for Khadijah recently, so yea... But 6 kids in Singapore, is to some extent seen seldomly??? *shrugs*

End of work=)

Friday, January 9, 2009

A long quiet night...

Today at work was quite a leisure... I mean, ok, I got there a lil late, was like rushing in quickly so that the morning shift people could go and eat their lunch... So anyways, I was at the counter working as usual when the morning shift people came back from lunch... Then Kenneth came over to me and passed me this blue plastic bag of 'thing' and said it was for me... So it was kinda random, but it's like um, thanks anyways??? Haha:P In the end it turned out to be a bun that they happened to pass by a stall, and he just bought it randomly... So the bun became my dinner, heh:P

Bun for dinner=)

There were quite a lot of paper work stuff to do today... Had to print out many many letters, and stick stickers with names on the envelopes, separate out the different locations in terms of North, South, East and West, and then catogorised them in terms of schools, temples, libraries etc., then put the letter in accordingly... It's all because of the distribution of the Bukit Batok books that made all these procedures necessary-.- Though it didn't seemed like that many, but it took 4 people-Uncle Steven, Shuhada, Kenneth and I to do all the work... I think it was cause when you realised a typo error, like how you could address a woman with the address 'Mr', but you can't address a man with the address 'Mdm', so then we had to reprint everything... And considering the fact that the printer is super damn slow, then well, yea, it takes a whole heap of effort really to do that lil work...

Night work was alright, as usual, MSN and being cold with the air conditioning and no one coming in late at night... Haha... Sitting at the counter with Mdm Lee, both on MSN, and me talking to Kenneth... As usual, he would always ask "How's the night work going?"... Nothing much, but we would often chat from prolly 8-10pm every night since damn him, always working in the morning while I work at night:( Tonight's convo was somewhat long, all about random stuff... About how I only ate the bun for dinner, and he was getting mad at me, and said if I really wanted to lose weight, I could lose it by going running with him... Then a problem came since he live in the Central while I live in the North... So Mr Nice Kenneth offered to meet up with me on my off day which is always Saturday, and run with me at the Mandai Tekong Park near my house... MUAHAHA:P Then we chatted about speaking and typing chinese, and how Kenneth was using hanyu pinyin with me, so Mdm Lee challenged him to typing out some chinese words... Kenneth lost, cause he used this phrase where one word was used wrongly!!! MUAHAHA, Mdm Lee spotted that mistake, but I can't remember what phrase was it now, but anyways, so I said I was going to tell the whole CC about it, and Kenneth replied with his usual word 'booo':P

End of Work=)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Day with a bunch of aunties b******-.-

Today's work wasn't that hard... Mdm Lee and I were both on the arvo shift, so we were just sitting at the counter doing nothing much really, since surprisingly it was a rather quiet night... We were doing our own MSN chatting online as usual, when this seemingly gracious lady came in to pay for her course fee... So Mdm Lee goes to her 'Oh, it's $85 in total', and the lady went 'Oh, isn't it $75?'... So of course Mdm Lee explained that it does says on the Course List it's $85 and prolly $75 is for the elementary class... The lady seemed really unhappy about it, but kept pretty quiet about it...

Just then, another few ladies came in and said the same thing about remembering paying $75 for the previous courses, and said they've been learning from this instructor for a very long time, so had no doubt it was $75... So Mdm Lee went on saying that's for the elementary classes and whatsoever... Then these other ladies also came in, and literally a quiet CC had just turned into 'a market with aunties bargaining noisily'-.- Worse still, they were bargaining over a paper of evidence saying it's $85... And their husbands were just sitting there all listening and joining in the fun-.- Then after that, this particular auntie said something like 'Oh, is it actually meant to be $75, but you CC people changed it to $85 to earn money?'... Gee, that was so mean, what do they mean by 'you CC people', far out, you freaking auntie who's being such a stereotype, without the CC, you people wouldn't even find these cheap courses!!! And here you are bargaining over something just cause you think you have many many people up against us-.-

