Monday, December 22, 2008

As random as it seems...

Well this guy added me on Speeddate, and so we started talking... But only minutes after we started conversing, he popped the question... -.-

z Zs3b4sZ z says:
ask u ar
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill
you says:
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
if we get to no each other better le
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
do we hav the chance to get 2gather?

For God's sake, we only knew each other for minutes!!! How can this even happen??? And so, I avoided as much as possible to give him an answer and went on asking...

[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
you desperately looking for a gf meh?
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
ya loh
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
but y so desperately looking for one leh?
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
i wan some1 4 mi to love

Wanting someone to love is one thing, but asking an online friend out, especially when you only knew her for a few minutes??? WTH?!?!?! So of course I tried to divert him to something else instead of answering "a straight NO, we're not gonna be together"...

[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
you should be studying right?
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
so there should be many girls in your sch?
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
but no feel leh
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
i mean, you could pick someone you could possibly see everyday, than someone you found online ma
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
dunno la
z Zs3b4sZ z says:
c how loh

Guess the convo wasn't going anywhere, but still... I reckon if you've got the feel for someone you know online, isn't a true feeling at all, I mean, of course it's possible to have no feel for someone you see everyday, but having the feel for someone you've never seen, and when it's developed from daily conversing through the net is just so fantasy type...

Anyways, so I told Zhi Xiang about it, since he was talking to me about flying kite the next day... But obviously it shows that he ain't such a good friend:P

zhixiang ???? says:
you like him?

zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
he's trying to pick you up!
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
go with him!
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:

zhixiang ???? says:
how old is he?

zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
go out with him
zhixiang ???? says:
where he stay?
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
try him lor

* 'try him' just sounds so WRONG...

zhixiang ???? says:
not bad
zhixiang ???? says:
can meet him tml
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
what kind of fren have i made here???
zhixiang ???? says:
for movie
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
jia you
zhixiang ???? says:

zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
go with him!

*after another long long time later...

zhixiang ???? says:
zhixiang ???? says:
are you going to meet him?
[Back In Singapore:D] ✪çë£îã - ¥ü£îñg✪ ?????? A (U) can hurt,but it's the memories that kill you says:
zhixiang ???? says:
meet him tml lah
zhixiang ???? says:
let me know how it turns out okay?
zhixiang ???? says:

And thanks for the constant reminder of "he's interested in YOU"-.-

* FYI, I never block him on MSN, but I never spoke to him since then...

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