Sunday, January 11, 2009

Questions I keep getting asked...


Hmmn, a very good question indeed, but why does it seem so difficult to answer??? I used to think, what type of job do you expect working in a Community Club/Centre??? Isn't it just you know, those jobs, doing this and that??? But what exactly are those jobs, and this and that??? So basically, for me, I tend to multitask... Not cause I always multitask anyways, but my job requires me to multitask alot... Every minute, I could be asked to do something for someone... Sometimes it could range from managing to do the job within a minute, sometimes it could take me a whole day to do it... Not forgetting my seat is at the counter, so whatever I do, there's many times I can't leave my counter seat, in other words, I'm stuck there, unlike Kenneth, who's free to move about, has no fixed seat:( DAMN YOU!!!:@

So anyways, what I've basically been doing are handling customers' enquiries; picking up constantly ringing phone calls; helping the inside office people to do stuff; hearing the 'ding dong ding dong' bell and gotta press those buttons to open the gates etc. for vehicles to come in; gotta give out keys to rooms for courses/classes when the instructors come for it; doing SINGPASS, gotta
handle paperwork like bursaries and senior citizen hong bao presentation thingy etc...

Handling customers' enquiries may sound easy, but the catch is, you never know what's coming for you... Of course for some, you could easily guess what they come for, or even be able to answer their enquiries easily... But most of the time, it's so hard to predict, and when times are busy, things that you know may become things that you don't know... Confusing enquries do make you blur at times, especially when they ask questions like
why isn't the police station open on this particular Sunday night; someone peed on the ground in the class, so they need to mop it but couldn't find the mop; calling to ask for numbers about those transportation given to Primary Schools students where they get transported to and fro to school from home; someone complained about someone else smoking, and asked if we caught it on the CCTV, so we could use as evidence to fine him $500 or $1000 for smoking in a prohibited place??? I mean, some questions are just ridiculous man, they come to you so sudden, it's so hard to come up with a satisfactory answer for them-.- Like can't they ask the appropriate people instead of asking the people who sits in the CC, having other more relevant work to do... Go to a police station and ask why they didn't open for you, sif the CC would know... Go find the cleaners for the mop... Go call up the Primary School for the relevant numbers, do you think the CC keeps a record of all numbers you could get as you want??? Go catch the person directly, or stand in front of him and take a picture of him smoking instead of coming into the CC and ask if that guy was caught on CCTV-.- GEEZ-.-

Helping the inside office people to do stuff sometimes could be annoying when you feel that the counter work is so much to bear, and you still gotta do other stuff... Sometimes it's good, it's like a getaway for me from the counter... But sometimes for some stuff, I really wonder wouldn't it be the same if you did it yourself, instead of walking all the way out and ask me to do it, when it could be completed within a minute... I shall not name what and who ask me to do it, but I guess you can figure out which types are really unnecessary for me to do when you could do it anyways... Often for the inside office people, I would be asked to help photocopy something, say a set of 20 and stapling them into sets for meetings etc.; or having a list of people to ring up to ask if they're coming for this particular event and it gets really annoying when they're always overseas or don't pick up the calls; photocopy 2 sets of a file of a few papers and passing them back to the person again; making coupons on Excel and printing them out then cutting them; altering the personal details of members of a particular Committee group, or sometimes for all the groups which consists of 10 Zones and roughly 7-10 other groups=.='; typing chinese characters up for an event list which gets hard when my chinese truly sucks and after every two words, I would have to ask someone for help:S No offence, some stuff I do really enjoy and don't mind doing it, but there's a few certain stuff I really wonder what do you actually get paid for when you can't even do these lil things yourself when you could walk all the way out to ask me to do it, and I don't ever see you do any other things anyways...

Some other miscellaneous includes pressing those buttons to open the gates for vehicles to come in which I personally find it really annoying, especially times where you really can't breathe with all the work to do, and that stupid 'ding dong ding dong' just pisses you off alot-.- Giving out keys to rooms for courses/classes when the instructors come for it gets annoying at times, and I feel them getting annoyed having to fill up that form for taking the keys as well ok!!! Doing SINGPASS is fun, but really, after doing many times, you sorta get a lil sick of knowing the password to login and having to do it:P Handling paperwork like bursaries and senior citizen hong bao presentation thingy are alrights, but sometimes it gets so repetitive, you also get the feel of pushing those work to others, but there's only Shuhada and Kenneth I can ever push these work to, cause we're of the same rank:P HAHA:P

Overall, as much I've got many views about working at the CC, I still love working here... There's many great people to mix with, and I think these type of job are more suited to my character, much more than waitressing and cashiers anyways... I think surveyor is an ideal job for me too:P

*Have got a toothache today, so couldn't go running with Kenneth as promised:(

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