So Mdm Lee said, if the price was really meant to be $75, then the CC will refund the $10 of course, but all the aunties just said 'Why not you collect $75 now, and I'll pay the $10 after if needed? Although both sides have their theory, but sometimes you also gotta know that you'll have to collect the money accordingly using the system, which would have indicated clearly you're meant to be collecting $85, even though there's always a chance where the price stated is wrong... Then this other auntie said to call the trainer at that instant, so Mdm Lee did so... Mdm Lee goes to the trainer 'The fees for the whatever-course-it-was is $85, and you said it's $85 while the elementary ones are $75 right?'... Although the convo wasn't put on speaker, but it seems like the trainer did agree with the price, so Mdm Lee hung up and goes to the bunch of aunties 'Yea, the trainer also said it is'... This is when the bunch of auntie b****** started talking in a more loud and domineering manner, almost screaming 'OH!!! YOU PUT WORDS INTO HIS MOUTH, THAT'S WHY!!!', but seriously, WTF??? I don't normally say the F-word, and I'm still not exactly saying it here, but like what's wrong with you people??? Are the CC people extorting money from you constantly??? You can literally file any, yes I mean any complaints against the CC staff like a piece of cake, and it's sorta under the government, so would they really risk going to jail or whatsoever over your stupid $10??? Far out!!!

It was such a ridiculous scene that I could have burn them all down with the fury deep inside me!!! Especially this one particular auntie that sat right in front of me!!! Especially how they purposely used FORMAL yet RUDE ENGLISH to speak to us, god I hate them!!! And I
bet SHE wasn't putting words in HIS mouth!!! So anyways guess I really couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to go in and talk to Bee Cheng... She just came back from somewhere, and was also wondering why was the CC filled with so many people making such a big fuss... So I roughly told her what was going on, and she also went out to see what could be done...

Luckily, like seriously THANK GOD, the trainer actually came in the office himself after awhile, and all the aunties flew to his side almost instantaneously, all at once asking about the stupid damn price again-.- THANK GOD he goes 'Yes, it's $85 for the more advanced stage', and they all kept probing over the same thing saying it's always been $75 and all crap like that, then he goes 'Oh, I've decided to charge a one-rate price from now on'... Then a different scene was shown, all the aunties had a change of expression and attitude, and goes 'Oh, of course, ok, let's go to our classes now'... I SWEAR IF I WAS CHARIZARD, I WOULD HAVE USED FIRE BLAST TO BURN THEM ALL DOWN-.- GEEZ *shakes head*

* P.S. Charizard is a Pokémon character...

Anyways, they practically paid and left for classes with the trainer-.- And peace is back once again=) YIPEE!!! One thing I admired Mdm Lee from this incident was that she kept her cool all the way through... I mean, she never really talked back at those ridiculous aunties, instead she did her best by 'cooling' them down, although it never seemed successful up until the trainer appeared himself... If it was me, with that situation, I would have so screamed!!! I wouldn't think I would have kept my cool like how Mdm Lee did... If it was Aunt Karen dealing with those aunties, no doubt would she have run away before even anything is said... Aunt Karen would so blast them all off, at the expense of complaints against her...

Mdm Lee is my Idol when it comes to keeping quiet, and able to keep her coolness=)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My longest day at work...

This morning around 9am, someone called, and since I'm such a sleepy pig, of course I would never hear it loud enough to pick up... Reluctantly, I picked up the call, and the first words were "Can I speak to Celia please?" Still in a sleepy mode, I said "Yes, I am", then suddenly found the voice very familiar... As he spoke on saying "I'm Lim Siong", my eyes grew wide open and said "Yes?"... Gee, you have no idea how scary it is, with him calling 'so early' in the morning, and especially when I know I am supposed to work in the arvo shift-.- Anyways, so it was all about some person taking sudden MC, so he was wondering if I could stand in the morning shift... I guess it was hard to reject though I slept pretty late, and would rather sleep in more than working!!! Got to work around 10.45am, then started working, I guess???

Good thing about working morning today meant that I got to go out to lunch with Uncle Steven and others again=) This time it was with Kenneth and Bee Cheng, and we went to the Block 200+ again cause Michael Lai wanted yesterday's Lor Mee again:P Anyways, it was bad luck for him cause the stall wasn't open, and so we ordered other stuff to eat...

I ordered Duck Noodles, and the food at the back belongs to Uncle Steven... Can't remember what it was called, just some fish thingy that tasted fresh and nice....

