Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 2 of Work...

Think it was last Friday when Uncle Steven said that Auntie Karen brought him to this place where the Lor Mee was really nice, and he agreed to bring me there next time when I work morning shift... But truthfully, since 2 temporary staffs can't really be placed together, and Shuhada has a family, I'm bound to be stuck with the afternoon shift forever... Which means that the dream about Uncle Steven saying that during my time working here, he would bring me to as many places as possible to taste the nice food literally doesn't exist... But somehow, I got switched to the morning shift today, was so happy about it=) So during lunch, Uncle Steven
brought Kenneth and me to Block 200+, somewhere near Auntie Karen's house, so we decided to ask her to join us for lunch even though it's her off day:P

My Lemon Tea and Lor Mee=)

I learnt today that, many things, regardless of whether you like or don't like, can never be said within office... Even if it's outside office, you still gotta watch out for your surroundings... It's sorta like a common sense thing for all workplaces... Not like they're really bad-mouthing anyone, but one who loves stories would definitely listen on even though I don't even know the main characters in the convo... Roughly, it's all about Josephine's attitude in working??? I don't know, but I really seldom see her at work... And times where she's at work, I don't think she's really involved in anything... The staff at the CC are nice, but sometimes it seems like there's a certain bias towards some people... Not too sure if the boss favours certain people, but the way people treat them in and out of office are sometimes the complete opposite... Is this the so-called 'mask' that people put on during working periods, and taking it off after??? Anyways, enough about that now... During lunch, we also touched on the topic whereby the seemingly fiercest lady I have ever met (that's what I thought of her on the first day of work:P), Auntie Karen, is apparently one who is super nice, while one of the nicest person I have ever met (that's also what I thought of him on the first day of work:P), Uncle Steven, is apparently one who is super fierce!!!:P On the surface, it always seems like Auntie Karen is the one scolding Uncle Steven, but in actual fact, it's the other way round... Also, it was also said that although Mr Lim Siong is often not at the office, but to some extent, he does know how to plan the schedule... A good example would be how I started work since the 29th December, sorta as a substitute for Santhi who went for Maternity Leave, Shuhada was put on Leave til the 7th Jan, where alot of people start to take Leave etc. to come back to work, meaning he knows not to employ 2 extra people working together---unnecessary payout... I'm so so sorry, Shuhada!!!

The Committe's tops they have to collect and wear for the CC's Open House??? (male and female respectively)

The ground that was once filled with the tops everywhere, but have gotten quite less a week later...

The leftover tops not yet collected...

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