Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Day with a bunch of aunties b******-.-

Today's work wasn't that hard... Mdm Lee and I were both on the arvo shift, so we were just sitting at the counter doing nothing much really, since surprisingly it was a rather quiet night... We were doing our own MSN chatting online as usual, when this seemingly gracious lady came in to pay for her course fee... So Mdm Lee goes to her 'Oh, it's $85 in total', and the lady went 'Oh, isn't it $75?'... So of course Mdm Lee explained that it does says on the Course List it's $85 and prolly $75 is for the elementary class... The lady seemed really unhappy about it, but kept pretty quiet about it...

Just then, another few ladies came in and said the same thing about remembering paying $75 for the previous courses, and said they've been learning from this instructor for a very long time, so had no doubt it was $75... So Mdm Lee went on saying that's for the elementary classes and whatsoever... Then these other ladies also came in, and literally a quiet CC had just turned into 'a market with aunties bargaining noisily'-.- Worse still, they were bargaining over a paper of evidence saying it's $85... And their husbands were just sitting there all listening and joining in the fun-.- Then after that, this particular auntie said something like 'Oh, is it actually meant to be $75, but you CC people changed it to $85 to earn money?'... Gee, that was so mean, what do they mean by 'you CC people', far out, you freaking auntie who's being such a stereotype, without the CC, you people wouldn't even find these cheap courses!!! And here you are bargaining over something just cause you think you have many many people up against us-.-

So Mdm Lee said, if the price was really meant to be $75, then the CC will refund the $10 of course, but all the aunties just said 'Why not you collect $75 now, and I'll pay the $10 after if needed? Although both sides have their theory, but sometimes you also gotta know that you'll have to collect the money accordingly using the system, which would have indicated clearly you're meant to be collecting $85, even though there's always a chance where the price stated is wrong... Then this other auntie said to call the trainer at that instant, so Mdm Lee did so... Mdm Lee goes to the trainer 'The fees for the whatever-course-it-was is $85, and you said it's $85 while the elementary ones are $75 right?'... Although the convo wasn't put on speaker, but it seems like the trainer did agree with the price, so Mdm Lee hung up and goes to the bunch of aunties 'Yea, the trainer also said it is'... This is when the bunch of auntie b****** started talking in a more loud and domineering manner, almost screaming 'OH!!! YOU PUT WORDS INTO HIS MOUTH, THAT'S WHY!!!', but seriously, WTF??? I don't normally say the F-word, and I'm still not exactly saying it here, but like what's wrong with you people??? Are the CC people extorting money from you constantly??? You can literally file any, yes I mean any complaints against the CC staff like a piece of cake, and it's sorta under the government, so would they really risk going to jail or whatsoever over your stupid $10??? Far out!!!

It was such a ridiculous scene that I could have burn them all down with the fury deep inside me!!! Especially this one particular auntie that sat right in front of me!!! Especially how they purposely used FORMAL yet RUDE ENGLISH to speak to us, god I hate them!!! And I
bet SHE wasn't putting words in HIS mouth!!! So anyways guess I really couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to go in and talk to Bee Cheng... She just came back from somewhere, and was also wondering why was the CC filled with so many people making such a big fuss... So I roughly told her what was going on, and she also went out to see what could be done...

Luckily, like seriously THANK GOD, the trainer actually came in the office himself after awhile, and all the aunties flew to his side almost instantaneously, all at once asking about the stupid damn price again-.- THANK GOD he goes 'Yes, it's $85 for the more advanced stage', and they all kept probing over the same thing saying it's always been $75 and all crap like that, then he goes 'Oh, I've decided to charge a one-rate price from now on'... Then a different scene was shown, all the aunties had a change of expression and attitude, and goes 'Oh, of course, ok, let's go to our classes now'... I SWEAR IF I WAS CHARIZARD, I WOULD HAVE USED FIRE BLAST TO BURN THEM ALL DOWN-.- GEEZ *shakes head*

* P.S. Charizard is a Pokémon character...

Anyways, they practically paid and left for classes with the trainer-.- And peace is back once again=) YIPEE!!! One thing I admired Mdm Lee from this incident was that she kept her cool all the way through... I mean, she never really talked back at those ridiculous aunties, instead she did her best by 'cooling' them down, although it never seemed successful up until the trainer appeared himself... If it was me, with that situation, I would have so screamed!!! I wouldn't think I would have kept my cool like how Mdm Lee did... If it was Aunt Karen dealing with those aunties, no doubt would she have run away before even anything is said... Aunt Karen would so blast them all off, at the expense of complaints against her...

Mdm Lee is my Idol when it comes to keeping quiet, and able to keep her coolness=)

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