*I told the stall owner I wanted a little bit more soup, so they changed the super small bowl to a super big bowl-.-

This was Kenneth's lunch, can't remember what it was called too, but I remember I used to love eating this pot thingy when I was younger:P

During lunch, we sorta got into a discussion of having a farewell party sorta thing, maybe eating at Westmall or so, but as we discussed more, Kenneth sorta volunteered to cook for everyone, despite me constantly saying 'I can't COOK!!!'... With a great idea in mind, we sorta even decided to make coupons (Kenneth is so used to making and cutting coupons:P), me doing surveys of what they would like to eat (Yea, it's MY job!!! I'm always a surveyor:P), and maybe Lucy Draw at the end of the party??? MUAHAHAHAHA:P Then it was work time again!!! Since May is going on leave for almost a week or so to Taiwan, she got me to do this thing that's about copying and pasting Committee members details such as name, address, contact numbers/email address, and a big column for signature for prolly 17 groups of people... It didn't seem that difficult before, afterall it's just copying and pasting... But when you come to do it, especially when there's groups of large number of people in the group, also given that I was sitting at the counter, whereby it's the Number 1 place for top distractions with phone calls, enquiries, 'ding dong ding dong' with cars coming in, and people asking you to do this and that, it's just so hard to concentrate... So then luckily I got Kenneth to help me a bit, since I'm stuck with the counter seat for sure, while he's not... He helped me with a few Committee groups, and I tried my best in completing it... It was 6pm, when we still had prolly 7 groups left at least, and this is so impossible to do it... So it was overtime for both of us, and Kenneth helped me til about 7+ when he had to go home for dinner... So I was left with quite a bit left, and May was saying to just leave it, she will try to do it tomorrow morning before she leaves for vacation... But it seems like she has given me the task, and I obviously hadn't finished it, and although I seeked help, but still require her to come back to do it is a bit not too nice... Also, there's certain things where I start off, but won't prefer to give up halfway, maybe I might choose to do a new one, but when it's somewhat related to my interest, I would prefer to finish it off, especially knowing that we've spent so much effort and time on it, and got it halfway though, and just cause it's time to knock off, so we should throw it aside... So in the end, I stayed til 9+ lo, and although Mr Lim Siong was like 'Go home, go home', while Uncle King John goes 'She never eat dinner', and kept stuffing me with food:P

-After a Long Day at Work-

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 2 of Work...

Think it was last Friday when Uncle Steven said that Auntie Karen brought him to this place where the Lor Mee was really nice, and he agreed to bring me there next time when I work morning shift... But truthfully, since 2 temporary staffs can't really be placed together, and Shuhada has a family, I'm bound to be stuck with the afternoon shift forever... Which means that the dream about Uncle Steven saying that during my time working here, he would bring me to as many places as possible to taste the nice food literally doesn't exist... But somehow, I got switched to the morning shift today, was so happy about it=) So during lunch, Uncle Steven
brought Kenneth and me to Block 200+, somewhere near Auntie Karen's house, so we decided to ask her to join us for lunch even though it's her off day:P

My Lemon Tea and Lor Mee=)

I learnt today that, many things, regardless of whether you like or don't like, can never be said within office... Even if it's outside office, you still gotta watch out for your surroundings... It's sorta like a common sense thing for all workplaces... Not like they're really bad-mouthing anyone, but one who loves stories would definitely listen on even though I don't even know the main characters in the convo... Roughly, it's all about Josephine's attitude in working??? I don't know, but I really seldom see her at work... And times where she's at work, I don't think she's really involved in anything... The staff at the CC are nice, but sometimes it seems like there's a certain bias towards some people... Not too sure if the boss favours certain people, but the way people treat them in and out of office are sometimes the complete opposite... Is this the so-called 'mask' that people put on during working periods, and taking it off after??? Anyways, enough about that now... During lunch, we also touched on the topic whereby the seemingly fiercest lady I have ever met (that's what I thought of her on the first day of work:P), Auntie Karen, is apparently one who is super nice, while one of the nicest person I have ever met (that's also what I thought of him on the first day of work:P), Uncle Steven, is apparently one who is super fierce!!!:P On the surface, it always seems like Auntie Karen is the one scolding Uncle Steven, but in actual fact, it's the other way round... Also, it was also said that although Mr Lim Siong is often not at the office, but to some extent, he does know how to plan the schedule... A good example would be how I started work since the 29th December, sorta as a substitute for Santhi who went for Maternity Leave, Shuhada was put on Leave til the 7th Jan, where alot of people start to take Leave etc. to come back to work, meaning he knows not to employ 2 extra people working together---unnecessary payout... I'm so so sorry, Shuhada!!!

The Committe's tops they have to collect and wear for the CC's Open House??? (male and female respectively)

The ground that was once filled with the tops everywhere, but have gotten quite less a week later...

The leftover tops not yet collected...