Thursday, January 1, 2009

My New Year's Day...

Technically, the first day of the year, of course it was my day off, since it's a public holiday for all... Was going to meet up with two friends I've made in Aussie, but one was all booked for the day, while the other was too tired from the fun she had overnight, so just felt like sleeping through the day-.- Anyways, hope I can hang you out with you two girls soon, Wendy and Jorine=) Probably after Wendy is back from the Japan trip, and when I've got time off work perhaps:P

So anyways, the bored me at home, trying to blog, yet kept falling asleep at the same time-.-, decided to take pictures of my doggy=) Yea, haven't got a clue why, but I love to make fun of them:P So just one classic photo of FiFi here:P


GUYS I've gotta thank...
~Thank YOU for always being the first one to send me text messages...
~Thank YOU for helping me out almost whenever possible...
~Thank YOU for initiating a convo 99% of the time you're online...
~Thank YOU for giving all the possible advices and listening to my nagging constantly...
~Thank YOU for keeping to your word and giving me things...
~Thank YOU for all of the joy and laughter you've brought to me...
~Thank YOU for keeping me company whenever I needed or wanted it...
~Thank YOU for the wonderful memories=)

2009 Resolution:
~Currently already lost 6kg, so hope to lose back to my weight 4 years ago (time when I first went to Aussie) before I go back to Perth...
~At least, procrastinate less, get on MSN and Facebook less, and focus more on studies (not greedy, just 4 Credits for a start next semester:P)...
~Get a job that I want, nothing in mind right now, but hopefully no waitressing nor cashiers jobs...
~Find the special him:P

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