Thursday, January 1, 2009

The last day of the year...

It's the last day of the year, and for some random reason, I just felt like celebrating... Not like attending those wild parties, but just not reaching home before the New Year commences:P So as usual, work first... But before I go out, I took a picture of FiFi and her chewable bone-like food(???):P

At work, we still had to do many things... As usual, those sorting, typing of minutes of meetings, folding letters and putting them into envelopes to be sent out, stamping of letters, and for me, the counter desk would also include picking up calls, attending to the many many enquires made by people who come in, collecting the Bursary forms, helping to register for the Seniors Hong Bao Presentation, getting the Committee's tops for them, and so on so forth... Luckily I'm a temporary staff, otherwise I would hate to also have the authority to collect payments or enrolling of the CC's courses, or help do SINGPASS, or maybe some Seniors Medical Benefits, and of course, the difficult enquiry questions temporary staff may not have to know, but permanent staff would sure have to know the answer:P

The last picture at Work before the year finishes:P

~Back at Causeway Point's Countdown~

2009 something something...:P

Can't remember if it was the best dressed, or the best 2 singers(middle female and male)...

Some band performing...

Still performing...

AWW!!! This little girl is super cute=) Zhi Xiang tried to hide behind me so much, and her frantic look for him was just amusing:P


Some other people performing, feels like they're Power Rangers:P

~Walking back home~

Ah... This block is funny la... The lightbulb was probably faulty, and the light kept flashing, and Zhi Xiang was hell freaked out by it, seriously thinking it was some sort of ghost...
* But this came from cause he claimed to have seen blood dripping down from nowhere before in the broad daylight, so he can't be blamed for the freaking out:P

Camwhoring down my block at almost 2am:P

My really really fat face:(

He's so gonna kill me for this, but whatever!!!:P

Zhi Xiang got sprayed by this thing, I don't know what they're called, but it's these ribbon-ny stuff that sprayed out from the can, and he got it all on his back cause his friend sabotaged him... The sad case was that, because of him, I got sabotaged too!!! Tsk tsk!!!

~Some of the performances taken~
*Probably ain't too clear, but oh well... They're random videos:P

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