Friday, January 9, 2009

A long quiet night...

Today at work was quite a leisure... I mean, ok, I got there a lil late, was like rushing in quickly so that the morning shift people could go and eat their lunch... So anyways, I was at the counter working as usual when the morning shift people came back from lunch... Then Kenneth came over to me and passed me this blue plastic bag of 'thing' and said it was for me... So it was kinda random, but it's like um, thanks anyways??? Haha:P In the end it turned out to be a bun that they happened to pass by a stall, and he just bought it randomly... So the bun became my dinner, heh:P

Bun for dinner=)

There were quite a lot of paper work stuff to do today... Had to print out many many letters, and stick stickers with names on the envelopes, separate out the different locations in terms of North, South, East and West, and then catogorised them in terms of schools, temples, libraries etc., then put the letter in accordingly... It's all because of the distribution of the Bukit Batok books that made all these procedures necessary-.- Though it didn't seemed like that many, but it took 4 people-Uncle Steven, Shuhada, Kenneth and I to do all the work... I think it was cause when you realised a typo error, like how you could address a woman with the address 'Mr', but you can't address a man with the address 'Mdm', so then we had to reprint everything... And considering the fact that the printer is super damn slow, then well, yea, it takes a whole heap of effort really to do that lil work...

Night work was alright, as usual, MSN and being cold with the air conditioning and no one coming in late at night... Haha... Sitting at the counter with Mdm Lee, both on MSN, and me talking to Kenneth... As usual, he would always ask "How's the night work going?"... Nothing much, but we would often chat from prolly 8-10pm every night since damn him, always working in the morning while I work at night:( Tonight's convo was somewhat long, all about random stuff... About how I only ate the bun for dinner, and he was getting mad at me, and said if I really wanted to lose weight, I could lose it by going running with him... Then a problem came since he live in the Central while I live in the North... So Mr Nice Kenneth offered to meet up with me on my off day which is always Saturday, and run with me at the Mandai Tekong Park near my house... MUAHAHA:P Then we chatted about speaking and typing chinese, and how Kenneth was using hanyu pinyin with me, so Mdm Lee challenged him to typing out some chinese words... Kenneth lost, cause he used this phrase where one word was used wrongly!!! MUAHAHA, Mdm Lee spotted that mistake, but I can't remember what phrase was it now, but anyways, so I said I was going to tell the whole CC about it, and Kenneth replied with his usual word 'booo':P

End of Work=)

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