Saturday, January 3, 2009

My busiest day...

Ok, today's the first time I'm working on a morning/afternoon shift... Plus I slept really late last night, so was a bit afraid of waking up late today... I think because of that, I kept tossing and turning the whole night, and didn't really result in sleeping much... Anyways, took the train at 8+ and luckily reached work at 9am=) Surprisingly there was no one there really, just Mr Chew giving me those usual looks, and the common phrase "请问小姐你找谁/请问小姐你是谁"... Anyways, I realised the CC is really very quiet in the morning, so quiet I'm not used to it at all, cause usually there's always so much noises coming from everywhere-.- Today wasn't really very busy, the morning few crowds, then it will go smoothly into afternoon, then lunch=) Then it was 6pm, time to knock off:P So I thought "What an easy day?", and started packing away the things... Just then, this crowd of people came in, and recently the CC is responsible for distributing all of the Committees' red coloured tops... Not too sure if it's for the Grassroot members, but oh well... The whole room was especially emptied to be filled up with those tops everywhere on the ground, and Khadijah had made me sorta in charge of it, so everytime someone comes to claim their top, Mr Chew would be screaming out loud "小妹,帮 Uncle 拿一下", and I would have to get them to sign beside their name and look for the tops... If it's those normal sizes like S/M/L/XL etc, it's very easy to get them... But if it's those custom made ones, I would have to search for those white little stickers with their names on it, which is quite a trouble sometimes... Especially when one person comes, and after he/she is gone, another comes by, so I would have to run between the counter and the room back at the office several times in a day-.- So anyways, cause this swarm of people came, I couldn't really go home, so had to help out til about 6.45pm... After that, I met Xin Zhi at the train station, and we went to CWP to shop for a bit... I'm still trying hard to look for collared tops for work, it's hard to find alright and cheap-ish ones... I mean, it's only for work, plus the pay already isn't alot, I don't wanna spend even more on clothes I probably won't wear too often... After walking for an hour or two, we decided to go home, so we were sitting at the bus interchange taking pictures again:P

The Moon=) The block on the right is the block I'm living at:P

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